Element Summary

componenta component for hosting JAX-WS pojos. It is based on the CXF runtime.org.apache.servicemix.cxfse.CxfSeComponent
endpointan endpoint using CXF's JAX-WS frontendorg.apache.servicemix.cxfse.CxfSeEndpoint
proxyA CXF proxyorg.apache.servicemix.cxfse.CxfSeProxyFactoryBean

Element Detail

Element: component

bus<spring:bean/>the CXF bus
endpoints(endpoint)*the endpoints hosted by a component
executorFactory<spring:bean/>The executor factory to use to create the executor. If none is provided, one will be retrieved from the JBI container when the component is deployed into ServiceMix 3.x, or a default implementation will be used.

Element: endpoint


Get the endpoint implementation.


Get the qualified name of the endpoint interface.

mtomEnabledxs:booleanSpecifies if the service can consume MTOM formatted binary data. The default is false.
pojoEndpointxs:QNameSpecifies the servicemodel endpoint name generated from the pojo. The default is null.
pojoInterfaceNamexs:QNameSpecifies the servicemodel interface name generated from the pojo. The default is null.
pojoServicexs:QNameSpecifies the servicemodel service name generated from the pojo. The default is null.

Get the service qualified name of the endpoint.

useAegisxs:booleanSpecifies if the endpoint use aegis databinding to marshall/unmarshall message. The default is false.
useJBIWrapperxs:booleanSpecifies if the endpoint expects to receive the JBI wrapper in the message received from the NMR. The default is true. Ignore the value of useSOAPEnvelope if useJBIWrapper is true
useSOAPEnvelopexs:booleanSpecifies if the endpoint expects soap messages when useJBIWrapper is false, if useJBIWrapper is true then ignore useSOAPEnvelope. The default is true.
useXmlBeansxs:booleanSpecifies if the endpoint use xmlbeans databinding to marshell/unmarshell message. The default is false.
inFaultInterceptors(<spring:bean/>)*a list of beans configuring interceptors that process incoming faults
inInterceptors(<spring:bean/>)*a list of beans configuring interceptors that process incoming requests
outFaultInterceptors(<spring:bean/>)*a list of beans configuring interceptors that process fault messages being returned to the consumer
outInterceptors(<spring:bean/>)*a list of beans configuring interceptors that process response messages
pojo<spring:bean/>a bean configuring the JAX-WS annotated implementation for the endpoint
properties<spring:bean/>Specifies a map of properties

Element: proxy

clearClientResponseContextxs:booleanSpecifies if the CXF client response context is cleared after each proxy invocation. The default is
endpointxs:stringThe name of the endpoint.
interfaceNamexs:QNameSpecifies the servicemodel interface name
mtomEnabledxs:booleanSpecifies if the service can consume MTOM formatted binary data. The default is false.
namexs:stringSpecifies the JNDI name for looking up the ClientFactory. Defaults to java:comp/env/jbi/ClientFactory.
propagateSecuritySubjectxs:booleanWhen set to true, the security subject is propagated along to the proxied endpoint. Defaults to false.
servicexs:QNameSpecifies the servicemodel service name
typexs:stringSpecifies the webservice POJO type
useJBIWrapperxs:booleanSpecifies if the endpoint expects to receive the JBI wrapper in the message received from the NMR. The default is true. Ignore the value of useSOAPEnvelope if useJBIWrapper is true
useSOAPEnvelopexs:booleanSpecifies if the endpoint expects soap messages when useJBIWrapper is false, if useJBIWrapper is true then ignore useSOAPEnvelope. The default is true.
componentRegistry<spring:bean/>Allows injecting a custom component registry for looking up the proxying endpoint.
container<spring:bean/>Allows injecting a JBI Container instance (e.g. for testing purposes).
context<spring:bean/>Allows injecting the ComponentContext
factory<spring:bean/>Allows injecting a ClientFactory