Element | Description | Class |
component | Mail Component | org.apache.servicemix.mail.MailComponent |
poller | This is the polling endpoint for the mail component. | org.apache.servicemix.mail.MailPollerEndpoint |
sender | this is the sending endpoint for the mail component | org.apache.servicemix.mail.MailSenderEndpoint |
Element | Type | Description |
endpoints | (poller | sender)* | |
executorFactory | <spring:bean/> | The executor factory to use to create the executor. If none is provided, one will be retrieved from the JBI container when the component is deployed into ServiceMix 3.x, or a default implementation will be used. |
Attribute | Type | Description | ||||||||||||||
concurrentPolling | xs:boolean |
Sets whether more than one poll can be active at a time (true means yes). Default value is | ||||||||||||||
connection | xs:string | Specifies the connection URI used to connect to a mail server.
Examples: imap://lhein@imapserver:143/INBOX?password=mypass pop3://pop3server/INBOX?user=me@myhome.org;password=mypass The default value is null | ||||||||||||||
customTrustManagers | xs:string | Specifies one or more trust manager classes separated by a semicolon (;). | ||||||||||||||
debugMode | xs:boolean | Specifies if the JavaMail is run in | ||||||||||||||
delay | xs:long | Sets the amount of time in milliseconds that the endpoint should wait before making the first poll. | ||||||||||||||
deleteProcessedMessages | xs:boolean | This flag is used to indicate what happens to a processed mail polled
from a mail folder. If it is set to The default value is false | ||||||||||||||
endpoint | xs:string | Get the endpoint implementation. | ||||||||||||||
firstTime | xs:date |
Sets the date on which the first poll will be executed. If a delay is
also set using | ||||||||||||||
interfaceName | xs:QName | Get the qualified name of the endpoint interface. | ||||||||||||||
maxFetchSize | xs:integer | This sets the maximum amount of mails to process within one polling cycle. If the maximum amount is reached all other mails in "unseen" state will be skipped. The default value is -1 (unlimited) | ||||||||||||||
period | xs:long | Sets the number of milliseconds between polling attempts. | ||||||||||||||
processOnlyUnseenMessages | xs:boolean | This flag is used to indicate whether all mails are polled from a
mail folder or only the unseen mails are processed. | ||||||||||||||
service | xs:QName | Get the service qualified name of the endpoint. | ||||||||||||||
targetEndpoint | xs:string | the name of the endpoint to which requests are sent | ||||||||||||||
targetInterface | xs:QName | the QName of the interface to which requests are sent | ||||||||||||||
targetOperation | xs:QName | the QName of the operation to which requests are sent | ||||||||||||||
targetService | xs:QName | the QName of the service to which requests are sent | ||||||||||||||
targetUri | xs:string | Gets the target URI of the consumer endpoint. |
Element | Type | Description |
customProperties | <spring:bean/> | Specifies a |
marshaler | <spring:bean/> | With this method you can specify a marshaler class which provides the
logic for converting a mail into a normalized message. This class has
to extend the abstract class |
scheduler | <spring:bean/> | Sets a custom scheduler implementation if you need more fine-grained control over the polling schedule. |
storage | <spring:bean/> | Specifies a |
Attribute | Type | Description | ||||||||||||||
connection | xs:string | Specifies the connection URI used to connect to a mail server.
Example: smtp://lhein@myserver?password=myPass The default value is null | ||||||||||||||
customTrustManagers | xs:string | Specifies one or more trust manager classes separated by a semicolon (;). | ||||||||||||||
debugMode | xs:boolean | Specifies if the JavaMail is run in | ||||||||||||||
endpoint | xs:string | Get the endpoint implementation. | ||||||||||||||
interfaceName | xs:QName | Get the qualified name of the endpoint interface. | ||||||||||||||
receiver | xs:string | Specifies the receiver address(es) of the mail which is being sent. The default value is null | ||||||||||||||
sender | xs:string | Specifies the sender address of the mail which is being sent. The default value is no-reply@localhost | ||||||||||||||
service | xs:QName | Get the service qualified name of the endpoint. |
Element | Type | Description |
customProperties | <spring:bean/> | Specifies a |
ignoreMessageProperties | (<spring:bean/>)* | Specifies a |
marshaler | <spring:bean/> | With this method you can specify a marshaler class which provides the
logic for converting a normalized message into a mail. This class has
to extend the abstract class |