ShrinkWrap Resolver Maven API 2.0.0-alpha-1

Interface MavenDependencyResolver

All Superinterfaces:
ConfiguredMavenDependencyResolver, DependencyBuilder<MavenDependencyBuilder>, ResolverEntryPoint<MavenDependencyResolver>

public interface MavenDependencyResolver
extends ResolverEntryPoint<MavenDependencyResolver>, DependencyBuilder<MavenDependencyBuilder>, ConfiguredMavenDependencyResolver

An artifact builder is object which holds and construct dependencies and it is able to resolve them into an array of ShrinkWrap archives. Artifact builder allows chaining of artifacts, that is specifying a new artifact. In this case, currently constructed artifact is stored as a dependency and user is allowed to specify parameters for another artifact.

Karel Piwko, Andrew Lee Rubinger, Samuel Santos, Jose Rodolfo Freitas

Method Summary
<T extends ConfiguredMavenDependencyResolver>
configureFrom(MavenConfigurationType<T> configurationType)
 MavenDependencyResolver disableMavenCentral()
          Disables touching of Maven Central repository.
 MavenDependencyResolver goOffline()
          Disables touching remote repositories at all, rely on local repository only
 EffectivePomMavenDependencyResolver loadEffectivePom(String path)
          Constructs an effective POM loading a POM file from a given resource, which can be either a path to file or a class path resource.
 MavenDependencyResolver loadSettings(String userSettings)
          Configures Maven from a settings.xml file
Methods inherited from interface org.jboss.shrinkwrap.resolver.api.DependencyBuilder
artifact, artifacts

Method Detail


<T extends ConfiguredMavenDependencyResolver> T configureFrom(MavenConfigurationType<T> configurationType)


MavenDependencyResolver loadSettings(String userSettings)
Configures Maven from a settings.xml file

userSettings - A path to a user settings.xml configuration file
A dependency builder with a configuration from given file
IllegalArgumentException - If userSettings are not supplied


EffectivePomMavenDependencyResolver loadEffectivePom(String path)
                                                     throws ResolutionException
Constructs an effective POM loading a POM file from a given resource, which can be either a path to file or a class path resource. It grabs definitions of dependencies, dependencies in dependencyManagement and repositories. This are cached and can be later used to simplify the way how user specifies dependencies, e.g. allows user to omit versions which are already present in the POM file.

path - A path to the POM file, must not be null or empty
A dependency builder with remote repositories set according to the content of POM file.
ResolutionException - If an effective POM cannot be resolved


MavenDependencyResolver disableMavenCentral()
Disables touching of Maven Central repository. This repository is enabled by default in Maven

Modified MavenDependencyResolver


MavenDependencyResolver goOffline()
Disables touching remote repositories at all, rely on local repository only

Modified MavenDependencyResolver

ShrinkWrap Resolver Maven API 2.0.0-alpha-1

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