Element | Description | Class |
broker | An ActiveMQ Message Broker. It consists of a number of transport connectors, network connectors and a bunch of properties which can be used to configure the broker as its lazily created. | org.apache.activemq.xbean.XBeanBrokerService |
Element | Description | Class |
abortSlowAckConsumerStrategy | Abort slow consumers when they reach the configured threshold of slowness, default is that a consumer that has not Ack'd a message for 30 seconds is slow. | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.policy.AbortSlowAckConsumerStrategy |
abortSlowConsumerStrategy | Abort slow consumers when they reach the configured threshold of slowness, default is slow for 30 seconds | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.policy.AbortSlowConsumerStrategy |
authenticationUser | A helper object used to configure simple authentiaction plugin | org.apache.activemq.security.AuthenticationUser |
authorizationEntry | Represents an entry in a {@link DefaultAuthorizationMap} for assigning different operations (read, write, admin) of user roles to a specific destination or a hierarchical wildcard area of destinations. | org.apache.activemq.security.XBeanAuthorizationEntry |
authorizationMap | org.apache.activemq.security.XBeanAuthorizationMap | |
authorizationPlugin | An authorization plugin where each operation on a destination is checked against an authorizationMap | org.apache.activemq.security.AuthorizationPlugin |
axionJDBCAdapter | Axion specific Adapter. Axion does not seem to support ALTER statements or sub-selects. This means: - We cannot auto upgrade the schema was we roll out new versions of ActiveMQ - We cannot delete durable sub messages that have be acknowledged by all consumers. | org.apache.activemq.store.jdbc.adapter.AxionJDBCAdapter |
blobJDBCAdapter | This JDBCAdapter inserts and extracts BLOB data using the getBlob()/setBlob()
operations. This is a little more involved since to insert a blob you have
1: insert empty blob. 2: select the blob 3: finally update the blob with data
The databases/JDBC drivers that use this adapter are:
| org.apache.activemq.store.jdbc.adapter.BlobJDBCAdapter |
broker | An ActiveMQ Message Broker. It consists of a number of transport connectors, network connectors and a bunch of properties which can be used to configure the broker as its lazily created. | org.apache.activemq.xbean.XBeanBrokerService |
brokerService | Manages the life-cycle of an ActiveMQ Broker. A BrokerService consists of a number of transport connectors, network connectors and a bunch of properties which can be used to configure the broker as its lazily created. | org.apache.activemq.broker.BrokerService |
bytesJDBCAdapter | This JDBCAdapter inserts and extracts BLOB data using the setBytes()/getBytes() operations. The databases/JDBC drivers that use this adapter are: | org.apache.activemq.store.jdbc.adapter.BytesJDBCAdapter |
cachedLDAPAuthorizationMap | A {@link DefaultAuthorizationMap} implementation which uses LDAP to initialize and update authorization policy. | org.apache.activemq.security.CachedLDAPAuthorizationMap |
cachedMessageGroupMapFactory | A factory to create instances of {@link org.apache.activemq.broker.region.group.CachedMessageGroupMap} when implementing the Message Groups functionality. | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.group.CachedMessageGroupMapFactory |
compositeDemandForwardingBridge | A demand forwarding bridge which works with multicast style transports where a single Transport could be communicating with multiple remote brokers | org.apache.activemq.network.CompositeDemandForwardingBridge |
compositeQueue | Represents a virtual queue which forwards to a number of other destinations. | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.virtual.CompositeQueue |
compositeTopic | Represents a virtual topic which forwards to a number of other destinations. | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.virtual.CompositeTopic |
conditionalNetworkBridgeFilterFactory | implement conditional behavior for queue consumers, allows replaying back to origin if no consumers are present on the local broker after a configurable delay, irrespective of the TTL. Also allows rate limiting of messages through the network, useful for static includes | org.apache.activemq.network.ConditionalNetworkBridgeFilterFactory |
connectionDotFilePlugin | A DOT file creator plugin which creates a DOT file showing the current connections | org.apache.activemq.broker.view.ConnectionDotFilePlugin |
connectionFactory | A Spring enhanced connection factory which will automatically use the Spring bean name as the clientIDPrefix property so that connections created have client IDs related to your Spring.xml file for easier comprehension from JMX. | org.apache.activemq.spring.ActiveMQConnectionFactory |
constantPendingMessageLimitStrategy | This PendingMessageLimitStrategy is configured to a constant value for all subscriptions. | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.policy.ConstantPendingMessageLimitStrategy |
database-locker | Represents an exclusive lock on a database to avoid multiple brokers running against the same logical database. | org.apache.activemq.store.jdbc.DefaultDatabaseLocker |
db2JDBCAdapter | org.apache.activemq.store.jdbc.adapter.DB2JDBCAdapter | |
defaultIOExceptionHandler | org.apache.activemq.util.DefaultIOExceptionHandler | |
defaultJDBCAdapter | Implements all the default JDBC operations that are used by the JDBCPersistenceAdapter. sub-classing is
encouraged to override the default implementation of methods to account for differences in JDBC Driver
implementations. The JDBCAdapter inserts and extracts BLOB data using the getBytes()/setBytes() operations.
The databases/JDBC drivers that use this adapter are:
| org.apache.activemq.store.jdbc.adapter.DefaultJDBCAdapter |
defaultNetworkBridgeFilterFactory | implement default behavior, filter that will not allow re-send to origin based on brokerPath and which respects networkTTL | org.apache.activemq.network.DefaultNetworkBridgeFilterFactory |
defaultUsageCapacity | Identify if a limit has been reached | org.apache.activemq.usage.DefaultUsageCapacity |
demandForwardingBridge | Forwards messages from the local broker to the remote broker based on demand. | org.apache.activemq.network.DemandForwardingBridge |
destinationDotFilePlugin | A DOT file creator plugin which creates a DOT file showing the current topic & queue hierarchies. | org.apache.activemq.broker.view.DestinationDotFilePlugin |
destinationEntry | A default entry in a DestinationMap which holds a single value. | org.apache.activemq.filter.DefaultDestinationMapEntry |
destinationPathSeparatorPlugin | org.apache.activemq.broker.util.DestinationPathSeparatorBroker | |
discarding | Dead Letter Strategy that discards all messages | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.policy.DiscardingDeadLetterStrategy |
discardingDLQBrokerPlugin | org.apache.activemq.plugin.DiscardingDLQBrokerPlugin | |
fileCursor | Pending messages | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.policy.FilePendingSubscriberMessageStoragePolicy |
fileDurableSubscriberCursor | Pending messages for durable subscribers | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.policy.FilePendingDurableSubscriberMessageStoragePolicy |
fileQueueCursor | Pending | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.policy.FilePendingQueueMessageStoragePolicy |
filteredDestination | Represents a destination which is filtered using some predicate such as a selector so that messages are only dispatched to the destination if they match the filter. | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.virtual.FilteredDestination |
filteredKahaDB | org.apache.activemq.store.kahadb.FilteredKahaDBPersistenceAdapter | |
fixedCountSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy | This implementation of {@link SubscriptionRecoveryPolicy} will keep a fixed count of last messages. | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.policy.FixedCountSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy |
fixedSizedSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy | This implementation of {@link SubscriptionRecoveryPolicy} will keep a fixed amount of memory available in RAM for message history which is evicted in time order. | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.policy.FixedSizedSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy |
forcePersistencyModeBroker | A Plugin which allows to force every incoming message to be PERSISTENT or NON-PERSISTENT. Useful, if you have set the broker usage policy to process ONLY persistent or ONLY non-persistent messages. | org.apache.activemq.plugin.ForcePersistencyModeBroker |
forcePersistencyModeBrokerPlugin | A Plugin which allows to force every incoming message to be PERSISTENT or NON-PERSISTENT. Useful, if you have set the broker usage policy to process ONLY persistent or ONLY non-persistent messages. | org.apache.activemq.plugin.ForcePersistencyModeBrokerPlugin |
forwardingBridge | Forwards all messages from the local broker to the remote broker. | org.apache.activemq.network.ForwardingBridge |
hsqldb-jdbc-adapter | org.apache.activemq.store.jdbc.adapter.HsqldbJDBCAdapter | |
imageBasedJDBCAdaptor | Provides JDBCAdapter since that uses
IMAGE datatype to hold binary data.
The databases/JDBC drivers that use this adapter are:
| org.apache.activemq.store.jdbc.adapter.ImageBasedJDBCAdaptor |
inboundQueueBridge | Create an Inbound Queue Bridge. By default this class uses the sname name for both the inbound and outbound queue. This behavior can be overridden however by using the setter methods to configure both the inbound and outboud queue names separately. | org.apache.activemq.network.jms.InboundQueueBridge |
inboundTopicBridge | Create an Inbound Topic Bridge. By default this class uses the topic name for both the inbound and outbound topic. This behavior can be overridden however by using the setter methods to configure both the inbound and outboud topic names separately. | org.apache.activemq.network.jms.InboundTopicBridge |
individualDeadLetterStrategy | A {@link DeadLetterStrategy} where each destination has its own individual DLQ using the subject naming hierarchy. | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.policy.IndividualDeadLetterStrategy |
informixJDBCAdapter | JDBC Adapter for Informix database. Because Informix database restricts length of composite primary keys, length of container name field and subscription id field must be reduced to 150 characters. Therefore be sure not to use longer names for container name and subscription id than 150 characters. | org.apache.activemq.store.jdbc.adapter.InformixJDBCAdapter |
jDBCIOExceptionHandler | org.apache.activemq.store.jdbc.JDBCIOExceptionHandler | |
jaasAuthenticationPlugin | Provides a JAAS based authentication plugin | org.apache.activemq.security.JaasAuthenticationPlugin |
jaasCertificateAuthenticationPlugin | Provides a JAAS based SSL certificate authentication plugin | org.apache.activemq.security.JaasCertificateAuthenticationPlugin |
jaasDualAuthenticationPlugin | Provides a JAAS based authentication plugin | org.apache.activemq.security.JaasDualAuthenticationPlugin |
jdbcPersistenceAdapter | A {@link PersistenceAdapter} implementation using JDBC for persistence storage. This persistence adapter will correctly remember prepared XA transactions, but it will not keep track of local transaction commits so that operations performed against the Message store are done as a single uow. | org.apache.activemq.store.jdbc.JDBCPersistenceAdapter |
jmsQueueConnector | A Bridge to other JMS Queue providers | org.apache.activemq.network.jms.JmsQueueConnector |
jmsTopicConnector | A Bridge to other JMS Topic providers | org.apache.activemq.network.jms.JmsTopicConnector |
jobSchedulerUsage | Used to keep track of how much of something is being used so that a productive working set usage can be controlled. Main use case is manage memory usage. | org.apache.activemq.usage.JobSchedulerUsage |
journalPersistenceAdapter | An implementation of {@link PersistenceAdapter} designed for use with a {@link Journal} and then check pointing asynchronously on a timeout with some other long term persistent storage. | org.apache.activemq.store.journal.JournalPersistenceAdapter |
journalPersistenceAdapterFactory | Factory class that can create PersistenceAdapter objects. | org.apache.activemq.store.journal.JournalPersistenceAdapterFactory |
journaledJDBC | Creates a default persistence model using the Journal and JDBC | org.apache.activemq.store.PersistenceAdapterFactoryBean |
kahaDB | An implementation of {@link PersistenceAdapter} designed for use with KahaDB - Embedded Lightweight Non-Relational Database | org.apache.activemq.store.kahadb.KahaDBPersistenceAdapter |
lDAPAuthorizationMap | An {@link AuthorizationMap} which uses LDAP | org.apache.activemq.security.LDAPAuthorizationMap |
lastImageSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy | This implementation of {@link SubscriptionRecoveryPolicy} will only keep the last message. | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.policy.LastImageSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy |
ldapNetworkConnector | class to create dynamic network connectors listed in an directory server using the LDAP v3 protocol as defined in RFC 2251, the entries listed in the directory server must implement the ipHost and ipService objectClasses as defined in RFC 2307. | org.apache.activemq.network.LdapNetworkConnector |
lease-database-locker | Represents an exclusive lease on a database to avoid multiple brokers running against the same logical database. | org.apache.activemq.store.jdbc.LeaseDatabaseLocker |
levelDB | An implementation of {@link org.apache.activemq.store.PersistenceAdapter} designed for use with LevelDB - Embedded Lightweight Non-Relational Database | org.apache.activemq.store.leveldb.LevelDBPersistenceAdapter |
loggingBrokerPlugin | A simple Broker intercepter which allows you to enable/disable logging. | org.apache.activemq.broker.util.LoggingBrokerPlugin |
mKahaDB | An implementation of {@link org.apache.activemq.store.PersistenceAdapter} that supports distribution of destinations across multiple kahaDB persistence adapters | org.apache.activemq.store.kahadb.MultiKahaDBPersistenceAdapter |
managementContext | An abstraction over JMX mbean registration | org.apache.activemq.broker.jmx.ManagementContext |
maxdb-jdbc-adapter | JDBC Adapter for the MaxDB database. | org.apache.activemq.store.jdbc.adapter.MaxDBJDBCAdapter |
memoryPersistenceAdapter | org.apache.activemq.store.memory.MemoryPersistenceAdapter | |
memoryUsage | Used to keep track of how much of something is being used so that a productive working set usage can be controlled. Main use case is manage memory usage. | org.apache.activemq.usage.MemoryUsage |
messageGroupHashBucketFactory | A factory to create instances of {@link SimpleMessageGroupMap} when implementing the Message Groups functionality. | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.group.MessageGroupHashBucketFactory |
mirroredQueue | Creates Mirrored Queue using a prefix and postfix to define the topic name on which to mirror the queue to. | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.virtual.MirroredQueue |
multicastNetworkConnector | A network connector which uses some kind of multicast-like transport that communicates with potentially many remote brokers over a single logical {@link Transport} instance such as when using multicast. This implementation does not depend on multicast at all; any other group based transport could be used. | org.apache.activemq.network.MulticastNetworkConnector |
multicastTraceBrokerPlugin | A Broker interceptor which allows you to trace all operations to a Multicast socket. | org.apache.activemq.broker.util.MulticastTraceBrokerPlugin |
mysql-jdbc-adapter | org.apache.activemq.store.jdbc.adapter.MySqlJDBCAdapter | |
networkConnector | A network connector which uses a discovery agent to detect the remote brokers available and setup a connection to each available remote broker | org.apache.activemq.network.DiscoveryNetworkConnector |
noSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy | This SubscriptionRecoveryPolicy disable recovery of messages. | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.policy.NoSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy |
oldestMessageEvictionStrategy | An eviction strategy which evicts the oldest message first (which is the default). | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.policy.OldestMessageEvictionStrategy |
oldestMessageWithLowestPriorityEvictionStrategy | An eviction strategy which evicts the oldest message with the lowest priority first. | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.policy.OldestMessageWithLowestPriorityEvictionStrategy |
oracleBlobJDBCAdapter | Implements all the default JDBC operations that are used
by the JDBCPersistenceAdapter.
Subclassing is encouraged to override the default
implementation of methods to account for differences
in JDBC Driver implementations.
The JDBCAdapter inserts and extracts BLOB data using the
getBytes()/setBytes() operations.
The databases/JDBC drivers that use this adapter are:
| org.apache.activemq.store.jdbc.adapter.OracleBlobJDBCAdapter |
oracleJDBCAdapter | Implements all the default JDBC operations that are used by the JDBCPersistenceAdapter. Subclassing is encouraged to override the default implementation of methods to account for differences in JDBC Driver implementations. | org.apache.activemq.store.jdbc.adapter.OracleJDBCAdapter |
outboundQueueBridge | Create an Outbound Queue Bridge. By default the bridge uses the same name for both the inbound and outbound queues, however this can be altered by using the public setter methods to configure both inbound and outbound queue names. | org.apache.activemq.network.jms.OutboundQueueBridge |
outboundTopicBridge | Create an Outbound Topic Bridge. By default the bridge uses the same name for both the inbound and outbound topics, however this can be altered by using the public setter methods to configure both inbound and outbound topic names. | org.apache.activemq.network.jms.OutboundTopicBridge |
pListStoreImpl | org.apache.activemq.store.kahadb.plist.PListStoreImpl | |
partitionBrokerPlugin | A BrokerPlugin which partitions client connections over a cluster of brokers. | org.apache.activemq.partition.PartitionBrokerPlugin |
policyEntry | Represents an entry in a {@link PolicyMap} for assigning policies to a specific destination or a hierarchical wildcard area of destinations. | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.policy.PolicyEntry |
policyMap | Represents a destination based configuration of policies so that individual destinations or wildcard hierarchies of destinations can be configured using different policies. | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.policy.PolicyMap |
pooledConnectionFactory | Simple factory bean used to create a jencks connection pool.
