- All Implemented Interfaces:
- org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.spi.client.deployment.ProtocolArchiveProcessor
public class WebLogicCDIProcessor
extends Object
implements org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.spi.client.deployment.ProtocolArchiveProcessor
WebLogic 10.3.x (and prior versions) packages the contents of WEB-INF\classes
into a JAR file _wl_cls_gen.jar (placed in WEB-INF\lib) during deployment.
If beans.xml is present in the WEB-INF directory, then Weld will be unable to locate it,
since the classloader in WebLogic will attempt to find it in the _wl_cls_gen.jar
and other JARs in WEB-INF\lib.
This ProtocolArchiveProcessor
will relocate the beans.xml found in WEB-INF
of all protocol deployments, to the WEB-INF/classes/META-INF directory of the archive.
When WebLogic packages the WEB-INF\classes contents into the _wl_cls_gen.jar,
the classloader will now find the beans.xml file, as it would be placed in the META-INF directory
of _wl_cls_gen.jar.
- Author:
- Vineet Reynolds