Element | Description | Class |
component | Smpp Component | org.apache.servicemix.smpp.SmppComponent |
consumer | A polling component which bind with jSMPP and receive SMPP messages and sends the SMPPs into the JBI bus as messages. | org.apache.servicemix.smpp.SmppConsumerEndpoint |
provider | A provider component receives XML message from the NMR and converts into SMPP packet and sends it to SMS. | org.apache.servicemix.smpp.SmppProviderEndpoint |
Element | Type | Description |
endpoints | (consumer | provider)* | Getter on the component endpoints |
executorFactory | <spring:bean/> | The executor factory to use to create the executor. If none is provided, one will be retrieved from the JBI container when the component is deployed into ServiceMix 3.x, or a default implementation will be used. |
Attribute | Type | Description |
endpoint | xs:string | Get the endpoint implementation. |
enquireLinkTimer | xs:integer |
This attribute specifies the enquire link timer defining the SMSC time
interval. |
host | xs:string |
This attribute specifies the host name to use for connecting to the
server. The default value is null |
interfaceName | xs:QName | Get the qualified name of the endpoint interface. |
password | xs:string |
This attribute specifies the password to use for connecting to the
server. The default value is null |
port | xs:integer |
This attribute specifies the port number to use for connecting to the
server. The default value is 2775 |
service | xs:QName | Get the service qualified name of the endpoint. |
systemId | xs:string |
This attribute specifies the system id to use for connecting to the
server. The default value is null |
systemType | xs:string | This attribute specifies the system type that will be used for connecting to the server. The default value is cp |
targetEndpoint | xs:string | the name of the endpoint to which requests are sent |
targetInterface | xs:QName | the QName of the interface to which requests are sent |
targetOperation | xs:QName | the QName of the operation to which requests are sent |
targetService | xs:QName | the QName of the service to which requests are sent |
targetUri | xs:string | Gets the target URI of the consumer endpoint. |
transactionTimer | xs:integer |
This attribute specifies the transaction timer defining the SMSC timeout.
Element | Type | Description |
marshaler | <spring:bean/> |
With this method you can specify a marshaler class which provides the
logic for converting a sms message into a normalized message. This class
has to implement the interface class |
Attribute | Type | Description |
endpoint | xs:string | Get the endpoint implementation. |
enquireLinkTimer | xs:integer |
This attribute specifies the enquire link timer defining the resend time
interval. |
host | xs:string |
This attribute specifies the host name to use for connecting to the
server. The default value is null |
interfaceName | xs:QName | Get the qualified name of the endpoint interface. |
password | xs:string |
This attribute specifies the password to use for connecting to the
server. The default value is null |
port | xs:integer | |
service | xs:QName | Get the service qualified name of the endpoint. |
systemId | xs:string |
This attribute specifies the system id to use for connecting to the
server. The default value is null |
systemType | xs:string | This attribute specifies the system type that will be used for connecting to the server. The default value is cp |
transactionTimer | xs:integer |
This attribute specifies the transaction timer defining the maximum
lifetime of a message. |
Element | Type | Description |
marshaler | <spring:bean/> |
With this method you can specify a marshaler class which provides the
logic for converting a sms message into a normalized message. This class
has to implement the interface class |