Depending on the properties set, it will create a simple pool,
a transaction aware connection pool, or a jca aware connection pool.
The resourceName property should be used along with the {@link org.apache.activemq.jms.pool.GenericResourceManager} and have
the same value than its resourceName property. This will make sure the transaction manager
maps correctly the connection factory to the recovery process. | org.apache.activemq.pool.PooledConnectionFactoryBean |
postgresql-jdbc-adapter | Implements all the default JDBC operations that are used
by the JDBCPersistenceAdapter.
Subclassing is encouraged to override the default
implementation of methods to account for differences
in JDBC Driver implementations.
The JDBCAdapter inserts and extracts BLOB data using the
getBytes()/setBytes() operations.
The databases/JDBC drivers that use this adapter are:
| org.apache.activemq.store.jdbc.adapter.PostgresqlJDBCAdapter |
prefetchPolicy | Defines the prefetch message policies for different types of consumers | org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQPrefetchPolicy |
prefetchRatePendingMessageLimitStrategy | This PendingMessageLimitStrategy sets the maximum pending message limit value to be a multiplier of the prefetch limit of the subscription. | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.policy.PrefetchRatePendingMessageLimitStrategy |
priorityDispatchPolicy | Priority dispatch policy that sends a message to every subscription that matches the message in consumer priority order. | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.policy.PriorityDispatchPolicy |
priorityNetworkDispatchPolicy | dispatch policy that ignores lower priority duplicate network consumers, used in conjunction with network bridge suppresDuplicateTopicSubscriptions | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.policy.PriorityNetworkDispatchPolicy |
proxyConnector | org.apache.activemq.proxy.ProxyConnector | |
publishedAddressPolicy | Policy object that controls how a TransportConnector publishes the connector's address to the outside world. By default the connector will publish itself using the resolved host name of the bound server socket. | org.apache.activemq.broker.PublishedAddressPolicy |
queryBasedSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy | This implementation of {@link SubscriptionRecoveryPolicy} will perform a user specific query mechanism to load any messages they may have missed. | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.policy.QueryBasedSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy |
queue | An ActiveMQ Queue | org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQQueue |
queueDispatchSelector | Queue dispatch policy that determines if a message can be sent to a subscription | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.QueueDispatchSelector |
reconnectionPolicy | A policy object that defines how a {@link JmsConnector} deals with reconnection of the local and foreign connections. | org.apache.activemq.network.jms.ReconnectionPolicy |
redeliveryPlugin | Replace regular DLQ handling with redelivery via a resend to the original destination after a delay A destination matching RedeliveryPolicy controls the quantity and delay for re-sends If there is no matching policy or an existing policy limit is exceeded by default regular DLQ processing resumes. This is controlled via sendToDlqIfMaxRetriesExceeded and fallbackToDeadLetter | org.apache.activemq.broker.util.RedeliveryPlugin |
redeliveryPolicy | Configuration options for a messageConsumer used to control how messages are re-delivered when they are rolled back. May be used server side on a per destination basis via the Broker RedeliveryPlugin | org.apache.activemq.RedeliveryPolicy |
redeliveryPolicyMap | Represents a destination based configuration of policies so that individual destinations or wildcard hierarchies of destinations can be configured using different policies. | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.policy.RedeliveryPolicyMap |
replicatedLevelDB | An implementation of {@link org.apache.activemq.store.PersistenceAdapter} designed for use with LevelDB - Embedded Lightweight Non-Relational Database | org.apache.activemq.store.leveldb.ReplicatedLevelDBPersistenceAdapter |
retainedMessageSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy | This implementation of {@link org.apache.activemq.broker.region.policy.SubscriptionRecoveryPolicy} will only keep the last non-zero length message with the {@link org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQMessage}.RETAIN_PROPERTY. | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.policy.RetainedMessageSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy |
roundRobinDispatchPolicy | Simple dispatch policy that sends a message to every subscription that matches the message. | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.policy.RoundRobinDispatchPolicy |
runtimeConfigurationPlugin | Broker plugin that will monitor the broker xml configuration for changes and selectively apply those changes to the running broker. | org.apache.activemq.plugin.RuntimeConfigurationPlugin |
shared-file-locker | Represents an exclusive lock on a database to avoid multiple brokers running against the same logical database. | org.apache.activemq.store.SharedFileLocker |
sharedDeadLetterStrategy | A default implementation of {@link DeadLetterStrategy} which uses a constant destination. | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.policy.SharedDeadLetterStrategy |
simpleAuthenticationPlugin | Provides a simple authentication plugin | org.apache.activemq.security.SimpleAuthenticationPlugin |
simpleAuthorizationMap | An AuthorizationMap which is configured with individual DestinationMaps for each operation. | org.apache.activemq.security.SimpleAuthorizationMap |
simpleDispatchPolicy | Simple dispatch policy that sends a message to every subscription that matches the message. | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.policy.SimpleDispatchPolicy |
simpleDispatchSelector | Simple dispatch policy that determines if a message can be sent to a subscription | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.policy.SimpleDispatchSelector |
simpleJmsMessageConvertor | Converts Message from one JMS to another | org.apache.activemq.network.jms.SimpleJmsMessageConvertor |
simpleMessageGroupMapFactory | A factory to create instances of {@link SimpleMessageGroupMap} when implementing the Message Groups functionality. | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.group.SimpleMessageGroupMapFactory |
sslContext | Extends the SslContext so that it's easier to configure from spring. | org.apache.activemq.spring.SpringSslContext |
statements | org.apache.activemq.store.jdbc.Statements | |
statisticsBrokerPlugin | A StatisticsBrokerPlugin You can retrieve a Map Message for a Destination - or Broker containing statistics as key-value pairs The message must contain a replyTo Destination - else its ignored To retrieve stats on the broker send a empty message to ActiveMQ.Statistics.Broker (Queue or Topic) With a replyTo set to the destination you want the stats returned to. To retrieve stats for a destination - e.g. foo - send an empty message to ActiveMQ.Statistics.Destination.foo - this works with wildcards to - you get a message for each wildcard match on the replyTo destination. The stats message is a MapMessage populated with statistics for the target | org.apache.activemq.plugin.StatisticsBrokerPlugin |
storeCursor | Pending messages | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.policy.StorePendingQueueMessageStoragePolicy |
storeDurableSubscriberCursor | Pending messages for a durable | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.policy.StorePendingDurableSubscriberMessageStoragePolicy |
storeUsage | Used to keep track of how much of something is being used so that a productive working set usage can be controlled. Main use case is manage memory usage. | org.apache.activemq.usage.StoreUsage |
streamJDBCAdapter | This JDBCAdapter inserts and extracts BLOB data using the
setBinaryStream()/getBinaryStream() operations.
The databases/JDBC drivers that use this adapter are:
| org.apache.activemq.store.jdbc.adapter.StreamJDBCAdapter |
strictOrderDispatchPolicy | Dispatch policy that causes every subscription to see messages in the same order. | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.policy.StrictOrderDispatchPolicy |
sybase-jdbc-adapter | A JDBC Adapter for Sybase databases | org.apache.activemq.store.jdbc.adapter.SybaseJDBCAdapter |
systemUsage | Holder for Usage instances for memory, store and temp files Main use case is manage memory usage. | org.apache.activemq.usage.SystemUsage |
taskRunnerFactory | Manages the thread pool for long running tasks. Long running tasks are not always active but when they are active, they may need a few iterations of processing for them to become idle. The manager ensures that each task is processes but that no one task overtakes the system. This is kinda like cooperative multitasking. | org.apache.activemq.thread.TaskRunnerFactory |
tempDestinationAuthorizationEntry | Represents an entry in a {@link DefaultAuthorizationMap} for assigning different operations (read, write, admin) of user roles to a temporary destination | org.apache.activemq.security.TempDestinationAuthorizationEntry |
tempQueue | An ActiveMQ Temporary Queue Destination | org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQTempQueue |
tempTopic | An ActiveMQ Temporary Topic Destination | org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQTempTopic |
tempUsage | Used to keep track of how much of something is being used so that a productive working set usage can be controlled. Main use case is manage memory usage. | org.apache.activemq.usage.TempUsage |
timeStampingBrokerPlugin | A Broker interceptor which updates a JMS Client's timestamp on the message with a broker timestamp. Useful when the clocks on client machines are known to not be correct and you can only trust the time set on the broker machines. Enabling this plugin will break JMS compliance since the timestamp that the producer sees on the messages after as send() will be different from the timestamp the consumer will observe when he receives the message. This plugin is not enabled in the default ActiveMQ configuration. 2 new attributes have been added which will allow the administrator some override control over the expiration time for incoming messages: Attribute 'zeroExpirationOverride' can be used to apply an expiration time to incoming messages with no expiration defined (messages that would never expire) Attribute 'ttlCeiling' can be used to apply a limit to the expiration time | org.apache.activemq.broker.util.TimeStampingBrokerPlugin |
timedSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy | This implementation of {@link SubscriptionRecoveryPolicy} will keep a timed buffer of messages around in memory and use that to recover new subscriptions. | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.policy.TimedSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy |
topic | An ActiveMQ Topic | org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQTopic |
traceBrokerPathPlugin | The TraceBrokerPathPlugin can be used in a network of Brokers. Each Broker that has the plugin configured, will add it's brokerName to the content of a JMS Property. If all Brokers have this property enabled, the path the message actually took through the network can be seen in the defined property. | org.apache.activemq.broker.util.TraceBrokerPathPlugin |
transact-database-locker | Represents an exclusive lock on a database to avoid multiple brokers running against the same logical database. | org.apache.activemq.store.jdbc.adapter.TransactDatabaseLocker |
transact-jdbc-adapter | A JDBC Adapter for Transact-SQL based databases such as SQL Server or Sybase | org.apache.activemq.store.jdbc.adapter.TransactJDBCAdapter |
transportConnector | org.apache.activemq.broker.TransportConnector | |
udpTraceBrokerPlugin | A Broker interceptor which allows you to trace all operations to a UDP socket. | org.apache.activemq.broker.util.UDPTraceBrokerPlugin |
uniquePropertyMessageEvictionStrategy | An eviction strategy which evicts the oldest message within messages with the same property value | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.policy.UniquePropertyMessageEvictionStrategy |
usageCapacity | Identify if a limit has been reached | org.apache.activemq.usage.UsageCapacity |
virtualDestinationInterceptor | Implements Virtual Topics. | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.virtual.VirtualDestinationInterceptor |
virtualSelectorCacheBrokerPlugin | A plugin which allows the caching of the selector from a subscription queue. This stops the build-up of unwanted messages, especially when consumers may disconnect from time to time when using virtual destinations. This is influenced by code snippets developed by Maciej Rakowicz | org.apache.activemq.plugin.SubQueueSelectorCacheBrokerPlugin |
virtualTopic | Creates Virtual Topics using a prefix and postfix. The virtual destination creates a wildcard that is then used to look up all active queue subscriptions which match. | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.virtual.VirtualTopic |
vmCursor | Pending messages held | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.policy.VMPendingSubscriberMessageStoragePolicy |
vmDurableCursor | Pending | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.policy.VMPendingDurableSubscriberMessageStoragePolicy |
vmQueueCursor | Pending messages | org.apache.activemq.broker.region.policy.VMPendingQueueMessageStoragePolicy |
xaConnectionFactory | A Spring enhanced XA connection factory which will automatically use the Spring bean name as the clientIDPrefix property so that connections created have client IDs related to your Spring.xml file for easier comprehension from JMX. | org.apache.activemq.spring.ActiveMQXAConnectionFactory |
Attribute | Type | Description |
abortConnection | xs:boolean | abort the consumers connection rather than sending a stop command to the remote consumer |
checkPeriod | xs:long | time in milliseconds between checks for slow subscriptions |
ignoreIdleConsumers | xs:boolean | Returns whether the strategy is configured to ignore consumers that are simply idle, i.e consumers that have no pending acks (dispatch queue is empty). |
ignoreNetworkConsumers | xs:boolean | Sets whether the strategy is configured to ignore consumers that are part of a network connection to another broker. When configured to not ignore idle consumers this strategy acts not only on consumers that are actually slow but also on any consumer that has not received any messages for the maxTimeSinceLastAck. This allows for a way to evict idle consumers while also aborting slow consumers however for a network subscription this can create a lot of unnecessary churn and if the abort connection option is also enabled this can result in the entire network connection being torn down and rebuilt for no reason. |
maxSlowCount | xs:long | number of times a subscription can be deemed slow before triggering abort effect depends on dispatch rate as slow determination is done on dispatch |
maxSlowDuration | xs:long | time in milliseconds that a sub can remain slow before triggering an abort. |
maxTimeSinceLastAck | xs:long | Gets the maximum time since last Ack before a subscription is considered to be slow. |
name | xs:string |
Element | Type | Description |
brokerService | destinationPathSeparatorPlugin | forcePersistencyModeBroker | loggingBrokerPlugin | multicastTraceBrokerPlugin | redeliveryPlugin | timeStampingBrokerPlugin | traceBrokerPathPlugin | udpTraceBrokerPlugin |
Attribute | Type | Description |
abortConnection | xs:boolean | abort the consumers connection rather than sending a stop command to the remote consumer |
checkPeriod | xs:long | time in milliseconds between checks for slow subscriptions |
maxSlowCount | xs:long | number of times a subscription can be deemed slow before triggering abort effect depends on dispatch rate as slow determination is done on dispatch |
maxSlowDuration | xs:long | time in milliseconds that a sub can remain slow before triggering an abort. |
name | xs:string |
Element | Type | Description |
brokerService | destinationPathSeparatorPlugin | forcePersistencyModeBroker | loggingBrokerPlugin | multicastTraceBrokerPlugin | redeliveryPlugin | timeStampingBrokerPlugin | traceBrokerPathPlugin | udpTraceBrokerPlugin |
Attribute | Type | Description |
groups | xs:string | |
password | xs:string | |
username | xs:string |
Attribute | Type | Description |
admin | xs:string | |
groupClass | xs:string | |
queue | xs:string | A helper method to set the destination from a configuration file |
read | xs:string | |
tempQueue | xs:boolean | |
tempTopic | xs:boolean | |
topic | xs:string | A helper method to set the destination from a configuration file |
write | xs:string |
Element | Type | Description |
adminACLs | (<spring:bean/>)* | |
destination | queue | tempQueue | tempTopic | topic | |
readACLs | (<spring:bean/>)* | |
writeACLs | (<spring:bean/>)* |
Attribute | Type | Description |
groupClass | xs:string |
Element | Type | Description |
authorizationEntries | (<spring:bean/>)* | Sets the individual entries on the authorization map |
defaultEntry | authorizationEntry | tempDestinationAuthorizationEntry | |
entries | (<spring:bean/>)* | A helper method to allow the destination map to be populated from a dependency injection framework such as Spring |
tempDestinationAuthorizationEntry | tempDestinationAuthorizationEntry |
