Element Summary

componentSmpp Componentorg.apache.servicemix.smpp.SmppComponent
consumerA polling component which bind with jSMPP and receive SMPP messages and sends the SMPPs into the JBI bus as messages.org.apache.servicemix.smpp.SmppConsumerEndpoint
providerA provider component receives XML message from the NMR and converts into SMPP packet and sends it to SMS.org.apache.servicemix.smpp.SmppProviderEndpoint

Element Detail

Element: component

endpoints(consumer | provider)*Getter on the component endpoints
executorFactory<spring:bean/>The executor factory to use to create the executor. If none is provided, one will be retrieved from the JBI container when the component is deployed into ServiceMix 3.x, or a default implementation will be used.

Element: consumer

endpointxs:stringThe name of the endpoint.

This attribute specifies the enquire link timer defining the SMSC time interval.

   The default value is 50000

This attribute specifies the host name to use for connecting to the server.

   The default value is null

interfaceNamexs:QNameThe qualified name of the interface exposed by the endpoint.

This attribute specifies the password to use for connecting to the server.

   The default value is null


This attribute specifies the port number to use for connecting to the server.

   The default value is 2775

servicexs:QNameThe qualified name of the service the endpoint exposes.

This attribute specifies the system id to use for connecting to the server.

   The default value is null

targetEndpointxs:stringthe name of the endpoint to which requests are sent
targetInterfacexs:QNamethe QName of the interface to which requests are sent
targetOperationxs:QNamethe QName of the operation to which requests are sent
targetServicexs:QNamethe QName of the service to which requests are sent
targetUrixs:stringSet the target service/endpoint/interface using a URI.

This attribute specifies the transaction timer defining the SMSC timeout.

   The default value is 100000

With this method you can specify a marshaler class which provides the logic for converting a sms message into a normalized message. This class has to implement the interface class SmppMarshaler. If you don't specify a marshaler, the DefaultSmppMarshaler will be used.

Element: provider

endpointxs:stringThe name of the endpoint.

This attribute specifies the enquire link timer defining the resend time interval.

   The default value is 50000 milliseconds

This attribute specifies the host name to use for connecting to the server.

   The default value is null

interfaceNamexs:QNameThe qualified name of the interface exposed by the endpoint.

This attribute specifies the password to use for connecting to the server.

   The default value is null

servicexs:QNameThe qualified name of the service the endpoint exposes.

This attribute specifies the system id to use for connecting to the server.

   The default value is null


This attribute specifies the transaction timer defining the maximum lifetime of a message.

   The default value is 100000 milliseconds

With this method you can specify a marshaler class which provides the logic for converting a sms message into a normalized message. This class has to implement the interface class SmppMarshaler. If you don't specify a marshaler, the DefaultSmppMarshaler will be used.