Element Summary

componentXSLT componentorg.apache.servicemix.saxon.SaxonComponent
exchange-targetAn ExchangeTarget may be used to specify the target of an exchange, while retaining all the JBI features (interface based routing, service name based routing or endpoint routing).org.apache.servicemix.saxon.support.ExchangeTarget

Element Detail

Element: component

endpoints(proxy | xquery | xslt)*
executorFactory<spring:bean/>The executor factory to use to create the executor. If none is provided, one will be retrieved from the JBI container when the component is deployed into ServiceMix 3.x, or a default implementation will be used.

Element: exchange-target


Element: proxy

copyAttachmentsxs:booleanCopy attachments into the resulting normalized message. Defaults to true.
copyPropertiesxs:booleanCopy properties into the resulting normalized message. Defaults to true.
copySubjectxs:booleanCopy the security subject into the resulting normalized message. Defaults to true.
endpointxs:stringThe name of the endpoint.
expressionxs:stringExpression to dynamically determine the stylesheet to use for processing the exchange.
faultResourcexs:stringSpring Resource for the XSL-T stylesheet or XQuery file to use for transforming the 'fault' message.
interfaceNamexs:QNameThe qualified name of the interface exposed by the endpoint.
outResourcexs:stringSpring Resource for the XSL-T stylesheet or XQuery file to use for transforming the 'out' message.
reloadxs:booleanSets whether the endpoint should reload the resource each time it is used. A value of true will ensure that the resource is not cached which can be useful if the resource is updated regularly and is stored outside of the service unit.
resourcexs:stringSpring Resource for the XSL-T stylesheet or XQuery file to use.
resultxs:stringThe output result type, possible values are dom, bytes, string. Defaults to dom.
servicexs:QNameThe qualified name of the service the endpoint exposes.
useDomSourceForXsltxs:booleanConvert the XSL-T stylesheet Sources into a DOMSource. Defaults to true.
wsdlResourcexs:stringResource referring to the WSDL resource that defines this endpoint.
configuration<spring:bean/>Additional configuration for the Saxon XSL-T/XQuery processor.
parameters<spring:bean/>Add parameter names and values that are available during XSL/XQuery processing.
sourceTransformer<spring:bean/>Set a SourceTransformer instance to use for handling XML conversions.
store<spring:bean/>Configure a custom Store implementation to store correlation information. Usually, a store factory is configured instead of a store. Defaults to {@link org.apache.servicemix.store.memory.MemoryStore}.
storeFactory<spring:bean/>Configure a custom StoreFactory implementation to store correlation information. Defaults to {@link org.apache.servicemix.store.memory.MemoryStoreFactory}.
targetexchange-targetSet the target endpoint that is being proxied by the xslt:proxy endpoint.
transformerFactory<spring:bean/>Set a transform factory, e.g. for injecting a custom transformer configuration or implementation.
useDomSourceForContent<spring:bean/>Convert the message body Source into a DOMSource. Defaults to false.

Element: xquery

copyAttachmentsxs:booleanCopy attachments into the resulting normalized message. Defaults to true.
copyPropertiesxs:booleanCopy properties into the resulting normalized message. Defaults to true.
copySubjectxs:booleanCopy the security subject into the resulting normalized message. Defaults to true.
endpointxs:stringThe name of the endpoint.
expressionxs:stringExpression to dynamically determine the stylesheet to use for processing the exchange.
interfaceNamexs:QNameThe qualified name of the interface exposed by the endpoint.
queryxs:stringConfigure the XQuery expression to evaluate.
reloadxs:booleanSets whether the endpoint should reload the resource each time it is used. A value of true will ensure that the resource is not cached which can be useful if the resource is updated regularly and is stored outside of the service unit.
resourcexs:stringSpring Resource for the XSL-T stylesheet or XQuery file to use.
resultxs:stringThe output result type, possible values are dom, bytes, string. Defaults to dom.
servicexs:QNameThe qualified name of the service the endpoint exposes.
wsdlResourcexs:stringResource referring to the WSDL resource that defines this endpoint.
configuration<spring:bean/>Additional configuration for the Saxon XSL-T/XQuery processor.
outputProperties<spring:bean/>Configure serialization properties, in JAXP format, if the result is to be serialized. This parameter can be defaulted to null.
parameters<spring:bean/>Add parameter names and values that are available during XSL/XQuery processing.
sourceTransformer<spring:bean/>Set a SourceTransformer instance to use for handling XML conversions.

Element: xslt

copyAttachmentsxs:booleanCopy attachments into the resulting normalized message. Defaults to true.
copyPropertiesxs:booleanCopy properties into the resulting normalized message. Defaults to true.
copySubjectxs:booleanCopy the security subject into the resulting normalized message. Defaults to true.
endpointxs:stringThe name of the endpoint.
expressionxs:stringExpression to dynamically determine the stylesheet to use for processing the exchange.
interfaceNamexs:QNameThe qualified name of the interface exposed by the endpoint.
reloadxs:booleanSets whether the endpoint should reload the resource each time it is used. A value of true will ensure that the resource is not cached which can be useful if the resource is updated regularly and is stored outside of the service unit.
resourcexs:stringSpring Resource for the XSL-T stylesheet or XQuery file to use.
resultxs:stringThe output result type, possible values are dom, bytes, string. Defaults to dom.
servicexs:QNameThe qualified name of the service the endpoint exposes.
useDomSourceForXsltxs:booleanConvert the XSL-T stylesheet Source into a DOMSource. Defaults to true.
wsdlResourcexs:stringResource referring to the WSDL resource that defines this endpoint.
configuration<spring:bean/>Additional configuration for the Saxon XSL-T/XQuery processor.
parameters<spring:bean/>Add parameter names and values that are available during XSL/XQuery processing.
sourceTransformer<spring:bean/>Set a SourceTransformer instance to use for handling XML conversions.
transformerFactory<spring:bean/>Set a transform factory, e.g. for injecting a custom transformer configuration or implementation.
useDomSourceForContent<spring:bean/>Convert the message body Source into a DOMSource. Defaults to false.