Element | Type | Description |
map | authorizationMap | cachedLDAPAuthorizationMap | lDAPAuthorizationMap | simpleAuthorizationMap |
Attribute | Type | Description |
batchStatements | xs:boolean | Set the number of statements to process as a single batch DB update |
batchStatments | xs:boolean | This value batchStatments is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use batchStatements instead (Note the 'e' in Statement)" |
maxRows | xs:integer | the max value for statement maxRows, used to limit jdbc queries |
useExternalMessageReferences | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
statements | statements |
Attribute | Type | Description |
batchStatements | xs:boolean | Set the number of statements to process as a single batch DB update |
batchStatments | xs:boolean | This value batchStatments is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use batchStatements instead (Note the 'e' in Statement)" |
maxRows | xs:integer | the max value for statement maxRows, used to limit jdbc queries |
useExternalMessageReferences | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
statements | statements |
Attribute | Type | Description |
advisorySupport | xs:string | Allows the support of advisory messages to be disabled for performance reasons. |
allowTempAutoCreationOnSend | xs:boolean | enable if temp destinations need to be propagated through a network when advisorySupport==false. This is used in conjunction with the policy gcInactiveDestinations for matching temps so they can get removed when inactive |
brokerId | xs:string | |
brokerName | xs:string | Sets the name of this broker; which must be unique in the network |
brokerObjectName | xs:string | Sets the JMX ObjectName for this broker |
cacheTempDestinations | xs:boolean | |
consumerSystemUsagePortion | xs:integer | |
dataDirectory | xs:string | Sets the directory in which the data files will be stored by default for the JDBC and Journal persistence adaptors. |
dataDirectoryFile | xs:string | Sets the directory in which the data files will be stored by default for the JDBC and Journal persistence adaptors. |
dedicatedTaskRunner | xs:boolean | |
deleteAllMessagesOnStartup | xs:string | Sets whether or not all messages are deleted on startup - mostly only useful for testing. |
enableStatistics | xs:boolean | Sets whether or not the Broker's services enable statistics or not. |
keepDurableSubsActive | xs:boolean | |
maxPurgedDestinationsPerSweep | xs:integer | |
mbeanInvocationTimeout | xs:long | Gets the time in Milliseconds that an invocation of an MBean method will wait before failing. The default value is to wait forever (zero). |
monitorConnectionSplits | xs:boolean | |
networkConnectorStartAsync | xs:boolean | |
offlineDurableSubscriberTaskSchedule | xs:long | |
offlineDurableSubscriberTimeout | xs:long | |
passiveSlave | xs:string | Get the passiveSlave |
persistenceThreadPriority | xs:integer | |
persistent | xs:string | Sets whether or not persistence is enabled or disabled. |
populateJMSXUserID | xs:boolean | Sets whether or not the broker should populate the JMSXUserID header. |
populateUserNameInMBeans | xs:boolean | Should MBeans that support showing the Authenticated User Name information have this value filled in or not. |
producerSystemUsagePortion | xs:integer | |
restartAllowed | xs:boolean | Sets if the broker allowed to restart on shutdown. |
schedulePeriodForDestinationPurge | xs:integer | |
schedulerDirectory | xs:string | |
schedulerDirectoryFile | xs:string | |
schedulerSupport | xs:string | |
shutdownOnMasterFailure | xs:boolean | |
shutdownOnSlaveFailure | xs:string | |
splitSystemUsageForProducersConsumers | xs:boolean | |
start | xs:boolean | Sets whether or not the broker is started along with the ApplicationContext it is defined within. Normally you would want the broker to start up along with the ApplicationContext but sometimes when working with JUnit tests you may wish to start and stop the broker explicitly yourself. |
startAsync | xs:boolean | |
storeOpenWireVersion | xs:integer | |
supportFailOver | xs:boolean | |
systemExitOnShutdown | xs:string | |
systemExitOnShutdownExitCode | xs:integer | |
taskRunnerPriority | xs:integer | |
timeBeforePurgeTempDestinations | xs:integer | |
tmpDataDirectory | xs:string | |
useAuthenticatedPrincipalForJMSXUserID | xs:boolean | |
useJmx | xs:string | Sets whether or not the Broker's services should be exposed into JMX or not. |
useLocalHostBrokerName | xs:boolean | |
useLoggingForShutdownErrors | xs:boolean | Sets whether or not we should use commons-logging when reporting errors when shutting down the broker |
useMirroredQueues | xs:boolean | Sets whether or not Mirrored Queues should be supported by default if they have not been explicitly configured. |
useShutdownHook | xs:boolean | Sets whether or not we should use a shutdown handler to close down the broker cleanly if the JVM is terminated. It is recommended you leave this enabled. |
useTempMirroredQueues | xs:boolean | |
useVirtualTopics | xs:boolean | Sets whether or not Virtual Topics should be supported by default if they have not been explicitly configured. |
vmConnectorURI | xs:string | |
waitForSlave | xs:string | |
waitForSlaveTimeout | xs:long |
Element | Type | Description |
adminView | <spring:bean/> | Returns the administration view of the broker; used to create and destroy resources such as queues and topics. Note this method returns null if JMX is disabled. |
brokerContext | <spring:bean/> | |
consumerSystemUsage | systemUsage | |
destinationFactory | <spring:bean/> | |
destinationInterceptors | (mirroredQueue | virtualDestinationInterceptor)* | Sets the destination interceptors to use |
destinationPolicy | policyMap | Sets the destination specific policies available either for exact destinations or for wildcard areas of destinations. |
destinations | (queue | tempQueue | tempTopic | topic)* | Sets the destinations which should be loaded/created on startup |
ioExceptionHandler | defaultIOExceptionHandler | jDBCIOExceptionHandler | override the Default IOException handler, called when persistence adapter has experiences File or JDBC I/O Exceptions |
jmsBridgeConnectors | (jmsQueueConnector | jmsTopicConnector)* | |
jobSchedulerStore | <spring:bean/> | |
managementContext | managementContext | |
messageAuthorizationPolicy | <spring:bean/> | Sets the policy used to decide if the current connection is authorized to consume a given message |
networkConnectorURIs | (<spring:bean/>)* | |
networkConnectors | (ldapNetworkConnector | multicastNetworkConnector | networkConnector)* | Sets the network connectors which this broker will use to connect to other brokers in a federated network |
persistenceAdapter | jdbcPersistenceAdapter | journalPersistenceAdapter | kahaDB | levelDB | mKahaDB | memoryPersistenceAdapter | replicatedLevelDB | Sets the persistence adaptor implementation to use for this broker |
persistenceFactory | journalPersistenceAdapterFactory | journaledJDBC | |
persistenceTaskRunnerFactory | taskRunnerFactory | |
plugins | (authorizationPlugin | connectionDotFilePlugin | destinationDotFilePlugin | destinationPathSeparatorPlugin | discardingDLQBrokerPlugin | forcePersistencyModeBrokerPlugin | jaasAuthenticationPlugin | jaasCertificateAuthenticationPlugin | jaasDualAuthenticationPlugin | loggingBrokerPlugin | multicastTraceBrokerPlugin | partitionBrokerPlugin | redeliveryPlugin | runtimeConfigurationPlugin | simpleAuthenticationPlugin | statisticsBrokerPlugin | timeStampingBrokerPlugin | traceBrokerPathPlugin | udpTraceBrokerPlugin | virtualSelectorCacheBrokerPlugin)* | Sets a number of broker plugins to install such as for security authentication or authorization |
producerSystemUsage | systemUsage | |
proxyConnectors | (<spring:bean/>)* | Sets the network connectors which this broker will use to connect to other brokers in a federated network |
regionBroker | destinationPathSeparatorPlugin | forcePersistencyModeBroker | loggingBrokerPlugin | multicastTraceBrokerPlugin | redeliveryPlugin | timeStampingBrokerPlugin | traceBrokerPathPlugin | udpTraceBrokerPlugin | |
services | (broker | brokerService | database-locker | forwardingBridge | inboundQueueBridge | inboundTopicBridge | jdbcPersistenceAdapter | jmsQueueConnector | jmsTopicConnector | jobSchedulerUsage | journalPersistenceAdapterFactory | journaledJDBC | kahaDB | ldapNetworkConnector | lease-database-locker | levelDB | mKahaDB | managementContext | memoryUsage | multicastNetworkConnector | networkConnector | outboundQueueBridge | outboundTopicBridge | pListStoreImpl | proxyConnector | replicatedLevelDB | shared-file-locker | storeUsage | systemUsage | tempUsage | transact-database-locker)* | Sets the services associated with this broker. |
shutdownHooks | (<spring:bean/>)* | Sets hooks to be executed when broker shut down |
sslContext | sslContext | |
systemUsage | systemUsage | |
taskRunnerFactory | taskRunnerFactory | |
tempDataStore | levelDB | pListStoreImpl | replicatedLevelDB | |
transportConnectorURIs | (<spring:bean/>)* | |
transportConnectors | (transportConnector)* | Sets the transport connectors which this broker will listen on for new clients |
Attribute | Type | Description |
advisorySupport | xs:string | Allows the support of advisory messages to be disabled for performance reasons. |
allowTempAutoCreationOnSend | xs:boolean | enable if temp destinations need to be propagated through a network when advisorySupport==false. This is used in conjunction with the policy gcInactiveDestinations for matching temps so they can get removed when inactive |
brokerId | xs:string | |
brokerName | xs:string | Sets the name of this broker; which must be unique in the network |
brokerObjectName | xs:string | Sets the JMX ObjectName for this broker |
cacheTempDestinations | xs:boolean | |
consumerSystemUsagePortion | xs:integer | |
dataDirectory | xs:string | Sets the directory in which the data files will be stored by default for the JDBC and Journal persistence adaptors. |
dataDirectoryFile | xs:string | Sets the directory in which the data files will be stored by default for the JDBC and Journal persistence adaptors. |
dedicatedTaskRunner | xs:boolean | |
deleteAllMessagesOnStartup | xs:string | Sets whether or not all messages are deleted on startup - mostly only useful for testing. |
enableStatistics | xs:boolean | Sets whether or not the Broker's services enable statistics or not. |
keepDurableSubsActive | xs:boolean | |
maxPurgedDestinationsPerSweep | xs:integer | |
mbeanInvocationTimeout | xs:long | Gets the time in Milliseconds that an invocation of an MBean method will wait before failing. The default value is to wait forever (zero). |
monitorConnectionSplits | xs:boolean | |
networkConnectorStartAsync | xs:boolean | |
offlineDurableSubscriberTaskSchedule | xs:long | |
offlineDurableSubscriberTimeout | xs:long | |
passiveSlave | xs:string | Get the passiveSlave |
persistenceThreadPriority | xs:integer | |
persistent | xs:string | Sets whether or not persistence is enabled or disabled. |
populateJMSXUserID | xs:boolean | Sets whether or not the broker should populate the JMSXUserID header. |
populateUserNameInMBeans | xs:boolean | Should MBeans that support showing the Authenticated User Name information have this value filled in or not. |
producerSystemUsagePortion | xs:integer | |
restartAllowed | xs:boolean | Sets if the broker allowed to restart on shutdown. |
schedulePeriodForDestinationPurge | xs:integer | |
schedulerDirectory | xs:string | |
schedulerDirectoryFile | xs:string | |
schedulerSupport | xs:string | |
shutdownOnMasterFailure | xs:boolean | |
shutdownOnSlaveFailure | xs:string | |
splitSystemUsageForProducersConsumers | xs:boolean | |
startAsync | xs:boolean | |
storeOpenWireVersion | xs:integer | |
supportFailOver | xs:boolean | |
systemExitOnShutdown | xs:string | |
systemExitOnShutdownExitCode | xs:integer | |
taskRunnerPriority | xs:integer | |
timeBeforePurgeTempDestinations | xs:integer | |
tmpDataDirectory | xs:string | |
useAuthenticatedPrincipalForJMSXUserID | xs:boolean | |
useJmx | xs:string | Sets whether or not the Broker's services should be exposed into JMX or not. |
useLocalHostBrokerName | xs:boolean | |
useLoggingForShutdownErrors | xs:boolean | Sets whether or not we should use commons-logging when reporting errors when shutting down the broker |
useMirroredQueues | xs:boolean | Sets whether or not Mirrored Queues should be supported by default if they have not been explicitly configured. |
useShutdownHook | xs:boolean | Sets whether or not we should use a shutdown handler to close down the broker cleanly if the JVM is terminated. It is recommended you leave this enabled. |
useTempMirroredQueues | xs:boolean | |
useVirtualTopics | xs:boolean | Sets whether or not Virtual Topics should be supported by default if they have not been explicitly configured. |
vmConnectorURI | xs:string | |
waitForSlave | xs:string | |
waitForSlaveTimeout | xs:long |
Element | Type | Description |
adminView | <spring:bean/> | Returns the administration view of the broker; used to create and destroy resources such as queues and topics. Note this method returns null if JMX is disabled. |
brokerContext | <spring:bean/> | |
consumerSystemUsage | systemUsage | |
destinationFactory | <spring:bean/> | |
destinationInterceptors | (mirroredQueue | virtualDestinationInterceptor)* | Sets the destination interceptors to use |
destinationPolicy | policyMap | Sets the destination specific policies available either for exact destinations or for wildcard areas of destinations. |
destinations | (queue | tempQueue | tempTopic | topic)* | Sets the destinations which should be loaded/created on startup |
ioExceptionHandler | defaultIOExceptionHandler | jDBCIOExceptionHandler | override the Default IOException handler, called when persistence adapter has experiences File or JDBC I/O Exceptions |
jmsBridgeConnectors | (jmsQueueConnector | jmsTopicConnector)* | |
jobSchedulerStore | <spring:bean/> | |
managementContext | managementContext | |
messageAuthorizationPolicy | <spring:bean/> | Sets the policy used to decide if the current connection is authorized to consume a given message |
networkConnectorURIs | (<spring:bean/>)* | |
networkConnectors | (ldapNetworkConnector | multicastNetworkConnector | networkConnector)* | Sets the network connectors which this broker will use to connect to other brokers in a federated network |
persistenceAdapter | jdbcPersistenceAdapter | journalPersistenceAdapter | kahaDB | levelDB | mKahaDB | memoryPersistenceAdapter | replicatedLevelDB | Sets the persistence adaptor implementation to use for this broker |
persistenceFactory | journalPersistenceAdapterFactory | journaledJDBC | |
persistenceTaskRunnerFactory | taskRunnerFactory | |
plugins | (authorizationPlugin | connectionDotFilePlugin | destinationDotFilePlugin | destinationPathSeparatorPlugin | discardingDLQBrokerPlugin | forcePersistencyModeBrokerPlugin | jaasAuthenticationPlugin | jaasCertificateAuthenticationPlugin | jaasDualAuthenticationPlugin | loggingBrokerPlugin | multicastTraceBrokerPlugin | partitionBrokerPlugin | redeliveryPlugin | runtimeConfigurationPlugin | simpleAuthenticationPlugin | statisticsBrokerPlugin | timeStampingBrokerPlugin | traceBrokerPathPlugin | udpTraceBrokerPlugin | virtualSelectorCacheBrokerPlugin)* | Sets a number of broker plugins to install such as for security authentication or authorization |
producerSystemUsage | systemUsage | |
proxyConnectors | (<spring:bean/>)* | Sets the network connectors which this broker will use to connect to other brokers in a federated network |
regionBroker | destinationPathSeparatorPlugin | forcePersistencyModeBroker | loggingBrokerPlugin | multicastTraceBrokerPlugin | redeliveryPlugin | timeStampingBrokerPlugin | traceBrokerPathPlugin | udpTraceBrokerPlugin | |
services | (broker | brokerService | database-locker | forwardingBridge | inboundQueueBridge | inboundTopicBridge | jdbcPersistenceAdapter | jmsQueueConnector | jmsTopicConnector | jobSchedulerUsage | journalPersistenceAdapterFactory | journaledJDBC | kahaDB | ldapNetworkConnector | lease-database-locker | levelDB | mKahaDB | managementContext | memoryUsage | multicastNetworkConnector | networkConnector | outboundQueueBridge | outboundTopicBridge | pListStoreImpl | proxyConnector | replicatedLevelDB | shared-file-locker | storeUsage | systemUsage | tempUsage | transact-database-locker)* | Sets the services associated with this broker. |
shutdownHooks | (<spring:bean/>)* | Sets hooks to be executed when broker shut down |
sslContext | sslContext | |
systemUsage | systemUsage | |
taskRunnerFactory | taskRunnerFactory | |
tempDataStore | levelDB | pListStoreImpl | replicatedLevelDB | |
transportConnectorURIs | (<spring:bean/>)* | |
transportConnectors | (transportConnector)* | Sets the transport connectors which this broker will listen on for new clients |
Attribute | Type | Description |
batchStatements | xs:boolean | Set the number of statements to process as a single batch DB update |
batchStatments | xs:boolean | This value batchStatments is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use batchStatements instead (Note the 'e' in Statement)" |
maxRows | xs:integer | the max value for statement maxRows, used to limit jdbc queries |
useExternalMessageReferences | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
statements | statements |
Attribute | Type | Description |
adminPermissionGroupSearchFilter | xs:string | |
authentication | xs:string | |
connectionPassword | xs:string | |
connectionProtocol | xs:string | |
connectionURL | xs:string | |
connectionUsername | xs:string | |
groupClass | xs:string | |
groupNameAttribute | xs:string | |
