Revision 20101108-2313 EST Before we post your Spec's Final Approval Ballot, we need to have the complete answers to the following questions on file here in the PMO: 1. Have you provided the PMO a PDF or ZIP version of the Final Specification? Yes: 2. Have you provided the PMO a PDF or ZIP version of the Final Reference Implementation? Yes: 3. Have you provided the PMO a PDF or ZIP version of the Final Technology Compatibility Kit? 4. What is the full text of the final Specification License? See the PDF in the zip in question 1. 5. What is the full text of the Final Reference Implementation license? See the LICENSE.TXT file in the zip from question 2. 6. What is the full text of the Final Technology Compatibility Kit license? >>>>> On Tue, 01 Jun 2010 17:13:23 -0700, Harold Ogle said: HO> One last question, though: can you confirm that the license terms HO> which will apply to the revised Final Release (Maintenance Release) HO> Specification, RI and TCK are unchanged from the original Final Release? I confirm that these have not changed from the original Final Release. 7. Where is the Reference Implementation be posted for Final Release? See question 1. 8. Where is the Technology Compatibility Kit posted for Final Release? See question 3. 9. What is the first-level TCK appeals process that you have established? This has not changed from the original Final Release 10. How extensive is the coverage of your TCK? (provide the TCK Coverage Document you have prepared) Do we need this for a Minor Revision? 11. Who will be the Maintenance Lead? (provide name, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number) 12. What is the version number of the specification, and the full legal name of your company or organization? 2.1 Oracle America, Inc. 13. What is the public location of your change log? 14. What are your answers to the following, with regards to the Final Specification? A. Does the specification include software codes in the following format: Binary : Yes _______ No ___X______ Source (compilable) : Yes _______ No _____X____ Javadocs : Yes __X____ No __________ B. Do the codes or the spec call on, contain, use or demonstrate encryption technology? Yes ___X_____ No ________ If yes, please describe in detail The only encryption technology called on is what already exists in the Java Platform Standard Edition 15. Does the Expert Group agree that you are ready to go Final? Yes. 16. Does the Reference Implementation pass the Technology Compatibility Kit? Yes. 17. Can the Specification be implemented independently of the Reference Implementation? Yes. Please send the answers to the above questions back to Thank you very much and congratulations with reaching the Final Approval Ballot stage of the JCP! The JCP Program Office.