Please wait, loading profile details...
Not assigned to any containers
  • Abstract: {{row.abstract}}
  • Locked: {{row.locked}}


  • Add: example: ""

Artifacts ({{row.bundles.length + row.fabs.length}})

  • {{fab}}

Features ({{row.features.length}})

  • {{feature}}

Feature Repositories ({{row.repositories.length}})

  • {{repository}}
  • Add: example: ""

Delete {{currentThingItem}}?

Enter a new profile name to copy this profile to.

By default the new profile will be placed in the same folder as the original profile. Specify a full path (use '-' as path separators) to copy the profile to a new folder

Delete file {{markedForDeletion}}?

This operation cannot be undone so please be careful.

Remove parent {{markedForDeletion}}?

Select what profiles this profile should inherit from.