groupObjectClass | xs:string | |
legacyGroupMapping | xs:boolean | |
permissionGroupMemberAttribute | xs:string | |
queueSearchBase | xs:string | |
readPermissionGroupSearchFilter | xs:string | |
refreshDisabled | xs:boolean | |
refreshInterval | xs:integer | |
tempSearchBase | xs:string | |
topicSearchBase | xs:string | |
userNameAttribute | xs:string | |
userObjectClass | xs:string | |
writePermissionGroupSearchFilter | xs:string |
Attribute | Type | Description |
cacheSize | xs:integer |
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdByDuplex | xs:boolean | |
mbeanObjectName | xs:string |
Element | Type | Description |
brokerService | broker | brokerService | |
configuration | ldapNetworkConnector | multicastNetworkConnector | networkConnector | |
durableDestinations | (queue | tempQueue | tempTopic | topic)* | |
dynamicallyIncludedDestinations | (queue | tempQueue | tempTopic | topic)* | |
excludedDestinations | (queue | tempQueue | tempTopic | topic)* | |
localBroker | <spring:bean/> | |
networkBridgeListener | <spring:bean/> | |
remoteBroker | <spring:bean/> | |
staticallyIncludedDestinations | (queue | tempQueue | tempTopic | topic)* |
Attribute | Type | Description |
concurrentSend | xs:boolean | when true, sends are done in parallel with the broker executor |
copyMessage | xs:boolean | Sets whether a copy of the message will be sent to each destination. Defaults to true so that the forward destination is set as the destination of the message |
forwardOnly | xs:boolean | Sets if the virtual destination is forward only (and so there is no physical queue to match the virtual queue) or if there is also a physical queue with the same name). |
name | xs:string | Sets the name of this composite destination |
Element | Type | Description |
forwardTo | (<spring:bean/>)* | Sets the list of destinations to forward to |
Attribute | Type | Description |
concurrentSend | xs:boolean | when true, sends are done in parallel with the broker executor |
copyMessage | xs:boolean | Sets whether a copy of the message will be sent to each destination. Defaults to true so that the forward destination is set as the destination of the message |
forwardOnly | xs:boolean | Sets if the virtual destination is forward only (and so there is no physical queue to match the virtual queue) or if there is also a physical queue with the same name). |
name | xs:string | Sets the name of this composite destination |
Element | Type | Description |
forwardTo | (<spring:bean/>)* | Sets the list of destinations to forward to |
Attribute | Type | Description |
rateDuration | xs:integer | |
rateLimit | xs:integer | |
replayDelay | xs:integer | |
replayWhenNoConsumers | xs:boolean |
Attribute | Type | Description |
file | xs:string | Sets the destination file name to create the destination diagram |
Attribute | Type | Description |
alwaysSessionAsync | xs:boolean | If this flag is not set then a separate thread is not used for dispatching messages for each Session in the Connection. However, a separate thread is always used if there is more than one session, or the session isn't in auto acknowledge or duplicates ok mode. By default this value is set to true and session dispatch happens asynchronously. |
alwaysSyncSend | xs:boolean | Set true if always require messages to be sync sent |
auditDepth | xs:integer | |
auditMaximumProducerNumber | xs:integer | |
beanName | xs:string | |
brokerURL | xs:string | Sets the connection URL used to connect to the ActiveMQ broker. |
checkForDuplicates | xs:boolean | |
clientID | xs:string | Sets the JMS clientID to use for the created connection. Note that this can only be used by one connection at once so generally its a better idea to set the clientID on a Connection |
clientIDPrefix | xs:string | Sets the prefix used by autogenerated JMS Client ID values which are used if the JMS client does not explicitly specify on. |
closeTimeout | xs:integer | Sets the timeout before a close is considered complete. Normally a close() on a connection waits for confirmation from the broker; this allows that operation to timeout to save the client hanging if there is no broker |
connectionIDPrefix | xs:string | Sets the prefix used by connection id generator |
consumerFailoverRedeliveryWaitPeriod | xs:long | |
copyMessageOnSend | xs:boolean | Should a JMS message be copied to a new JMS Message object as part of the send() method in JMS. This is enabled by default to be compliant with the JMS specification. You can disable it if you do not mutate JMS messages after they are sent for a performance boost |
disableTimeStampsByDefault | xs:boolean | Sets whether or not timestamps on messages should be disabled or not. If you disable them it adds a small performance boost. |
dispatchAsync | xs:boolean | Enables or disables the default setting of whether or not consumers have their messages dispatched synchronously or asynchronously by the broker. For non-durable topics for example we typically dispatch synchronously by default to minimize context switches which boost performance. However sometimes its better to go slower to ensure that a single blocked consumer socket does not block delivery to other consumers. |
exclusiveConsumer | xs:boolean | Enables or disables whether or not queue consumers should be exclusive or not for example to preserve ordering when not using Message Groups |
maxThreadPoolSize | xs:integer | |
messagePrioritySupported | xs:boolean | |
nestedMapAndListEnabled | xs:boolean | Enables/disables whether or not Message properties and MapMessage entries support Nested Structures of Map and List objects |
nonBlockingRedelivery | xs:boolean | When true a MessageConsumer will not stop Message delivery before re-delivering Messages from a rolled back transaction. This implies that message order will not be preserved and also will result in the TransactedIndividualAck option to be enabled. |
objectMessageSerializationDefered | xs:boolean | When an object is set on an ObjectMessage, the JMS spec requires the object to be serialized by that set method. Enabling this flag causes the object to not get serialized. The object may subsequently get serialized if the message needs to be sent over a socket or stored to disk. |
optimizeAcknowledge | xs:boolean | |
optimizeAcknowledgeTimeOut | xs:long | The max time in milliseconds between optimized ack batches |
optimizedAckScheduledAckInterval | xs:long | Gets the configured time interval that is used to force all MessageConsumers that have optimizedAcknowledge enabled to send an ack for any outstanding Message Acks. By default this value is set to zero meaning that the consumers will not do any background Message acknowledgment. |
optimizedMessageDispatch | xs:boolean | If this flag is set then an larger prefetch limit is used - only applicable for durable topic subscribers. |
password | xs:string | Sets the JMS password used for connections created from this factory |
producerWindowSize | xs:integer | |
rmIdFromConnectionId | xs:boolean | uses the connection id as the resource identity for XAResource.isSameRM ensuring join will only occur on a single connection |
sendAcksAsync | xs:boolean | |
sendTimeout | xs:integer | |
statsEnabled | xs:boolean | |
transactedIndividualAck | xs:boolean | when true, submit individual transacted acks immediately rather than with transaction completion. This allows the acks to represent delivery status which can be persisted on rollback Used in conjunction with org.apache.activemq.store.kahadb.KahaDBPersistenceAdapter#setRewriteOnRedelivery(boolean) true |
useAsyncSend | xs:boolean | Forces the use of Async Sends which adds a massive performance boost; but means that the send() method will return immediately whether the message has been sent or not which could lead to message loss. |
useBeanNameAsClientIdPrefix | xs:boolean | |
useCompression | xs:boolean | Enables the use of compression of the message bodies |
useDedicatedTaskRunner | xs:boolean | |
useRetroactiveConsumer | xs:boolean | Sets whether or not retroactive consumers are enabled. Retroactive consumers allow non-durable topic subscribers to receive old messages that were published before the non-durable subscriber started. |
userName | xs:string | Sets the JMS userName used by connections created by this factory |
warnAboutUnstartedConnectionTimeout | xs:long | Enables the timeout from a connection creation to when a warning is generated if the connection is not properly started via {@link Connection#start()} and a message is received by a consumer. It is a very common gotcha to forget to start the connection so this option makes the default case to create a warning if the user forgets. To disable the warning just set the value to < 0 (say -1). |
watchTopicAdvisories | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
blobTransferPolicy | <spring:bean/> | Sets the policy used to describe how out-of-band BLOBs (Binary Large OBjects) are transferred from producers to brokers to consumers |
clientIdGenerator | <spring:bean/> | |
clientInternalExceptionListener | <spring:bean/> | Allows an {@link ClientInternalExceptionListener} to be configured on the ConnectionFactory so that when this factory
is used by frameworks which don't expose the Connection such as Spring JmsTemplate, you can register
an exception listener.
Note: access to this clientInternalExceptionListener will not be serialized if it is associated with more than on connection (as it will be if more than one connection is subsequently created by this connection factory) |
connectionIdGenerator | <spring:bean/> | |
exceptionListener | <spring:bean/> | Allows an {@link ExceptionListener} to be configured on the ConnectionFactory so that when this factory
is used by frameworks which don't expose the Connection such as Spring JmsTemplate, you can register
an exception listener.
Note: access to this exceptionLinstener will not be serialized if it is associated with more than on connection (as it will be if more than one connection is subsequently created by this connection factory) |
prefetchPolicy | prefetchPolicy | Sets the prefetch policy for consumers created by this connection. |
properties | <spring:bean/> | Get the properties from this instance for storing in JNDI |
redeliveryPolicy | redeliveryPolicy | Sets the global default redelivery policy to be used when a message is delivered but the session is rolled back |
redeliveryPolicyMap | redeliveryPolicyMap | Sets the global redelivery policy mapping to be used when a message is delivered but the session is rolled back |
rejectedTaskHandler | <spring:bean/> | |
sessionTaskRunner | taskRunnerFactory | |
transformer | <spring:bean/> | Sets the transformer used to transform messages before they are sent on to the JMS bus or when they are received from the bus but before they are delivered to the JMS client |
transportListener | <spring:bean/> | Allows a listener to be configured on the ConnectionFactory so that when this factory is used with frameworks which don't expose the Connection such as Spring JmsTemplate, you can still register a transport listener. |
Attribute | Type | Description |
limit | xs:integer |
Attribute | Type | Description |
createTablesOnStartup | xs:boolean | |
failIfLocked | xs:boolean | |
lockAcquireSleepInterval | xs:long | |
name | xs:string | |
queryTimeout | xs:integer |
Element | Type | Description |
dataSource | <spring:bean/> | |
exceptionHandler | <spring:bean/> | |
lockable | jdbcPersistenceAdapter | journalPersistenceAdapterFactory | journaledJDBC | kahaDB | levelDB | mKahaDB | replicatedLevelDB | |
statements | statements |
Attribute | Type | Description |
batchStatements | xs:boolean | Set the number of statements to process as a single batch DB update |
batchStatments | xs:boolean | This value batchStatments is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use batchStatements instead (Note the 'e' in Statement)" |
maxRows | xs:integer | the max value for statement maxRows, used to limit jdbc queries |
useExternalMessageReferences | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
statements | statements |
Attribute | Type | Description |
ignoreAllErrors | xs:boolean | |
ignoreNoSpaceErrors | xs:boolean | |
ignoreSQLExceptions | xs:boolean | |
noSpaceMessage | xs:string | |
resumeCheckSleepPeriod | xs:long | |
sqlExceptionMessage | xs:string | |
stopStartConnectors | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
brokerService | broker | brokerService |
Attribute | Type | Description |
batchStatements | xs:boolean | Set the number of statements to process as a single batch DB update |
batchStatments | xs:boolean | This value batchStatments is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use batchStatements instead (Note the 'e' in Statement)" |
maxRows | xs:integer | the max value for statement maxRows, used to limit jdbc queries |
useExternalMessageReferences | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
statements | statements |
Attribute | Type | Description |
limit | xs:long |
Attribute | Type | Description |
createdByDuplex | xs:boolean | |
mbeanObjectName | xs:string |
Element | Type | Description |
brokerService | broker | brokerService | |
configuration | ldapNetworkConnector | multicastNetworkConnector | networkConnector | |
durableDestinations | (queue | tempQueue | tempTopic | topic)* | |
dynamicallyIncludedDestinations | (queue | tempQueue | tempTopic | topic)* | |
excludedDestinations | (queue | tempQueue | tempTopic | topic)* | |
localBroker | <spring:bean/> | |
networkBridgeListener | <spring:bean/> | |
remoteBroker | <spring:bean/> | |
staticallyIncludedDestinations | (queue | tempQueue | tempTopic | topic)* |
Attribute | Type | Description |
file | xs:string | Sets the destination file name to create the destination diagram |
Attribute | Type | Description |
queue | xs:string | A helper method to set the destination from a configuration file |
tempQueue | xs:boolean | |
tempTopic | xs:boolean | |
topic | xs:string | A helper method to set the destination from a configuration file |
Element | Type | Description |
destination | queue | tempQueue | tempTopic | topic | |
value | authorizationEntry | destinationEntry | filteredKahaDB | policyEntry | redeliveryPolicy | tempDestinationAuthorizationEntry |
Attribute | Type | Description |
pathSeparator | xs:string |
Element | Type | Description |
adminConnectionContext | <spring:bean/> | |
next | destinationPathSeparatorPlugin | forcePersistencyModeBroker | loggingBrokerPlugin | multicastTraceBrokerPlugin | redeliveryPlugin | timeStampingBrokerPlugin | traceBrokerPathPlugin | udpTraceBrokerPlugin |
Attribute | Type | Description |
enableAudit | xs:boolean | |
processExpired | xs:boolean | |
processNonPersistent | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
deadLetterQueue | queue | tempQueue | tempTopic | topic |
Attribute | Type | Description |
dropAll | xs:boolean | |
dropOnly | xs:string | |
dropTemporaryQueues | xs:boolean | |
dropTemporaryTopics | xs:boolean | |
reportInterval | xs:integer |
Attribute | Type | Description |
queue | xs:string | Sets the destination property to the given queue name |
selector | xs:string | Sets the JMS selector used to filter messages before forwarding them to this destination |
topic | xs:string | Sets the destination property to the given topic name |
Element | Type | Description |
destination | queue | tempQueue | tempTopic | topic | The destination to send messages to if they match the filter |
filter | <spring:bean/> |
Attribute | Type | Description |
perDestination | xs:boolean | |
queue | xs:string | A helper method to set the destination from a configuration file |
tempQueue | xs:boolean | |
tempTopic | xs:boolean | |
topic | xs:string | A helper method to set the destination from a configuration file |
Element | Type | Description |
adapter | jdbcPersistenceAdapter | journalPersistenceAdapter | kahaDB | levelDB | mKahaDB | memoryPersistenceAdapter | replicatedLevelDB | |
destination | queue | tempQueue | tempTopic | topic | |
persistenceAdapter | jdbcPersistenceAdapter | journalPersistenceAdapter | kahaDB | levelDB | mKahaDB | memoryPersistenceAdapter | replicatedLevelDB |
Attribute | Type | Description |
maximumSize | xs:integer | Sets the maximum number of messages that this destination will hold around in RAM |
Element | Type | Description |
broker | destinationPathSeparatorPlugin | forcePersistencyModeBroker | loggingBrokerPlugin | multicastTraceBrokerPlugin | redeliveryPlugin | timeStampingBrokerPlugin | traceBrokerPathPlugin | udpTraceBrokerPlugin |
Attribute | Type | Description |
maximumSize | xs:integer | Sets the maximum amount of RAM in bytes that this buffer can hold in RAM |
useSharedBuffer | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
broker | destinationPathSeparatorPlugin | forcePersistencyModeBroker | loggingBrokerPlugin | multicastTraceBrokerPlugin | redeliveryPlugin | timeStampingBrokerPlugin | traceBrokerPathPlugin | udpTraceBrokerPlugin | |
buffer | <spring:bean/> |
Attribute | Type | Description |
persistenceFlag | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
adminConnectionContext | <spring:bean/> | |
next | destinationPathSeparatorPlugin | forcePersistencyModeBroker | loggingBrokerPlugin | multicastTraceBrokerPlugin | redeliveryPlugin | timeStampingBrokerPlugin | traceBrokerPathPlugin | udpTraceBrokerPlugin |
Attribute | Type | Description |
persistenceFlag | xs:boolean | Sets the persistency mode. |
Attribute | Type | Description |
clientId | xs:string | |
destinationFilter | xs:string | |
dispatchAsync | xs:boolean | |
prefetchSize | xs:integer | |
useCompression | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
localBroker | <spring:bean/> | |
