Element Summary

recoverableDataSourceDefines a JDBC DataSource that will auto-enlist into existing XA transactions. The DataSource will also be registered with the Aries/Geronimo transaction manager in order to provide proper transaction recovery at startup. Other considerations such as connection pooling and error handling are completely ignored.org.apache.aries.transaction.jdbc.RecoverableDataSource

Element Detail

Element: recoverableDataSource

exceptionSorterxs:stringSpecify which SQL exceptions are fatal. Can be all, none, known or custom(xx,yy...).
namexs:stringThe unique name for this managed XAResource. This name will be used by the transaction manager to recover transactions.
partitionStrategyxs:stringPool partition strategy. Can be none, by-connector-properties or by-subject (defaults to none).
passwordxs:stringThe password credential used to establish the connection.
poolMaxSizexs:integerMaximum pool size (defaults to 10).
poolMinSizexs:integerMinimum pool size (defaults to 0).
poolingxs:booleanIf pooling is enabled (defaults to true).
transactionxs:stringTransaction support. Can be none, local or xa (defaults to xa).
usernamexs:stringThe user name used to establish the connection.
dataSource<spring:bean/>The XADataSource to wrap.
transactionManager<spring:bean/>The XA TransactionManager to use to enlist the JDBC connections into.