Introduction ============ Running tests against a Mojarra code base is using Maven as its carrier. In order for you to be able productive we are using several profiles so that you can pick and choose what you need for a particular scenario. So far the following scenarios have been identified: 1. agnostic, tests not specific to a particular server. 2. cluster, tests for a clustered server. 3. selenium, tests that are browser specific. 4. virtual, tests that execute on a virtual server. In the test master POM we currently have the following profiles available: 1. integration-failsafe, runs the integration tests. 2. integration-glassfish-embedded, starts and stops the Embedded Glassfish. 3. integration-glassfish-cargo, starts and stops an installed Glassfish. 4. integration-tomcat-cargo, starts and stops Tomcat 7.x 5. integration-selenium, runs the tests using Selenium. Running tests ============= If you want to run the tests you can do it in several ways. The main reason why there are different ways is because we want to be able to run tests using a CI system, but also to run a single test by a developer. See below in which ways we support testing: 1. Running all tests against a running container. 2. Running all tests against an installed version of Glassfish (not running). 3. Running all tests against Tomcat 7.x. 4. Running a single test against a running container. 5. Running a single test against an installed version of Glassfish (not running). 6. Running a single test method against a running container. Scenario 1 ---------- To run all the tests against a running container use the following command line: mvn -Pintegration-failsafe clean verify Scenario 2 ---------- To run all the tests against an installed version of Glassfish (not running): mvn -Pintegration-failsafe,integration-glassfish-cargo clean verify Scenario 3 ---------- To run all the tests against Tomcat 7.x: mvn -Pintegration-failsafe,integration-tomcat-cargo clean verify Scenario 4 ---------- To run a single test against a running container: mvn -Pintegration-failsafe -Dit.test=IndexPageIT clean verify where IndexPageIT is the name of the test class (note you can use regular expressions to match more than one test class here). Scenario 5 ---------- To run a single test against an installed version of Glassfish (not running). mvn -Pintegration-failsafe,integration-glassfish-cargo -Dit.test=IndexPageIT clean verify Scenario 6 ---------- To run a single test and single method against a running container use: mvn -Pintegration-failsafe -Dit.test=VersionPageIT#testVerifyMojarraVersion clean verify where VersionPageIT is the name of the test class, and testVerifyMojarraVersion the name of the test method (note you can use regular expressions to match multiple test and methods). System Properties ================= As part of the test harness we use several system properties that can be passed in on the command line to affect how the tests are run. The table below lists some of the properties used, see the master POMs for more details. Properties used by integration-failsafe profile *********************************************** property name property default value ------------- ---------------------- integration.serverName localhost integration.serverPort 8080 integration.protocol http jsf.artifactId javax.faces jsf.groupId org.glassfish jsf.version ${project.version} it.test Properties used by integration-glassfish-embedded profile ********************************************************* No specific properties, use the ones defined in the integration-failsafe profile. Properties used by integration-glassfish-cargo profile ****************************************************** property name property default value ------------- ---------------------- glassfish3x integration.container.home C:/Glassfish3.1.1 Properties used by integration-tomcat-cargo profile **************************************************** property name property default value ------------- ---------------------- tomcat7x integration.container.downloadUrl integration.container.downloadDir C:/Temp/Cargo/download integration.container.extractDir C:/Temp/Cargo/extracts integration.container.home C:/Temp/Cargo/tomcat7 tomcat.version 7.0.16 Pitfalls ======== Since we are assuming a particular way of deployment you as the developer will have to be aware of the following pitfalls that might crop up if you are doing testing against different application servers. 1. Make sure the context root in glassfish-web.xml matches the, if you do not the test harness will not be able to run the tests since it relies on the integration.url used by the integration-failsafe profile to be build up in the following way ${integration.protocol}://${integration.serverName}:$integration.serverPort}/${}/ Writing tests ============= To make it easier to write tests and to specify in which version this test is relevant use the following 2 annotations. Eg. @RunWith(value=JsfTestRunner.class) @JsfTest(JsfVersion.JSF_2_1_XX) public class IssueXxxIT { } --END