networkBridgeFailedListener | <spring:bean/> | |
remoteBroker | <spring:bean/> |
Attribute | Type | Description |
batchStatements | xs:boolean | Set the number of statements to process as a single batch DB update |
batchStatments | xs:boolean | This value batchStatments is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use batchStatements instead (Note the 'e' in Statement)" |
maxRows | xs:integer | the max value for statement maxRows, used to limit jdbc queries |
useExternalMessageReferences | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
statements | statements |
Attribute | Type | Description |
batchStatements | xs:boolean | Set the number of statements to process as a single batch DB update |
batchStatments | xs:boolean | This value batchStatments is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use batchStatements instead (Note the 'e' in Statement)" |
maxRows | xs:integer | the max value for statement maxRows, used to limit jdbc queries |
useExternalMessageReferences | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
statements | statements |
Attribute | Type | Description |
doHandleReplyTo | xs:boolean | |
inboundQueueName | xs:string | Sets the queue name used for the inbound queue, if the outbound queue name has not been set, then this method uses the same name to configure the outbound queue name. |
localQueueName | xs:string | |
selector | xs:string |
Element | Type | Description |
consumer | <spring:bean/> | |
consumerConnection | <spring:bean/> | |
consumerQueue | queue | |
jmsConnector | jmsQueueConnector | jmsTopicConnector | |
jmsMessageConvertor | simpleJmsMessageConvertor | |
producerConnection | <spring:bean/> | |
producerQueue | queue |
Attribute | Type | Description |
consumerName | xs:string | |
doHandleReplyTo | xs:boolean | |
inboundTopicName | xs:string | Sets the topic name used for the inbound topic, if the outbound topic name has not been set, then this method uses the same name to configure the outbound topic name. |
localTopicName | xs:string | |
selector | xs:string |
Element | Type | Description |
consumer | <spring:bean/> | |
consumerConnection | <spring:bean/> | |
consumerTopic | topic | |
jmsConnector | jmsQueueConnector | jmsTopicConnector | |
jmsMessageConvertor | simpleJmsMessageConvertor | |
producerConnection | <spring:bean/> | |
producerTopic | topic |
Attribute | Type | Description |
destinationPerDurableSubscriber | xs:boolean | sets whether durable topic subscriptions are to get individual dead letter destinations. When true, the DLQ is of the form 'topicPrefix.clientId:subscriptionName' The default is false. |
enableAudit | xs:boolean | |
processExpired | xs:boolean | |
processNonPersistent | xs:boolean | |
queuePrefix | xs:string | Sets the prefix to use for all dead letter queues for queue messages |
queueSuffix | xs:string | Sets the suffix to use for all dead letter queues for queue messages |
topicPrefix | xs:string | Sets the prefix to use for all dead letter queues for topic messages |
topicSuffix | xs:string | Sets the suffix to use for all dead letter queues for topic messages |
useQueueForQueueMessages | xs:boolean | Sets whether a queue or topic should be used for queue messages sent to a DLQ. The default is to use a Queue |
useQueueForTopicMessages | xs:boolean | Sets whether a queue or topic should be used for topic messages sent to a DLQ. The default is to use a Queue |
Attribute | Type | Description |
batchStatements | xs:boolean | Set the number of statements to process as a single batch DB update |
batchStatments | xs:boolean | This value batchStatments is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use batchStatements instead (Note the 'e' in Statement)" |
maxRows | xs:integer | the max value for statement maxRows, used to limit jdbc queries |
useExternalMessageReferences | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
statements | statements |
Attribute | Type | Description |
ignoreAllErrors | xs:boolean | |
ignoreNoSpaceErrors | xs:boolean | |
ignoreSQLExceptions | xs:boolean | |
noSpaceMessage | xs:string | |
resumeCheckSleepPeriod | xs:long | |
sqlExceptionMessage | xs:string | |
stopStartConnectors | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
brokerService | broker | brokerService |
Attribute | Type | Description |
configuration | xs:string | Sets the JAAS configuration domain name used |
discoverLoginConfig | xs:boolean | Enables or disables the auto-discovery of the login.config file for JAAS to initialize itself. This flag is enabled by default such that if the java.security.auth.login.config system property is not defined then it is set to the location of the login.config file on the classpath. |
Attribute | Type | Description |
configuration | xs:string | Sets the JAAS configuration domain name used |
discoverLoginConfig | xs:boolean | Enables or disables the auto-discovery of the login.config file for JAAS to initialize itself. This flag is enabled by default such that if the java.security.auth.login.config system property is not defined then it is set to the location of the login.config file on the classpath. |
Attribute | Type | Description |
configuration | xs:string | Sets the JAAS configuration domain name used |
discoverLoginConfig | xs:boolean | Enables or disables the auto-discovery of the login.config file for JAAS to initialize itself. This flag is enabled by default such that if the java.security.auth.login.config system property is not defined then it is set to the location of the login.config file on the classpath. |
sslConfiguration | xs:string | Set the JAAS SSL configuration domain |
Attribute | Type | Description |
auditRecoveryDepth | xs:integer | |
brokerName | xs:string | |
changeAutoCommitAllowed | xs:boolean | Whether the JDBC driver allows to set the auto commit. Some drivers does not allow changing the auto commit. The default value is true. |
cleanupPeriod | xs:integer | Sets the number of milliseconds until the database is attempted to be cleaned up for durable topics |
createTablesOnStartup | xs:boolean | Sets whether or not tables are created on startup |
dataDirectory | xs:string | |
dataDirectoryFile | xs:string | |
directory | xs:string | |
enableAudit | xs:boolean | |
lockAcquireSleepInterval | xs:long | |
lockKeepAlivePeriod | xs:long | |
maxAuditDepth | xs:integer | |
maxProducersToAudit | xs:integer | |
maxRows | xs:integer | |
transactionIsolation | xs:integer | set the Transaction isolation level to something other that TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED This allowable dirty isolation level may not be achievable in clustered DB environments so a more restrictive and expensive option may be needed like TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ see isolation level constants in {@link java.sql.Connection} |
useDatabaseLock | xs:boolean | |
useExternalMessageReferences | xs:boolean | |
useLock | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
adapter | axionJDBCAdapter | blobJDBCAdapter | bytesJDBCAdapter | db2JDBCAdapter | defaultJDBCAdapter | hsqldb-jdbc-adapter | imageBasedJDBCAdaptor | informixJDBCAdapter | maxdb-jdbc-adapter | mysql-jdbc-adapter | oracleBlobJDBCAdapter | oracleJDBCAdapter | postgresql-jdbc-adapter | streamJDBCAdapter | sybase-jdbc-adapter | transact-jdbc-adapter | |
brokerService | broker | brokerService | |
dataSource | <spring:bean/> | |
databaseLocker | database-locker | lease-database-locker | shared-file-locker | transact-database-locker | Sets the database locker strategy to use to lock the database on startup |
ds | <spring:bean/> | |
lockDataSource | <spring:bean/> | |
locker | database-locker | lease-database-locker | shared-file-locker | transact-database-locker | |
scheduledThreadPoolExecutor | <spring:bean/> | |
statements | statements | |
usageManager | systemUsage | |
wireFormat | <spring:bean/> |
Attribute | Type | Description |
jndiLocalTemplate | xs:string | |
jndiOutboundTemplate | xs:string | |
localClientId | xs:string | |
localConnectionFactoryName | xs:string | |
localPassword | xs:string | |
localUsername | xs:string | |
name | xs:string | |
outboundClientId | xs:string | |
outboundPassword | xs:string | |
outboundQueueConnectionFactoryName | xs:string | |
outboundUsername | xs:string | |
preferJndiDestinationLookup | xs:boolean | Sets whether the connector should prefer to first try to find a destination in JNDI before using JMS semantics to create a Destination. By default the connector will first use JMS semantics and then fall-back to JNDI lookup, setting this value to true will reverse that ordering. |
replyToDestinationCacheSize | xs:integer |
Element | Type | Description |
brokerService | broker | brokerService | One way to configure the local connection - this is called by The BrokerService when the Connector is embedded |
inboundMessageConvertor | simpleJmsMessageConvertor | |
inboundQueueBridges | (inboundQueueBridge)* | |
localQueueConnection | <spring:bean/> | |
localQueueConnectionFactory | connectionFactory | xaConnectionFactory | |
outboundMessageConvertor | simpleJmsMessageConvertor | |
outboundQueueBridges | (outboundQueueBridge)* | |
outboundQueueConnection | <spring:bean/> | |
outboundQueueConnectionFactory | connectionFactory | xaConnectionFactory | |
reconnectionPolicy | reconnectionPolicy |
Attribute | Type | Description |
jndiLocalTemplate | xs:string | |
jndiOutboundTemplate | xs:string | |
localClientId | xs:string | |
localConnectionFactoryName | xs:string | |
localPassword | xs:string | |
localUsername | xs:string | |
name | xs:string | |
outboundClientId | xs:string | |
outboundPassword | xs:string | |
outboundTopicConnectionFactoryName | xs:string | |
outboundUsername | xs:string | |
preferJndiDestinationLookup | xs:boolean | Sets whether the connector should prefer to first try to find a destination in JNDI before using JMS semantics to create a Destination. By default the connector will first use JMS semantics and then fall-back to JNDI lookup, setting this value to true will reverse that ordering. |
replyToDestinationCacheSize | xs:integer |
Element | Type | Description |
brokerService | broker | brokerService | One way to configure the local connection - this is called by The BrokerService when the Connector is embedded |
inboundMessageConvertor | simpleJmsMessageConvertor | |
inboundTopicBridges | (inboundTopicBridge)* | |
localTopicConnection | <spring:bean/> | |
localTopicConnectionFactory | connectionFactory | xaConnectionFactory | |
outboundMessageConvertor | simpleJmsMessageConvertor | |
outboundTopicBridges | (outboundTopicBridge)* | |
outboundTopicConnection | <spring:bean/> | |
outboundTopicConnectionFactory | connectionFactory | xaConnectionFactory | |
reconnectionPolicy | reconnectionPolicy |
Attribute | Type | Description |
limit | xs:string | Sets the memory limit in bytes. Setting the limit in bytes will set the usagePortion to 0 since the UsageManager is not going to be portion based off the parent. When set using Xbean, values of the form "20 Mb", "1024kb", and "1g" can be used |
name | xs:string | |
percentUsage | xs:integer | |
percentUsageMinDelta | xs:string | Sets the minimum number of percentage points the usage has to change before a UsageListener event is fired by the manager. |
pollingTime | xs:integer | |
usagePortion | xs:float |
Element | Type | Description |
executor | <spring:bean/> | |
limiter | defaultUsageCapacity | usageCapacity | |
parent | <spring:bean/> | |
store | <spring:bean/> |
Attribute | Type | Description |
brokerName | xs:string | |
checkpointInterval | xs:long | |
directory | xs:string | |
maxCheckpointMessageAddSize | xs:integer | |
maxCheckpointWorkers | xs:integer | |
useExternalMessageReferences | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
brokerService | broker | brokerService | |
journal | <spring:bean/> | |
longTermPersistence | jdbcPersistenceAdapter | journalPersistenceAdapter | kahaDB | levelDB | mKahaDB | memoryPersistenceAdapter | replicatedLevelDB | |
persistenceAdapter | jdbcPersistenceAdapter | journalPersistenceAdapter | kahaDB | levelDB | mKahaDB | memoryPersistenceAdapter | replicatedLevelDB | |
taskRunnerFactory | taskRunnerFactory | |
usageManager | systemUsage |
Attribute | Type | Description |
checkpointInterval | xs:long | |
createTablesOnStartup | xs:boolean | Sets whether or not tables are created on startup |
dataDirectory | xs:string | |
dataDirectoryFile | xs:string | |
journalArchiveDirectory | xs:string | |
journalLogFileSize | xs:string | Sets the size of the journal log files When set using Xbean, values of the form "20 Mb", "1024kb", and "1g" can be used |
journalLogFiles | xs:integer | Sets the number of journal log files to use |
journalThreadPriority | xs:integer | Sets the thread priority of the journal thread |
lockKeepAlivePeriod | xs:long | |
useDatabaseLock | xs:boolean | Sets whether or not an exclusive database lock should be used to enable JDBC Master/Slave. Enabled by default. |
useDedicatedTaskRunner | xs:boolean | |
useJournal | xs:boolean | Enables or disables the use of the journal. The default is to use the journal |
useLock | xs:boolean | |
useQuickJournal | xs:boolean | Enables or disables the use of quick journal, which keeps messages in the journal and just stores a reference to the messages in JDBC. Defaults to false so that messages actually reside long term in the JDBC database. |
Element | Type | Description |
adapter | axionJDBCAdapter | blobJDBCAdapter | bytesJDBCAdapter | db2JDBCAdapter | defaultJDBCAdapter | hsqldb-jdbc-adapter | imageBasedJDBCAdaptor | informixJDBCAdapter | maxdb-jdbc-adapter | mysql-jdbc-adapter | oracleBlobJDBCAdapter | oracleJDBCAdapter | postgresql-jdbc-adapter | streamJDBCAdapter | sybase-jdbc-adapter | transact-jdbc-adapter | |
brokerService | broker | brokerService | |
dataSource | <spring:bean/> | |
jdbcAdapter | jdbcPersistenceAdapter | |
journal | <spring:bean/> | |
locker | database-locker | lease-database-locker | shared-file-locker | transact-database-locker | |
statements | statements | |
taskRunnerFactory | taskRunnerFactory |
Attribute | Type | Description |
checkpointInterval | xs:long | |
createTablesOnStartup | xs:boolean | Sets whether or not tables are created on startup |
dataDirectory | xs:string | |
dataDirectoryFile | xs:string | |
journalArchiveDirectory | xs:string | |
journalLogFileSize | xs:string | Sets the size of the journal log files When set using Xbean, values of the form "20 Mb", "1024kb", and "1g" can be used |
journalLogFiles | xs:integer | Sets the number of journal log files to use |
journalThreadPriority | xs:integer | Sets the thread priority of the journal thread |
lockKeepAlivePeriod | xs:long | |
useDatabaseLock | xs:boolean | Sets whether or not an exclusive database lock should be used to enable JDBC Master/Slave. Enabled by default. |
useDedicatedTaskRunner | xs:boolean | |
useJournal | xs:boolean | Enables or disables the use of the journal. The default is to use the journal |
useLock | xs:boolean | |
useQuickJournal | xs:boolean | Enables or disables the use of quick journal, which keeps messages in the journal and just stores a reference to the messages in JDBC. Defaults to false so that messages actually reside long term in the JDBC database. |
Element | Type | Description |
adapter | axionJDBCAdapter | blobJDBCAdapter | bytesJDBCAdapter | db2JDBCAdapter | defaultJDBCAdapter | hsqldb-jdbc-adapter | imageBasedJDBCAdaptor | informixJDBCAdapter | maxdb-jdbc-adapter | mysql-jdbc-adapter | oracleBlobJDBCAdapter | oracleJDBCAdapter | postgresql-jdbc-adapter | streamJDBCAdapter | sybase-jdbc-adapter | transact-jdbc-adapter | |
brokerService | broker | brokerService | |
dataSource | <spring:bean/> | |
jdbcAdapter | jdbcPersistenceAdapter | |
journal | <spring:bean/> | |
locker | database-locker | lease-database-locker | shared-file-locker | transact-database-locker | |
statements | statements | |
taskRunnerFactory | taskRunnerFactory |
Attribute | Type | Description |
archiveCorruptedIndex | xs:boolean | |
archiveDataLogs | xs:boolean | |
brokerName | xs:string | |
checkForCorruptJournalFiles | xs:boolean | |
checkpointInterval | xs:long | Get the checkpointInterval |
checksumJournalFiles | xs:boolean | |
cleanupInterval | xs:long | Get the cleanupInterval |
concurrentStoreAndDispatchQueues | xs:boolean | |
concurrentStoreAndDispatchTopics | xs:boolean | |
databaseLockedWaitDelay | xs:integer | |
directory | xs:string | Get the directory |
directoryArchive | xs:string | |
enableIndexDiskSyncs | xs:boolean | |
enableIndexPageCaching | xs:boolean | |
enableIndexRecoveryFile | xs:boolean | |
enableIndexWriteAsync | xs:boolean | Get the enableIndexWriteAsync |
enableJournalDiskSyncs | xs:boolean | Get the enableJournalDiskSyncs |
failoverProducersAuditDepth | xs:integer | set the audit window depth for duplicate suppression (should exceed the max transaction batch) |
forceRecoverIndex | xs:boolean | |
ignoreMissingJournalfiles | xs:boolean | Get the ignoreMissingJournalfiles |
indexCacheSize | xs:string | Get the indexCacheSize |
indexLFUEvictionFactor | xs:float | |
indexWriteBatchSize | xs:string | Get the indexWriteBatchSize |
journalMaxFileLength | xs:string | Get the journalMaxFileLength |
journalMaxWriteBatchSize | xs:string | Get the journalMaxWriteBatchSize |
lockKeepAlivePeriod | xs:long | |
maxAsyncJobs | xs:integer | |
maxFailoverProducersToTrack | xs:integer | Set the max number of producers (LRU cache) to track for duplicate sends |
useIndexLFRUEviction | xs:boolean | |
useLock | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
brokerService | broker | brokerService | |
locker | database-locker | lease-database-locker | shared-file-locker | transact-database-locker | |
