All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Exception Summary Class Description ASCIIUtility AttachmentPartImpl Implementation of attachments.AttrImpl Base64 This class provides encode/decode for RFC 2045 Base64 as defined by RFC 2045, N.BASE64DecoderStream This class implements a BASE64 Decoder.BASE64EncoderStream This class implements a BASE64 Encoder.BEncoderStream This class implements a 'B' Encoder as defined by RFC2047 for encoding MIME headers.BMMimeMultipart The MimeMultipart class is an implementation of the abstract Multipart class that uses MIME conventions for the multipart data.BodyElementImpl All elements of the SOAP-ENV:BODY.BodyImpl The implementation of SOAP-ENV:BODY or the SOAPBody abstraction.ByteInputStream ByteOutputStream CustomizedBufferedOutputStream
.CDATAImpl ContentDisposition This class represents a MIME ContentDisposition value.ContentType This class represents a MIME ContentType value.DetailEntryImpl DetailImpl EfficientStreamingTransformer This class is a proxy for a Transformer object with optimizations for certain cases.ElementFactory ElementImpl Envelope Different implementations for SOAP Envelope must all implement this interface.EnvelopeFactory EnvelopeFactory creates SOAP Envelope objects using different underlying implementations.EnvelopeImpl Our implementation of the SOAP envelope.FastInfosetDataContentHandler JAF data handler for Fast Infoset contentFastInfosetReflection FaultElementImpl FaultImpl FinalArrayList<E> ArrayList
with a final marker to help JIT.GifDataContentHandler DataContentHandler for image/gif.Header The Header class stores a name/value pair to represent headers.HeaderElementImpl HeaderImpl HeaderTokenizer This class tokenizes RFC822 and MIME headers into the basic symbols specified by RFC822 and MIME.HeaderTokenizer.Token The Token class represents tokens returned by the HeaderTokenizer.ImageDataContentHandler InternetHeaders InternetHeaders is a utility class that manages RFC822 style headers.JAXMStreamSource JaxmURI A class to represent a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).JaxmURI.MalformedURIException MalformedURIExceptions are thrown in the process of building a URI or setting fields on a URI when an operation would result in an invalid URI specification.JpegDataContentHandler JAF data handler for Jpeg contentLazyEnvelope LazyEnvelopeSource LazyEnvelopeSource provides the source to create lazy EnvelopeLazyEnvelopeStaxReader "Hybrid" reader whichLineInputStream This class is to support reading CRLF terminated lines that contain only US-ASCII characters from an input stream.LogDomainConstants This interface defines a number of constants pertaining to Logging domains.MessageFactoryImpl A factory for creating SOAP messages.MessageImpl The message implementation for SOAP messages with attachments.MessagingException The base class for all exceptions thrown by the Messaging classesMimeBodyPart This class represents a MIME body part.MimeHeadersUtil MimeMultipart The MimeMultipart class is an implementation that uses MIME conventions for the multipart data.MimePartDataSource A utility class that implements a DataSource out of a MimeBodyPart.MimePullMultipart MimeUtility This is a utility class that provides various MIME related functionality.MultipartDataContentHandler MultipartDataSource MultipartDataSource is aDataSource
that contains body parts.NamedNodeMapImpl NamedNodeMap
wrapper, finding SOAP elements automatically when possible.NameImpl NamespaceContextIterator NodeListImpl Node list wrapper, finding SOAP elements automatically when possible.OutputUtil This class is to support writing out Strings as a sequence of bytes terminated by a CRLF sequence.ParameterList This class holds MIME parameters (attribute-value pairs).ParseException The exception thrown due to an error in parsing RFC822 or MIME headersParserPool Pool of SAXParser objectsParseUtil QDecoderStream This class implements a Q Decoder as defined in RFC 2047 for decoding MIME headers.QEncoderStream This class implements a Q Encoder as defined by RFC 2047 for encoding MIME headers.QPDecoderStream This class implements a QP Decoder.QPEncoderStream This class implements a Quoted Printable Encoder.RejectDoctypeSaxFilter Users of this class see a SAX2 XMLReader (via XMLFilterImpl).SAAJMetaFactoryImpl SaajStaxReaderEx SaajStaxReaderExSaajStaxWriter SaajStaxWriter builds a SAAJ SOAPMessage by using XMLStreamWriter interface.SaajStaxWriterEx SaajStaxWriterEx converts XMLStreamWriterEx calls to build an orasaaj SOAPMessage with BinaryTextImpl.SAAJUtil SharedInputStream An InputStream that is backed by data that can be shared by multiple readers may implement this interface.SOAPCommentImpl SOAPDocument SOAPDocumentFragment SAAJ wrapper forDocumentFragment
SOAPDocumentImpl SOAPExceptionImpl An exception that signals that a SOAP exception has occurred.SOAPFactoryDynamicImpl SOAPFactoryImpl SOAPIOException SOAPMessageFactoryDynamicImpl SOAPPartImpl SOAPPartImpl is the first attachment.SOAPTextImpl SOAPVersionMismatchException StaxBridge StaxBridge builds Envelope using a XMLStreamReaderToXMLStreamWriterStaxLazySourceBridge StaxBridge builds Envelope from LazyEnvelopeSourceStaxReaderBridge StaxBridge builds Envelope using a XMLStreamReaderToXMLStreamWriterStringDataContentHandler JAF data content handler for text/plain --> StringTeeInputStream TextImpl<T extends CharacterData> TreeException UUDecoderStream This class implements a UUDecoder.UUEncoderStream This class implements a UUEncoder.XmlDataContentHandler JAF data handler for XML contentXMLDeclarationParser