# this file is a parser rule config file for use with the Jenkins plugin log-parser # for more info see https://plugins.jenkins.io/log-parser # if a line matches multiple times, the FIRST match will apply # to update this file inside Jenkins as a global config file: # 1. ssh to you@dev01 (or a host that can connect to Jenkins) # 2. if you have permission, switch to the hudson user: sudo su - hudson # 3. ssh to jenkins@${JENKINS_HOST}, then run: # 4. wget https://github.com/jbosstools/jbosstools-build-ci/raw/master/util/jbosstools-console-log-parser.txt -O /var/lib/jenkins/jbosstools-console-log-parser.txt # to make the parser script available in Jenkins: # 1. go to https://${JENKINS_HOST}/configure # 2. search for "Console Output Parsing", and # 3. add the path to the log parser file downloaded above into /var/lib/jenkins/ # warnings/errors to ignore ok /ignoring option .*PermSize/ ok /No baseline version/ ok /Could not transfer metadata org.jboss.tools:parent/ ok /Failure to transfer org.jboss.tools:parent/ ok /Couldn't create directory: Failure/ # section starts: these are used to group errors and warnings found after the line; also creates a quick access link. start /Reactor Build Order/ start /\[INFO\] Building / start /tycho-surefire-plugin:.+:test \(.+test\).+/ start /T E S T S/ start /Reactor Summary/ start /checkLatestPublishedSHA.sh/ start /found ID = / # quick access links to these console log lines info /tycho\.testArgLine/ info /\[INFO\] All tests passed/ info /Tests run:.+/ info /BUILD SUCCESS/ info /Total time/ info /Latest build for / info /rsync -arz --rsh=ssh --protocol=28/ info /\[INFO\] .+ DONE: .+/ # warnings warning /\[p2.mirror\] .+/ warning /.+\[WARNING\].+/ warning /[Ww]arning/ warning /WARNING/ warning /Connection refused/ warning /Skipped: [123456789]/ warning /COMPOSITE UNCHANGED/ # these might need to be errors warning /Unable to read repository/ warning /Connection closed by remote host/ warning /Connection reset by peer/ warning /Couldn't read packet/ warning /ln: failed to create symbolic link/ # errors error /HTTPError/ error / \[ERROR\] / error /BUILD FAILED/ error /No latest build found/ error /exec returned: 13/ error /rsync error/ error /FAILURE IN OUTPUT/ error /failed:/ error /No such file or directory/ error /No repository found/ error /Problems resolving provisioning plan/ error /Validation found errors/ error /Cannot complete the install/ error /one or more required items could not be found/ error /no installation folders found/ error /Unable to satisfy dependency/ error /Cannot satisfy dependency/ error /conflicting dependency/ error /Could not resolve content/ error /Missing requirement/ error /The following error occurred/ # match line starting with 'error ', case-insensitive error /(?i)^error /