transactionIdTransformer | <spring:bean/> | |
usageManager | systemUsage |
Attribute | Type | Description |
adminAttribute | xs:string | |
adminBase | xs:string | |
advisorySearchBase | xs:string | |
authentication | xs:string | |
connectionPassword | xs:string | |
connectionProtocol | xs:string | |
connectionURL | xs:string | |
connectionUsername | xs:string | |
initialContextFactory | xs:string | |
queueSearchSubtreeBool | xs:boolean | |
readAttribute | xs:string | |
readBase | xs:string | |
tempSearchBase | xs:string | |
topicSearchSubtreeBool | xs:boolean | |
useAdvisorySearchBase | xs:boolean | |
writeAttribute | xs:string | |
writeBase | xs:string |
Element | Type | Description |
context | <spring:bean/> | |
options | <spring:bean/> | |
queueSearchMatchingFormat | <spring:bean/> | |
topicSearchMatchingFormat | <spring:bean/> |
Element | Type | Description |
broker | destinationPathSeparatorPlugin | forcePersistencyModeBroker | loggingBrokerPlugin | multicastTraceBrokerPlugin | redeliveryPlugin | timeStampingBrokerPlugin | traceBrokerPathPlugin | udpTraceBrokerPlugin |
Attribute | Type | Description |
advisoryForFailedForward | xs:boolean | |
alwaysSyncSend | xs:boolean | |
anonymousAuthentication | xs:boolean | sets LDAP anonymous authentication access credentials |
base | xs:string | sets the base LDAP dn used for lookup operations |
bridgeTempDestinations | xs:boolean | |
brokerName | xs:string | |
brokerURL | xs:string | |
checkDuplicateMessagesOnDuplex | xs:boolean | |
conduitSubscriptions | xs:boolean | |
consumerPriorityBase | xs:integer | |
consumerTTL | xs:integer | |
decreaseNetworkConsumerPriority | xs:boolean | |
destinationFilter | xs:string | |
dispatchAsync | xs:boolean | |
duplex | xs:boolean | |
dynamicOnly | xs:boolean | |
gcDestinationViews | xs:boolean | |
gcSweepTime | xs:long | |
localUri | xs:string | |
messageTTL | xs:integer | |
name | xs:string | |
networkTTL | xs:integer | |
objectName | xs:string | |
password | xs:string | sets the LDAP password for access credentials |
prefetchSize | xs:string | |
searchEventListener | xs:boolean | enables/disable a persistent search to the LDAP server as defined in draft-ietf-ldapext-psearch-03.txt (2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.3) |
searchFilter | xs:string | sets the LDAP search filter as defined in RFC 2254 |
searchScope | xs:string | sets the LDAP search scope |
staticBridge | xs:boolean | |
suppressDuplicateQueueSubscriptions | xs:boolean | |
suppressDuplicateTopicSubscriptions | xs:boolean | |
uri | xs:string | returns the next URI from the configured list |
useBrokerNameAsIdSees | xs:boolean | |
useCompression | xs:boolean | |
user | xs:string | sets the LDAP user for access credentials |
userName | xs:string |
Element | Type | Description |
brokerService | broker | brokerService | |
connectionFilter | <spring:bean/> | |
durableDestinations | (<spring:bean/>)* | |
dynamicallyIncludedDestinations | (<spring:bean/>)* | |
excludedDestinations | (<spring:bean/>)* | |
staticallyIncludedDestinations | (<spring:bean/>)* |
Attribute | Type | Description |
createTablesOnStartup | xs:boolean | |
failIfLocked | xs:boolean | |
leaseHolderId | xs:string | |
lockAcquireSleepInterval | xs:long | |
maxAllowableDiffFromDBTime | xs:integer | |
name | xs:string | |
queryTimeout | xs:integer |
Element | Type | Description |
dataSource | <spring:bean/> | |
lockable | jdbcPersistenceAdapter | journalPersistenceAdapterFactory | journaledJDBC | kahaDB | levelDB | mKahaDB | replicatedLevelDB | |
statements | statements |
Attribute | Type | Description |
asyncBufferSize | xs:integer | |
autoCompactionRatio | xs:integer | |
brokerName | xs:string | |
directory | xs:string | |
failoverProducersAuditDepth | xs:integer | |
flushDelay | xs:integer | |
indexBlockRestartInterval | xs:integer | |
indexBlockSize | xs:integer | |
indexCacheSize | xs:long | |
indexCompression | xs:string | |
indexFactory | xs:string | |
indexMaxOpenFiles | xs:integer | |
indexWriteBufferSize | xs:integer | |
lockKeepAlivePeriod | xs:long | |
logCompression | xs:string | |
logDirectory | xs:string | |
logSize | xs:long | |
maxFailoverProducersToTrack | xs:integer | |
monitorStats | xs:boolean | |
paranoidChecks | xs:boolean | |
sync | xs:boolean | |
useLock | xs:boolean | |
verifyChecksums | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
brokerService | broker | brokerService | |
locker | database-locker | lease-database-locker | shared-file-locker | transact-database-locker | |
transactionIdTransformer | <spring:bean/> | |
usageManager | systemUsage |
Attribute | Type | Description |
logAll | xs:boolean | Logger all Events that go through the Plugin |
logConnectionEvents | xs:boolean | Logger Events that are related to connections |
logConsumerEvents | xs:boolean | Logger Events that are related to Consumers |
logInternalEvents | xs:boolean | Logger Events that are normally internal to the broker |
logMessageEvents | xs:boolean | Logger Events that are related to message processing |
logProducerEvents | xs:boolean | Logger Events that are related to Producers |
logSessionEvents | xs:boolean | Logger Events that are related to sessions |
logTransactionEvents | xs:boolean | Logger Events that are related to transaction processing |
perDestinationLogger | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
adminConnectionContext | <spring:bean/> | |
next | destinationPathSeparatorPlugin | forcePersistencyModeBroker | loggingBrokerPlugin | multicastTraceBrokerPlugin | redeliveryPlugin | timeStampingBrokerPlugin | traceBrokerPathPlugin | udpTraceBrokerPlugin |
Attribute | Type | Description |
brokerName | xs:string | |
directory | xs:string | |
journalMaxFileLength | xs:string | Set the max file length of the transaction journal When set using Xbean, values of the form "20 Mb", "1024kb", and "1g" can be used |
journalWriteBatchSize | xs:string | Set the max write batch size of the transaction journal When set using Xbean, values of the form "20 Mb", "1024kb", and "1g" can be used |
lockKeepAlivePeriod | xs:long | |
useLock | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
brokerService | broker | brokerService | |
filteredPersistenceAdapters | (<spring:bean/>)* | Sets the FilteredKahaDBPersistenceAdapter entries |
locker | database-locker | lease-database-locker | shared-file-locker | transact-database-locker | |
transactionStore | <spring:bean/> | |
usageManager | systemUsage |
Attribute | Type | Description |
allowRemoteAddressInMBeanNames | xs:boolean | |
brokerName | xs:string | Gets the broker name this context is used by, may be null if the broker name was not set. |
connectorHost | xs:string | Get the connectorHost |
connectorPath | xs:string | |
connectorPort | xs:string | |
createConnector | xs:string | |
createMBeanServer | xs:boolean | |
findTigerMbeanServer | xs:boolean | Enables/disables the searching for the Java 5 platform MBeanServer |
jmxDomainName | xs:string | |
rmiServerPort | xs:string | |
useMBeanServer | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
MBeanServer | <spring:bean/> | Get the MBeanServer |
environment | <spring:bean/> | |
server | <spring:bean/> |
Attribute | Type | Description |
batchStatements | xs:boolean | Set the number of statements to process as a single batch DB update |
batchStatments | xs:boolean | This value batchStatments is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use batchStatements instead (Note the 'e' in Statement)" |
maxRows | xs:integer | the max value for statement maxRows, used to limit jdbc queries |
useExternalMessageReferences | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
statements | statements |
Attribute | Type | Description |
brokerName | xs:string | |
createTransactionStore | xs:boolean | |
directory | xs:string | |
useExternalMessageReferences | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
usageManager | systemUsage |
Attribute | Type | Description |
limit | xs:string | Sets the memory limit in bytes. Setting the limit in bytes will set the usagePortion to 0 since the UsageManager is not going to be portion based off the parent. When set using Xbean, values of the form "20 Mb", "1024kb", and "1g" can be used |
name | xs:string | |
percentOfJvmHeap | xs:integer | |
percentUsage | xs:integer | |
percentUsageMinDelta | xs:string | Sets the minimum number of percentage points the usage has to change before a UsageListener event is fired by the manager. |
pollingTime | xs:integer | |
portion | xs:float | |
usage | xs:long | |
usagePortion | xs:float |
Element | Type | Description |
executor | <spring:bean/> | |
limiter | defaultUsageCapacity | usageCapacity | |
parent | <spring:bean/> |
Attribute | Type | Description |
bucketCount | xs:integer | Sets the number of hash buckets to use for the message group functionality. This is only applicable to using message groups to parallelize processing of a queue while preserving order across an individual JMSXGroupID header value. This value sets the number of hash buckets that will be used (i.e. the maximum possible concurrency). |
cacheSize | xs:integer |
Attribute | Type | Description |
copyMessage | xs:boolean | Sets whether a copy of the message will be sent to each destination. Defaults to true so that the forward destination is set as the destination of the message |
postfix | xs:string | Sets any postix used to identify the queue consumers |
prefix | xs:string | Sets the prefix wildcard used to identify the queue consumers for a given topic |
Element | Type | Description |
brokerService | broker | brokerService |
Attribute | Type | Description |
advisoryForFailedForward | xs:boolean | |
alwaysSyncSend | xs:boolean | |
bridgeTempDestinations | xs:boolean | |
brokerName | xs:string | |
brokerURL | xs:string | |
checkDuplicateMessagesOnDuplex | xs:boolean | |
conduitSubscriptions | xs:boolean | |
consumerPriorityBase | xs:integer | |
consumerTTL | xs:integer | |
decreaseNetworkConsumerPriority | xs:boolean | |
destinationFilter | xs:string | |
dispatchAsync | xs:boolean | |
duplex | xs:boolean | |
dynamicOnly | xs:boolean | |
gcDestinationViews | xs:boolean | |
gcSweepTime | xs:long | |
localUri | xs:string | |
messageTTL | xs:integer | |
name | xs:string | |
networkTTL | xs:integer | |
objectName | xs:string | |
password | xs:string | |
prefetchSize | xs:string | |
remoteURI | xs:string | Sets the remote transport URI to some group transport like
multicast://address:port |
staticBridge | xs:boolean | |
suppressDuplicateQueueSubscriptions | xs:boolean | |
suppressDuplicateTopicSubscriptions | xs:boolean | |
useBrokerNameAsIdSees | xs:boolean | |
useCompression | xs:boolean | |
userName | xs:string |
Element | Type | Description |
bridge | compositeDemandForwardingBridge | demandForwardingBridge | |
brokerService | broker | brokerService | |
connectionFilter | <spring:bean/> | |
durableDestinations | (<spring:bean/>)* | |
dynamicallyIncludedDestinations | (<spring:bean/>)* | |
excludedDestinations | (<spring:bean/>)* | |
localTransport | <spring:bean/> | |
remoteTransport | <spring:bean/> | Sets the remote transport implementation |
staticallyIncludedDestinations | (<spring:bean/>)* |
Attribute | Type | Description |
broadcast | xs:boolean | |
destination | xs:string | |
maxTraceDatagramSize | xs:integer | |
timeToLive | xs:integer |
Element | Type | Description |
address | <spring:bean/> | |
adminConnectionContext | <spring:bean/> | |
next | destinationPathSeparatorPlugin | forcePersistencyModeBroker | loggingBrokerPlugin | multicastTraceBrokerPlugin | redeliveryPlugin | timeStampingBrokerPlugin | traceBrokerPathPlugin | udpTraceBrokerPlugin | |
wireFormat | <spring:bean/> | |
wireFormatFactory | <spring:bean/> |
Attribute | Type | Description |
batchStatements | xs:boolean | Set the number of statements to process as a single batch DB update |
batchStatments | xs:boolean | This value batchStatments is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use batchStatements instead (Note the 'e' in Statement)" |
engineType | xs:string | |
maxRows | xs:integer | the max value for statement maxRows, used to limit jdbc queries |
typeStatement | xs:string | |
useExternalMessageReferences | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
statements | statements |
Attribute | Type | Description |
advisoryForFailedForward | xs:boolean | |
alwaysSyncSend | xs:boolean | |
bridgeTempDestinations | xs:boolean | |
brokerName | xs:string | |
brokerURL | xs:string | |
checkDuplicateMessagesOnDuplex | xs:boolean | |
conduitSubscriptions | xs:boolean | |
consumerPriorityBase | xs:integer | |
consumerTTL | xs:integer | |
decreaseNetworkConsumerPriority | xs:boolean | |
destinationFilter | xs:string | |
discoveryURI | xs:string | |
dispatchAsync | xs:boolean | |
duplex | xs:boolean | |
dynamicOnly | xs:boolean | |
gcDestinationViews | xs:boolean | |
gcSweepTime | xs:long | |
localUri | xs:string | |
messageTTL | xs:integer | |
name | xs:string | |
networkTTL | xs:integer | |
objectName | xs:string | |
password | xs:string | |
prefetchSize | xs:string | |
staticBridge | xs:boolean | |
suppressDuplicateQueueSubscriptions | xs:boolean | |
suppressDuplicateTopicSubscriptions | xs:boolean | |
uri | xs:string | |
useBrokerNameAsIdSees | xs:boolean | |
useCompression | xs:boolean | |
userName | xs:string |
Element | Type | Description |
brokerService | broker | brokerService | |
connectionFilter | <spring:bean/> | |
discoveryAgent | <spring:bean/> | |
durableDestinations | (<spring:bean/>)* | |
dynamicallyIncludedDestinations | (<spring:bean/>)* | |
excludedDestinations | (<spring:bean/>)* | |
staticallyIncludedDestinations | (<spring:bean/>)* |
Element | Type | Description |
broker | destinationPathSeparatorPlugin | forcePersistencyModeBroker | loggingBrokerPlugin | multicastTraceBrokerPlugin | redeliveryPlugin | timeStampingBrokerPlugin | traceBrokerPathPlugin | udpTraceBrokerPlugin |
Attribute | Type | Description |
evictExpiredMessagesHighWatermark | xs:integer | Sets the high water mark on which we will eagerly evict expired messages from RAM |
Attribute | Type | Description |
evictExpiredMessagesHighWatermark | xs:integer | Sets the high water mark on which we will eagerly evict expired messages from RAM |
Attribute | Type | Description |
batchStatements | xs:boolean | Set the number of statements to process as a single batch DB update |
batchStatments | xs:boolean | This value batchStatments is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use batchStatements instead (Note the 'e' in Statement)" |
maxRows | xs:integer | the max value for statement maxRows, used to limit jdbc queries |
useExternalMessageReferences | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
statements | statements |
Attribute | Type | Description |
batchStatements | xs:boolean | Set the number of statements to process as a single batch DB update |
batchStatments | xs:boolean | This value batchStatments is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use batchStatements instead (Note the 'e' in Statement)" |
maxRows | xs:integer | the max value for statement maxRows, used to limit jdbc queries |
useExternalMessageReferences | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
statements | statements |
Attribute | Type | Description |
doHandleReplyTo | xs:boolean | |
localQueueName | xs:string | |
outboundQueueName | xs:string | Sets the name of the outbound queue name. If the inbound queue name has not been set already then this method uses the provided queue name to set the inbound topic name as well. |
selector | xs:string |
Element | Type | Description |
consumer | <spring:bean/> | |
consumerConnection | <spring:bean/> | |
consumerQueue | queue | |
jmsConnector | jmsQueueConnector | jmsTopicConnector | |
jmsMessageConvertor | simpleJmsMessageConvertor | |
producerConnection | <spring:bean/> | |
producerQueue | queue |
Attribute | Type | Description |
consumerName | xs:string | |
doHandleReplyTo | xs:boolean | |
localTopicName | xs:string | |
outboundTopicName | xs:string | Sets the name of the outbound topic name. If the inbound topic name has not been set already then this method uses the provided topic name to set the inbound topic name as well. |
selector | xs:string |
Element | Type | Description |
consumer | <spring:bean/> | |
consumerConnection | <spring:bean/> | |
consumerTopic | topic | |
jmsConnector | jmsQueueConnector | jmsTopicConnector | |
jmsMessageConvertor | simpleJmsMessageConvertor | |
producerConnection | <spring:bean/> | |
producerTopic | topic |
Attribute | Type | Description |
cleanupInterval | xs:long | |
directory | xs:string | |
enableIndexWriteAsync | xs:boolean | |
failIfDatabaseIsLocked | xs:boolean | |
indexCacheSize | xs:integer | |
indexEnablePageCaching | xs:boolean | |
indexPageSize | xs:integer | |
indexWriteBatchSize | xs:integer | |
journalMaxFileLength | xs:integer | |
journalMaxWriteBatchSize | xs:integer | |
lazyInit | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
brokerService | broker | brokerService |
Attribute | Type | Description |
configAsJson | xs:string | |
minTransferCount | xs:integer |
Element | Type | Description |
config | <spring:bean/> |
Attribute | Type | Description |
advisoryForConsumed | xs:boolean | |
advisoryForDelivery | xs:boolean | |
advisoryForDiscardingMessages | xs:boolean | |
advisoryForFastProducers | xs:boolean | |
advisoryForSlowConsumers | xs:boolean | |
advisoryWhenFull | xs:boolean | |
allConsumersExclusiveByDefault | xs:boolean | |
alwaysRetroactive | xs:boolean | |
blockedProducerWarningInterval | xs:long | Set's the interval at which warnings about producers being blocked by resource usage will be triggered. Values of 0 or less will disable warnings |
