Element Summary

namespace-contextA NamespaceContext implementationorg.apache.servicemix.drools.support.NamespaceContextImpl

Element Detail

Element: component

executorFactory<spring:bean/>The executor factory to use to create the executor. If none is provided, one will be retrieved from the JBI container when the component is deployed into ServiceMix 3.x, or a default implementation will be used.

Element: endpoint

autoReplyxs:booleanWill this endpoint automatically reply to any exchanges not handled by the Drools rulebase?
defaultTargetServicexs:QNameThe default service that the exchange will be sent to if none of the rules have handled it.
defaultTargetURIxs:stringThe default endpoint URI that the exchange will be sent to if none of the rules have handled it.
endpointxs:stringThe name of the endpoint.
interfaceNamexs:QNameThe qualified name of the interface exposed by the endpoint.
ruleBaseResourcexs:stringSpecifies the resource location to load the rule base from (.drl file)
servicexs:QNameThe qualified name of the service the endpoint exposes.
assertedObjects(<spring:bean/>)*List of additional objects to be inserted into the drools working memory for evaluating rules.
globals<spring:bean/>The global variables that are available while evaluating the rule base.
namespaceContextnamespace-contextThe namespace context to use when evaluating the rules.
ruleBase<spring:bean/>Set the rule base to be used for handling the exchanges
ruleBaseURL<spring:bean/>Specifies a URL to load the rule base from (.drl file)

Element: namespace-context

namespaces<spring:bean/>Keep the getter/setter to keep xbean annotation