Attribute | Type | Description |
copyAttachments | xs:boolean | Copy the attachments into the 'out' message. Defaults to true . |
copyProperties | xs:boolean | Copy the properties into the 'out' message. Defaults to true . |
disableOutput | xs:boolean | Set this flag to true to true to avoid sending back a response message.
Defaults to false |
endpoint | xs:string | The name of the endpoint. |
interfaceName | xs:QName | The qualified name of the interface exposed by the endpoint. |
language | xs:string | The scripting language to be used. Defaults to autodetect to determine the language
by the script file extension. |
logResourceBundle | xs:string | The resource bundle to use when logging internationalized messages. |
script | xs:string | Spring Resource referring to the script location. |
service | xs:QName | The qualified name of the service the endpoint exposes. |
targetEndpoint | xs:string | Target endpoint for the output exchange that is created by the script. |
targetInterface | xs:QName | Target interface for the output exchange that is created by the script. |
targetOperation | xs:QName | Target operation for the output exchange that is created by the script. |
targetService | xs:QName | Target service for the output exchange that is created by the script. |
targetUri | xs:string | URI for configuring target service/endpoint/interface for the exchange that is created by the script. |