consumersBeforeDispatchStarts | xs:integer | |
cursorMemoryHighWaterMark | xs:integer | |
doOptimzeMessageStorage | xs:boolean | |
durableTopicPrefetch | xs:integer | Get the durableTopicPrefetch |
enableAudit | xs:boolean | |
expireMessagesPeriod | xs:long | |
gcInactiveDestinations | xs:boolean | |
gcWithNetworkConsumers | xs:boolean | |
inactiveTimoutBeforeGC | xs:long | |
lazyDispatch | xs:boolean | |
maxAuditDepth | xs:integer | |
maxBrowsePageSize | xs:integer | |
maxExpirePageSize | xs:integer | |
maxPageSize | xs:integer | |
maxProducersToAudit | xs:integer | |
maxQueueAuditDepth | xs:integer | |
memoryLimit | xs:string | When set using Xbean, values of the form "20 Mb", "1024kb", and "1g" can be used |
messageGroupMapFactoryType | xs:string | |
minimumMessageSize | xs:long | |
optimizeMessageStoreInFlightLimit | xs:integer | |
optimizedDispatch | xs:boolean | |
persistJMSRedelivered | xs:boolean | |
prioritizedMessages | xs:boolean | |
producerFlowControl | xs:boolean | |
queue | xs:string | A helper method to set the destination from a configuration file |
queueBrowserPrefetch | xs:integer | Get the queueBrowserPrefetch |
queuePrefetch | xs:integer | Get the queuePrefetch |
reduceMemoryFootprint | xs:boolean | |
sendAdvisoryIfNoConsumers | xs:boolean | Sends an advisory message if a non-persistent message is sent and there are no active consumers |
storeUsageHighWaterMark | xs:integer | |
strictOrderDispatch | xs:boolean | |
tempQueue | xs:boolean | |
tempTopic | xs:boolean | |
timeBeforeDispatchStarts | xs:integer | |
topic | xs:string | A helper method to set the destination from a configuration file |
topicPrefetch | xs:integer | Get the topicPrefetch |
useCache | xs:boolean | |
useConsumerPriority | xs:boolean | |
usePrefetchExtension | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
deadLetterStrategy | discarding | individualDeadLetterStrategy | sharedDeadLetterStrategy | Sets the policy used to determine which dead letter queue destination should be used |
destination | queue | tempQueue | tempTopic | topic | |
dispatchPolicy | priorityDispatchPolicy | priorityNetworkDispatchPolicy | roundRobinDispatchPolicy | simpleDispatchPolicy | strictOrderDispatchPolicy | |
messageEvictionStrategy | oldestMessageEvictionStrategy | oldestMessageWithLowestPriorityEvictionStrategy | uniquePropertyMessageEvictionStrategy | Sets the eviction strategy used to decide which message to evict when the slow consumer needs to discard messages |
messageGroupMapFactory | cachedMessageGroupMapFactory | messageGroupHashBucketFactory | simpleMessageGroupMapFactory | Sets the factory used to create new instances of {MessageGroupMap} used to implement the Message Groups functionality. |
networkBridgeFilterFactory | conditionalNetworkBridgeFilterFactory | defaultNetworkBridgeFilterFactory | |
pendingDurableSubscriberPolicy | fileDurableSubscriberCursor | storeDurableSubscriberCursor | vmDurableCursor | |
pendingMessageLimitStrategy | constantPendingMessageLimitStrategy | prefetchRatePendingMessageLimitStrategy | Sets the strategy to calculate the maximum number of messages that are allowed to be pending on consumers (in addition to their prefetch sizes). Once the limit is reached, non-durable topics can then start discarding old messages. This allows us to keep dispatching messages to slow consumers while not blocking fast consumers and discarding the messages oldest first. |
pendingQueuePolicy | fileQueueCursor | storeCursor | vmQueueCursor | |
pendingSubscriberPolicy | fileCursor | vmCursor | |
slowConsumerStrategy | abortSlowAckConsumerStrategy | abortSlowConsumerStrategy | |
subscriptionRecoveryPolicy | fixedCountSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy | fixedSizedSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy | lastImageSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy | noSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy | queryBasedSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy | retainedMessageSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy | timedSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy |
Element | Type | Description |
defaultEntry | policyEntry | |
entries | (<spring:bean/>)* | A helper method to allow the destination map to be populated from a dependency injection framework such as Spring |
policyEntries | (<spring:bean/>)* | Sets the individual entries on the policy map |
Attribute | Type | Description |
maxConnections | xs:integer | |
maximumActive | xs:integer | |
resourceName | xs:string |
Element | Type | Description |
connectionFactory | connectionFactory | xaConnectionFactory | |
transactionManager | <spring:bean/> |
Attribute | Type | Description |
acksPkName | xs:string | |
batchStatements | xs:boolean | Set the number of statements to process as a single batch DB update |
batchStatments | xs:boolean | This value batchStatments is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use batchStatements instead (Note the 'e' in Statement)" |
maxRows | xs:integer | the max value for statement maxRows, used to limit jdbc queries |
useExternalMessageReferences | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
statements | statements |
Attribute | Type | Description |
all | xs:integer | |
durableTopicPrefetch | xs:integer | |
inputStreamPrefetch | xs:integer | |
maximumPendingMessageLimit | xs:integer | Sets how many messages a broker will keep around, above the prefetch limit, for non-durable topics before starting to discard older messages. |
optimizeDurableTopicPrefetch | xs:integer | |
queueBrowserPrefetch | xs:integer | |
queuePrefetch | xs:integer | |
topicPrefetch | xs:integer |
Attribute | Type | Description |
multiplier | xs:double | Sets the multiplier of the prefetch size which will be used to define the maximum number of pending messages for non-durable topics before messages are discarded. |
Attribute | Type | Description |
bind | xs:string | |
localUri | xs:string | |
name | xs:string | |
proxyToLocalBroker | xs:boolean | |
remote | xs:string |
Element | Type | Description |
server | <spring:bean/> |
Attribute | Type | Description |
clusterClientUriQuery | xs:string | Gets the URI query that's configured on the published URI that's sent to client's when the cluster info is updated. |
publishedHostStrategy | xs:string |
Element | Type | Description |
portMapping | <spring:bean/> |
Element | Type | Description |
broker | destinationPathSeparatorPlugin | forcePersistencyModeBroker | loggingBrokerPlugin | multicastTraceBrokerPlugin | redeliveryPlugin | timeStampingBrokerPlugin | traceBrokerPathPlugin | udpTraceBrokerPlugin | |
query | <spring:bean/> | Sets the query strategy to load initial messages |
Attribute | Type | Description |
name | xs:string | |
physicalName | xs:string |
Element | Type | Description |
compositeDestinations | (queue | tempQueue | tempTopic | topic)* | |
properties | <spring:bean/> | Get the properties from this instance for storing in JNDI |
Element | Type | Description |
destination | queue | tempQueue | tempTopic | topic | |
exclusiveConsumer | <spring:bean/> |
Attribute | Type | Description |
backOffMultiplier | xs:double | Gets the multiplier used to grow the delay between connection attempts from the initial time to the max set time. By default this value is set to 2.0. |
initialReconnectDelay | xs:long | Gets the initial delay value used before a reconnection attempt is made. If the use exponential back-off value is set to false then this will be the fixed time between connection attempts. By default this value is set to one second. |
maxInitialConnectAttempts | xs:integer | Gets the maximum number of times that the {@link JmsConnector} will try to connect on startup to before it marks itself as failed and does not try any further connections. |
maxReconnectAttempts | xs:integer | Gets the number of time that {@link JmsConnector} will attempt to connect or reconnect before giving up. By default the policy sets this value to a negative value meaning try forever. |
maxSendRetries | xs:integer | Gets the maximum number of a times a Message send should be retried before a JMSExeception is thrown indicating that the operation failed. |
maximumReconnectDelay | xs:long | Gets the maximum delay that is inserted between each attempt to connect before another attempt is made. The default setting for this value is 30 seconds. |
sendRetyDelay | xs:long | Set the amount of time the DestionationBridge will wait between attempts to forward a message. The default policy limits the minimum time between send attempt to one second. |
useExponentialBackOff | xs:boolean | Gets whether the policy uses the set back-off multiplier to grow the time between connection attempts. |
Attribute | Type | Description |
fallbackToDeadLetter | xs:boolean | What to do if there is no matching redelivery policy for a destination. when true, the region broker DLQ processing will be used via sendToDeadLetterQueue when false, there is no action |
sendToDlqIfMaxRetriesExceeded | xs:boolean | What to do if the maxretries on a matching redelivery policy is exceeded. when true, the region broker DLQ processing will be used via sendToDeadLetterQueue when false, there is no action |
Element | Type | Description |
adminConnectionContext | <spring:bean/> | |
next | destinationPathSeparatorPlugin | forcePersistencyModeBroker | loggingBrokerPlugin | multicastTraceBrokerPlugin | redeliveryPlugin | timeStampingBrokerPlugin | traceBrokerPathPlugin | udpTraceBrokerPlugin | |
redeliveryPolicyMap | redeliveryPolicyMap |
Attribute | Type | Description |
backOffMultiplier | xs:double | |
collisionAvoidancePercent | xs:short | |
initialRedeliveryDelay | xs:long | |
maximumRedeliveries | xs:integer | |
maximumRedeliveryDelay | xs:long | |
queue | xs:string | A helper method to set the destination from a configuration file |
redeliveryDelay | xs:long | |
tempQueue | xs:boolean | |
tempTopic | xs:boolean | |
topic | xs:string | A helper method to set the destination from a configuration file |
useCollisionAvoidance | xs:boolean | |
useExponentialBackOff | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
destination | queue | tempQueue | tempTopic | topic |
Element | Type | Description |
defaultEntry | redeliveryPolicy | |
entries | (<spring:bean/>)* | A helper method to allow the destination map to be populated from a dependency injection framework such as Spring |
redeliveryPolicyEntries | (<spring:bean/>)* | Sets the individual entries on the redeliveryPolicyMap |
Attribute | Type | Description |
asyncBufferSize | xs:integer | |
bind | xs:string | |
brokerName | xs:string | |
container | xs:string | |
directory | xs:string | |
failoverProducersAuditDepth | xs:integer | |
flushDelay | xs:integer | |
hostname | xs:string | |
indexBlockRestartInterval | xs:integer | |
indexBlockSize | xs:integer | |
indexCacheSize | xs:long | |
indexCompression | xs:string | |
indexFactory | xs:string | |
indexMaxOpenFiles | xs:integer | |
indexWriteBufferSize | xs:integer | |
lockKeepAlivePeriod | xs:long | |
logCompression | xs:string | |
logSize | xs:long | |
maxFailoverProducersToTrack | xs:integer | |
monitorStats | xs:boolean | |
paranoidChecks | xs:boolean | |
replicas | xs:integer | |
securityToken | xs:string | |
sync | xs:string | |
useLock | xs:boolean | |
verifyChecksums | xs:boolean | |
weight | xs:integer | |
zkAddress | xs:string | |
zkPassword | xs:string | |
zkPath | xs:string | |
zkSessionTmeout | xs:string |
Element | Type | Description |
brokerService | broker | brokerService | |
locker | database-locker | lease-database-locker | shared-file-locker | transact-database-locker | |
usageManager | systemUsage |
Attribute | Type | Description |
checkPeriod | xs:long |
Attribute | Type | Description |
directory | xs:string | |
failIfLocked | xs:boolean | |
lockAcquireSleepInterval | xs:long | |
name | xs:string |
Element | Type | Description |
lockable | jdbcPersistenceAdapter | journalPersistenceAdapterFactory | journaledJDBC | kahaDB | levelDB | mKahaDB | replicatedLevelDB |
Attribute | Type | Description |
enableAudit | xs:boolean | |
processExpired | xs:boolean | |
processNonPersistent | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
deadLetterQueue | queue | tempQueue | tempTopic | topic |
Attribute | Type | Description |
anonymousAccessAllowed | xs:boolean | |
anonymousGroup | xs:string | |
anonymousUser | xs:string |
Element | Type | Description |
userGroups | <spring:bean/> | Sets the groups a user is in. The key is the user name and the value is a Set of groups |
userPasswords | <spring:bean/> | Sets the map indexed by user name with the value the password |
users | (<spring:bean/>)* | Sets individual users for authentication |
Element | Type | Description |
adminACLs | authorizationMap | policyMap | redeliveryPolicyMap | |
readACLs | authorizationMap | policyMap | redeliveryPolicyMap | |
tempDestinationAuthorizationEntry | tempDestinationAuthorizationEntry | |
writeACLs | authorizationMap | policyMap | redeliveryPolicyMap |
Element | Type | Description |
destination | queue | tempQueue | tempTopic | topic |
Element | Type | Description |
connection | <spring:bean/> |
Attribute | Type | Description |
keyStore | xs:string | |
keyStoreAlgorithm | xs:string | |
keyStoreKeyPassword | xs:string | |
keyStorePassword | xs:string | |
keyStoreType | xs:string | |
protocol | xs:string | |
provider | xs:string | |
secureRandomAlgorithm | xs:string | |
trustStore | xs:string | |
trustStoreAlgorithm | xs:string | |
trustStorePassword | xs:string | |
trustStoreType | xs:string |
Element | Type | Description |
SSLContext | <spring:bean/> | |
keyManagers | (<spring:bean/>)* | |
secureRandom | <spring:bean/> | |
trustManagers | (<spring:bean/>)* |
Attribute | Type | Description |
addMessageStatement | xs:string | |
binaryDataType | xs:string | |
clearDurableLastAckInTxStatement | xs:string | |
clearXidFlagStatement | xs:string | |
containerNameDataType | xs:string | |
createDurableSubStatement | xs:string | |
currentDateTimeStatement | xs:string | |
deleteOldMessagesStatementWithPriority | xs:string | |
deleteSubscriptionStatement | xs:string | |
destinationMessageCountStatement | xs:string | |
dropAckPKAlterStatementEnd | xs:string | |
durableSubAcksTableName | xs:string | |
durableSubscriberMessageCountStatement | xs:string | |
durableSubscriberMessageCountStatementWithPriority | xs:string | |
findAcksPendingOutcomeStatement | xs:string | |
findAllDestinationsStatement | xs:string | |
findAllDurableSubMessagesStatement | xs:string | |
findAllDurableSubsStatement | xs:string | |
findAllMessagesStatement | xs:string | |
findDurableSubMessagesStatement | xs:string | |
findDurableSubStatement | xs:string | |
findLastSequenceIdInAcksStatement | xs:string | |
findLastSequenceIdInMsgsStatement | xs:string | |
findMessageByIdStatement | xs:string | |
findMessageSequenceIdStatement | xs:string | |
findMessageStatement | xs:string | |
findNextMessagesStatement | xs:string | |
findOpsPendingOutcomeStatement | xs:string | |
findXidByIdStatement | xs:string | |
insertDurablePriorityAckStatement | xs:string | |
lastAckedDurableSubscriberMessageStatement | xs:string | |
lastProducerSequenceIdStatement | xs:string | |
leaseObtainStatement | xs:string | |
leaseOwnerStatement | xs:string | |
leaseUpdateStatement | xs:string | |
lockCreateStatement | xs:string | |
lockTableName | xs:string | |
lockUpdateStatement | xs:string | |
longDataType | xs:string | |
messageTableName | xs:string | |
msgIdDataType | xs:string | |
nextDurableSubscriberMessageStatement | xs:string | |
removeAllMessagesStatement | xs:string | |
removeAllSubscriptionsStatement | xs:string | |
removeMessageStatment | xs:string | |
selectDurablePriorityAckStatement | xs:string | |
sequenceDataType | xs:string | |
stringIdDataType | xs:string | |
tablePrefix | xs:string | |
updateDurableLastAckInTxStatement | xs:string | |
updateDurableLastAckStatement | xs:string | |
updateDurableLastAckWithPriorityInTxStatement | xs:string | |
updateDurableLastAckWithPriorityStatement | xs:string | |
updateLastPriorityAckRowOfDurableSubStatement | xs:string | |
updateMessageStatement | xs:string | |
updateXidFlagStatement | xs:string | |
useExternalMessageReferences | xs:boolean | |
useLockCreateWhereClause | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
createLockSchemaStatements | (<spring:bean/>)* | |
createSchemaStatements | (<spring:bean/>)* | |
dropSchemaStatements | (<spring:bean/>)* |
Attribute | Type | Description |
immediatePriorityDispatch | xs:boolean | Ensure that new higher priority messages will get an immediate dispatch rather than wait for the end of the current cursor batch. Useful when there is a large message backlog and intermittent high priority messages. |
useCache | xs:boolean |
Attribute | Type | Description |
limit | xs:string | Sets the memory limit in bytes. Setting the limit in bytes will set the usagePortion to 0 since the UsageManager is not going to be portion based off the parent. When set using Xbean, values of the form "20 Mb", "1024kb", and "1g" can be used |
name | xs:string | |
percentUsage | xs:integer | |
percentUsageMinDelta | xs:string | Sets the minimum number of percentage points the usage has to change before a UsageListener event is fired by the manager. |
pollingTime | xs:integer | |
usagePortion | xs:float |
Element | Type | Description |
executor | <spring:bean/> | |
limiter | defaultUsageCapacity | usageCapacity | |
parent | <spring:bean/> | |
store | jdbcPersistenceAdapter | journalPersistenceAdapter | kahaDB | levelDB | mKahaDB | memoryPersistenceAdapter | replicatedLevelDB |
Attribute | Type | Description |
batchStatements | xs:boolean | Set the number of statements to process as a single batch DB update |
batchStatments | xs:boolean | This value batchStatments is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use batchStatements instead (Note the 'e' in Statement)" |
maxRows | xs:integer | the max value for statement maxRows, used to limit jdbc queries |
useExternalMessageReferences | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
statements | statements |
Attribute | Type | Description |
batchStatements | xs:boolean | Set the number of statements to process as a single batch DB update |
batchStatments | xs:boolean | This value batchStatments is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use batchStatements instead (Note the 'e' in Statement)" |
maxRows | xs:integer | the max value for statement maxRows, used to limit jdbc queries |
useExternalMessageReferences | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
statements | statements |
Attribute | Type | Description |
checkLimitsLogLevel | xs:string | |
name | xs:string | |
sendFailIfNoSpace | xs:boolean | Sets whether or not a send() should fail if there is no space free. The default value is false which means to block the send() method until space becomes available |
sendFailIfNoSpaceAfterTimeout | xs:long | |
sendFailIfNoSpaceExplicitySet | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
adapter | jdbcPersistenceAdapter | journalPersistenceAdapter | kahaDB | levelDB | mKahaDB | memoryPersistenceAdapter | replicatedLevelDB | |
executor | <spring:bean/> | |
jobSchedulerStore | <spring:bean/> | |
jobSchedulerUsage | jobSchedulerUsage | |
memoryUsage | memoryUsage | |
parent | systemUsage | |
storeUsage | storeUsage | |
tempStore | levelDB | pListStoreImpl | replicatedLevelDB | |
tempUsage | tempUsage |
Attribute | Type | Description |
daemon | xs:boolean | |
dedicatedTaskRunner | xs:boolean | |
maxIterationsPerRun | xs:integer | |
maxThreadPoolSize | xs:integer | |
name | xs:string | |
priority | xs:integer | |
shutdownAwaitTermination | xs:long |
Element | Type | Description |
executor | <spring:bean/> | |
rejectedTaskHandler | <spring:bean/> |
Attribute | Type | Description |
admin | xs:string | |
groupClass | xs:string | |
queue | xs:string | A helper method to set the destination from a configuration file |
read | xs:string | |
tempQueue | xs:boolean | |
tempTopic | xs:boolean | |
topic | xs:string | A helper method to set the destination from a configuration file |
write | xs:string |
Element | Type | Description |
adminACLs | (<spring:bean/>)* | |
destination | queue | tempQueue | tempTopic | topic | |
readACLs | (<spring:bean/>)* | |
writeACLs | (<spring:bean/>)* |
Attribute | Type | Description |
connectionId | xs:string | |
name | xs:string | |
physicalName | xs:string | |
sequenceId | xs:long |
Element | Type | Description |
compositeDestinations | (queue | tempQueue | tempTopic | topic)* | |
connection | <spring:bean/> | |
properties | <spring:bean/> | Get the properties from this instance for storing in JNDI |
Attribute | Type | Description |
connectionId | xs:string | |
name | xs:string | |
physicalName | xs:string | |
sequenceId | xs:long |
Element | Type | Description |
compositeDestinations | (queue | tempQueue | tempTopic | topic)* | |
connection | <spring:bean/> | |
properties | <spring:bean/> | Get the properties from this instance for storing in JNDI |
Attribute | Type | Description |
limit | xs:string | Sets the memory limit in bytes. Setting the limit in bytes will set the usagePortion to 0 since the UsageManager is not going to be portion based off the parent. When set using Xbean, values of the form "20 Mb", "1024kb", and "1g" can be used |
name | xs:string | |
percentUsage | xs:integer | |
percentUsageMinDelta | xs:string | Sets the minimum number of percentage points the usage has to change before a UsageListener event is fired by the manager. |
pollingTime | xs:integer | |
usagePortion | xs:float |
Element | Type | Description |
executor | <spring:bean/> | |
limiter | defaultUsageCapacity | usageCapacity | |
parent | <spring:bean/> | |
store | levelDB | pListStoreImpl | replicatedLevelDB |
Attribute | Type | Description |
futureOnly | xs:boolean | |
ttlCeiling | xs:long | setter method for ttlCeiling |
zeroExpirationOverride | xs:long | setter method for zeroExpirationOverride |
Element | Type | Description |
adminConnectionContext | <spring:bean/> | |
next | destinationPathSeparatorPlugin | forcePersistencyModeBroker | loggingBrokerPlugin | multicastTraceBrokerPlugin | redeliveryPlugin | timeStampingBrokerPlugin | traceBrokerPathPlugin | udpTraceBrokerPlugin | |
processNetworkMessages | <spring:bean/> |
Attribute | Type | Description |
recoverDuration | xs:long |
Element | Type | Description |
broker | destinationPathSeparatorPlugin | forcePersistencyModeBroker | loggingBrokerPlugin | multicastTraceBrokerPlugin | redeliveryPlugin | timeStampingBrokerPlugin | traceBrokerPathPlugin | udpTraceBrokerPlugin |
Attribute | Type | Description |
name | xs:string | |
physicalName | xs:string |
Element | Type | Description |
compositeDestinations | (queue | tempQueue | tempTopic | topic)* | |
properties | <spring:bean/> | Get the properties from this instance for storing in JNDI |
Attribute | Type | Description |
stampProperty | xs:string |
Element | Type | Description |
adminConnectionContext | <spring:bean/> | |
next | destinationPathSeparatorPlugin | forcePersistencyModeBroker | loggingBrokerPlugin | multicastTraceBrokerPlugin | redeliveryPlugin | timeStampingBrokerPlugin | traceBrokerPathPlugin | udpTraceBrokerPlugin |
Attribute | Type | Description |
createTablesOnStartup | xs:boolean | |
failIfLocked | xs:boolean | |
lockAcquireSleepInterval | xs:long | |
name | xs:string | |
queryTimeout | xs:integer |
Element | Type | Description |
dataSource | <spring:bean/> | |
exceptionHandler | <spring:bean/> | |
lockable | jdbcPersistenceAdapter | journalPersistenceAdapterFactory | journaledJDBC | kahaDB | levelDB | mKahaDB | replicatedLevelDB | |
statements | statements |
Attribute | Type | Description |
batchStatements | xs:boolean | Set the number of statements to process as a single batch DB update |
batchStatments | xs:boolean | This value batchStatments is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use batchStatements instead (Note the 'e' in Statement)" |
maxRows | xs:integer | the max value for statement maxRows, used to limit jdbc queries |
useExternalMessageReferences | xs:boolean |
Element | Type | Description |
statements | statements |
Attribute | Type | Description |
allowLinkStealing | xs:boolean | |
auditNetworkProducers | xs:boolean | Enable a producer audit on network connections, Traps the case of a missing send reply and resend. Note: does not work with conduit=false, networked composite destinations or networked virtual topics |
disableAsyncDispatch | xs:boolean | |
discoveryUri | xs:string | |
enableStatusMonitor | xs:boolean | |
maximumConsumersAllowedPerConnection | xs:integer | |
maximumProducersAllowedPerConnection | xs:integer | |
name | xs:string | |
rebalanceClusterClients | xs:boolean | |
updateClusterClients | xs:boolean | |
updateClusterClientsOnRemove | xs:boolean | |
updateClusterFilter | xs:string | |
uri | xs:string | Sets the server transport URI to use if there is not a {@link TransportServer} configured via the {@link #setServer(TransportServer)} method. This value is used to lazy create a {@link TransportServer} instance |
Element | Type | Description |
brokerInfo | <spring:bean/> | |
brokerService | broker | brokerService | This is called by the BrokerService right before it starts the transport. |
discoveryAgent | <spring:bean/> | |
messageAuthorizationPolicy | <spring:bean/> | Sets the policy used to decide if the current connection is authorized to consume a given message |
publishedAddressPolicy | publishedAddressPolicy | Gets the currently configured policy for creating the published connection address of this TransportConnector. |
server | <spring:bean/> | |
taskRunnerFactory | taskRunnerFactory |
Attribute | Type | Description |
broadcast | xs:boolean | |
destination | xs:string | |
maxTraceDatagramSize | xs:integer |
Element | Type | Description |
address | <spring:bean/> | |
adminConnectionContext | <spring:bean/> | |
next | destinationPathSeparatorPlugin | forcePersistencyModeBroker | loggingBrokerPlugin | multicastTraceBrokerPlugin | redeliveryPlugin | timeStampingBrokerPlugin | traceBrokerPathPlugin | udpTraceBrokerPlugin | |
wireFormat | <spring:bean/> | |
wireFormatFactory | <spring:bean/> |
Attribute | Type | Description |
evictExpiredMessagesHighWatermark | xs:integer | Sets the high water mark on which we will eagerly evict expired messages from RAM |
propertyName | xs:string |
Attribute | Type | Description |
limit | xs:long |
Element | Type | Description |
virtualDestinations | (compositeQueue | compositeTopic | virtualTopic)* |
Attribute | Type | Description |
persistFile | xs:string | Sets the location of the persistent cache |
Attribute | Type | Description |
local | xs:boolean | |
name | xs:string | |
postfix | xs:string | Sets any postix used to identify the queue consumers |
prefix | xs:string | Sets the prefix wildcard used to identify the queue consumers for a given topic |
selectorAware | xs:boolean | Indicates whether the selectors of consumers are used to determine dispatch to a virtual destination, when true only messages matching an existing consumer will be dispatched. |
Attribute | Type | Description |
alwaysSessionAsync | xs:boolean | If this flag is not set then a separate thread is not used for dispatching messages for each Session in the Connection. However, a separate thread is always used if there is more than one session, or the session isn't in auto acknowledge or duplicates ok mode. By default this value is set to true and session dispatch happens asynchronously. |
alwaysSyncSend | xs:boolean | Set true if always require messages to be sync sent |
auditDepth | xs:integer | |
auditMaximumProducerNumber | xs:integer | |
beanName | xs:string | |
brokerURL | xs:string | Sets the connection URL used to connect to the ActiveMQ broker. |
checkForDuplicates | xs:boolean | |
clientID | xs:string | Sets the JMS clientID to use for the created connection. Note that this can only be used by one connection at once so generally its a better idea to set the clientID on a Connection |
clientIDPrefix | xs:string | Sets the prefix used by autogenerated JMS Client ID values which are used if the JMS client does not explicitly specify on. |
closeTimeout | xs:integer | Sets the timeout before a close is considered complete. Normally a close() on a connection waits for confirmation from the broker; this allows that operation to timeout to save the client hanging if there is no broker |
connectionIDPrefix | xs:string | Sets the prefix used by connection id generator |
consumerFailoverRedeliveryWaitPeriod | xs:long | |
copyMessageOnSend | xs:boolean | Should a JMS message be copied to a new JMS Message object as part of the send() method in JMS. This is enabled by default to be compliant with the JMS specification. You can disable it if you do not mutate JMS messages after they are sent for a performance boost |
disableTimeStampsByDefault | xs:boolean | Sets whether or not timestamps on messages should be disabled or not. If you disable them it adds a small performance boost. |
dispatchAsync | xs:boolean | Enables or disables the default setting of whether or not consumers have their messages dispatched synchronously or asynchronously by the broker. For non-durable topics for example we typically dispatch synchronously by default to minimize context switches which boost performance. However sometimes its better to go slower to ensure that a single blocked consumer socket does not block delivery to other consumers. |
exclusiveConsumer | xs:boolean | Enables or disables whether or not queue consumers should be exclusive or not for example to preserve ordering when not using Message Groups |
maxThreadPoolSize | xs:integer | |
messagePrioritySupported | xs:boolean | |
nestedMapAndListEnabled | xs:boolean | Enables/disables whether or not Message properties and MapMessage entries support Nested Structures of Map and List objects |
nonBlockingRedelivery | xs:boolean | When true a MessageConsumer will not stop Message delivery before re-delivering Messages from a rolled back transaction. This implies that message order will not be preserved and also will result in the TransactedIndividualAck option to be enabled. |
objectMessageSerializationDefered | xs:boolean | When an object is set on an ObjectMessage, the JMS spec requires the object to be serialized by that set method. Enabling this flag causes the object to not get serialized. The object may subsequently get serialized if the message needs to be sent over a socket or stored to disk. |
optimizeAcknowledge | xs:boolean | |
optimizeAcknowledgeTimeOut | xs:long | The max time in milliseconds between optimized ack batches |
optimizedAckScheduledAckInterval | xs:long | Gets the configured time interval that is used to force all MessageConsumers that have optimizedAcknowledge enabled to send an ack for any outstanding Message Acks. By default this value is set to zero meaning that the consumers will not do any background Message acknowledgment. |
optimizedMessageDispatch | xs:boolean | If this flag is set then an larger prefetch limit is used - only applicable for durable topic subscribers. |
password | xs:string | Sets the JMS password used for connections created from this factory |
producerWindowSize | xs:integer | |
rmIdFromConnectionId | xs:boolean | uses the connection id as the resource identity for XAResource.isSameRM ensuring join will only occur on a single connection |
sendAcksAsync | xs:boolean | |
sendTimeout | xs:integer | |
statsEnabled | xs:boolean | |
transactedIndividualAck | xs:boolean | when true, submit individual transacted acks immediately rather than with transaction completion. This allows the acks to represent delivery status which can be persisted on rollback Used in conjunction with org.apache.activemq.store.kahadb.KahaDBPersistenceAdapter#setRewriteOnRedelivery(boolean) true |
useAsyncSend | xs:boolean | Forces the use of Async Sends which adds a massive performance boost; but means that the send() method will return immediately whether the message has been sent or not which could lead to message loss. |
useBeanNameAsClientIdPrefix | xs:boolean | |
useCompression | xs:boolean | Enables the use of compression of the message bodies |
useDedicatedTaskRunner | xs:boolean | |
useRetroactiveConsumer | xs:boolean | Sets whether or not retroactive consumers are enabled. Retroactive consumers allow non-durable topic subscribers to receive old messages that were published before the non-durable subscriber started. |
userName | xs:string | Sets the JMS userName used by connections created by this factory |
warnAboutUnstartedConnectionTimeout | xs:long | Enables the timeout from a connection creation to when a warning is generated if the connection is not properly started via {@link Connection#start()} and a message is received by a consumer. It is a very common gotcha to forget to start the connection so this option makes the default case to create a warning if the user forgets. To disable the warning just set the value to < 0 (say -1). |
watchTopicAdvisories | xs:boolean | |
xaAckMode | xs:integer |
Element | Type | Description |
blobTransferPolicy | <spring:bean/> | Sets the policy used to describe how out-of-band BLOBs (Binary Large OBjects) are transferred from producers to brokers to consumers |
clientIdGenerator | <spring:bean/> | |
clientInternalExceptionListener | <spring:bean/> | Allows an {@link ClientInternalExceptionListener} to be configured on the ConnectionFactory so that when this factory
is used by frameworks which don't expose the Connection such as Spring JmsTemplate, you can register
an exception listener.
Note: access to this clientInternalExceptionListener will not be serialized if it is associated with more than on connection (as it will be if more than one connection is subsequently created by this connection factory) |
connectionIdGenerator | <spring:bean/> | |
exceptionListener | <spring:bean/> | Allows an {@link ExceptionListener} to be configured on the ConnectionFactory so that when this factory
is used by frameworks which don't expose the Connection such as Spring JmsTemplate, you can register
an exception listener.
Note: access to this exceptionLinstener will not be serialized if it is associated with more than on connection (as it will be if more than one connection is subsequently created by this connection factory) |
prefetchPolicy | prefetchPolicy | Sets the prefetch policy for consumers created by this connection. |
properties | <spring:bean/> | Get the properties from this instance for storing in JNDI |
redeliveryPolicy | redeliveryPolicy | Sets the global default redelivery policy to be used when a message is delivered but the session is rolled back |
redeliveryPolicyMap | redeliveryPolicyMap | Sets the global redelivery policy mapping to be used when a message is delivered but the session is rolled back |
rejectedTaskHandler | <spring:bean/> | |
sessionTaskRunner | taskRunnerFactory | |
transformer | <spring:bean/> | Sets the transformer used to transform messages before they are sent on to the JMS bus or when they are received from the bus but before they are delivered to the JMS client |
transportListener | <spring:bean/> | Allows a listener to be configured on the ConnectionFactory so that when this factory is used with frameworks which don't expose the Connection such as Spring JmsTemplate, you can still register a transport listener. |