// Copyright (c) 2011-2014, David H. Hovemeyer // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. package edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace; import com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptObject; import com.google.gwt.core.client.JsArray; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Element; import com.google.gwt.user.client.TakesValue; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Composite; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.FlowPanel; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.HasText; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.RequiresResize; /** * A GWT widget for the Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE). * * @see Ajax.org Code Editor */ public class AceEditor extends Composite implements RequiresResize, HasText, TakesValue { // Used to generate unique element ids for Ace widgets. private static int nextId = 0; private final String elementId; private JavaScriptObject editor; private JsArray annotations = JavaScriptObject.createArray().cast(); private Element divElement; /** * Preferred constructor. */ public AceEditor() { elementId = "_aceGWT" + nextId; nextId++; FlowPanel div = new FlowPanel(); div.getElement().setId(elementId); initWidget(div); divElement = div.getElement(); } /** * Do not use this constructor: just use the default constructor. */ @Deprecated public AceEditor(boolean unused) { this(); } /** * Call this method to start the editor. * Make sure that the widget has been attached to the DOM tree * before calling this method. */ public native void startEditor() /*-{ var editor = $wnd.ace.edit(this.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditor::divElement); editor.getSession().setUseWorker(false); this.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditor::editor = editor; // Store a reference to the (Java) AceEditor object in the // JavaScript editor object. editor._aceGWTAceEditor = this; // I have been noticing sporadic failures of the editor // to display properly and receive key/mouse events. // Try to force the editor to resize and display itself fully. See: // https://groups.google.com/group/ace-discuss/browse_thread/thread/237262b521dcea33 editor.resize(); this.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditor::redisplay(); }-*/; /** * Call this to force the editor contents to be redisplayed. * There seems to be a problem when an AceEditor is embedded in a LayoutPanel: * the editor contents don't appear, and it refuses to accept focus * and mouse events, until the browser window is resized. * Calling this method works around the problem by forcing * the underlying editor to redisplay itself fully. (?) */ public native void redisplay() /*-{ var editor = this.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditor::editor; editor.renderer.onResize(true); editor.renderer.updateFull(); editor.resize(); editor.focus(); }-*/; /** * Cleans up the entire editor. */ public native void destroy() /*-{ var editor = this.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditor::editor; editor.destroy(); }-*/; /** * Set the theme. * * @param theme the theme (one of the values in the {@link AceEditorTheme} * enumeration) */ public void setTheme(final AceEditorTheme theme) { setThemeByName(theme.getName()); } /** * Set the theme by name. * * @param themeName the theme name (e.g., "twilight") */ public native void setThemeByName(String themeName) /*-{ var editor = this.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditor::editor; editor.setTheme("ace/theme/" + themeName); }-*/; /** * Set the mode. * * @param mode the mode (one of the values in the * {@link AceEditorMode} enumeration) */ public void setMode(final AceEditorMode mode) { setModeByName(mode.getName()); } /** * Set the mode by name. * * @param shortModeName name of mode (e.g., "eclipse") */ public native void setModeByName(String shortModeName) /*-{ var editor = this.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditor::editor; var modeName = "ace/mode/" + shortModeName; var TheMode = $wnd.require(modeName).Mode; editor.getSession().setMode(new TheMode()); }-*/; /** * Register a handler for change events generated by the editor. * * @param callback the change event handler */ public native void addOnChangeHandler(AceEditorCallback callback) /*-{ var editor = this.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditor::editor; editor.getSession().on("change", function(e) { callback.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditorCallback::invokeAceCallback(Lcom/google/gwt/core/client/JavaScriptObject;)(e); }); }-*/; /** * Register a handler for cursor position change events generated by the editor. * * @param callback the cursor position change event handler */ public native void addOnCursorPositionChangeHandler(AceEditorCallback callback) /*-{ var editor = this.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditor::editor; editor.getSession().selection.on("changeCursor", function(e) { callback.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditorCallback::invokeAceCallback(Lcom/google/gwt/core/client/JavaScriptObject;)(e); }); }-*/; /** * Set font size. */ public native void setFontSize(String fontSize) /*-{ var elementId = this.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditor::elementId; var elt = $doc.getElementById(elementId); elt.style.fontSize = fontSize; }-*/; /** * Get the complete text in the editor as a String. * * @return the text in the editor */ public native String getText() /*-{ var editor = this.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditor::editor; return editor.getSession().getValue(); }-*/; /** * Set the complete text in the editor from a String. * * @param text the text to set in the editor */ public native void setText(String text) /*-{ var editor = this.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditor::editor; editor.getSession().setValue(text); }-*/; /** * Get the line of text at the given row number. * * @param row the row number * @return the line of text at that row number */ public native String getLine(int row) /*-{ var editor = this.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditor::editor; return editor.getSession().getDocument().getLine(row); }-*/; /** * Insert given text at the cursor. * * @param text text to insert at the cursor */ public native void insertAtCursor(String text) /*-{ var editor = this.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditor::editor; editor.insert(text); }-*/; /** * Get the current cursor position. * * @return the current cursor position */ public native AceEditorCursorPosition getCursorPosition() /*-{ var editor = this.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditor::editor; var pos = editor.getCursorPosition(); return this.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditor::getCursorPositionImpl(DD)(pos.row, pos.column); }-*/; private AceEditorCursorPosition getCursorPositionImpl(final double row, final double column) { return new AceEditorCursorPosition((int) row, (int) column); } /** * Gets the given document position as a zero-based index. * * @param position the position to obtain the absolute index of (base zero) * @return An index to the current location in the document */ public int getIndexFromPosition(AceEditorCursorPosition position) { return getIndexFromPositionImpl(position.toJsObject()); } private native int getIndexFromPositionImpl(JavaScriptObject jsPosition) /*-{ var editor = this.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditor::editor; return editor.getSession().getDocument().positionToIndex(jsPosition); }-*/; /** * Gets a document position from a supplied zero-based index. * * @param index (base zero) * @return A position object showing the row and column of the supplied index in the document */ public native AceEditorCursorPosition getPositionFromIndex(int index) /*-{ var editor = this.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditor::editor; var jsPosition = editor.getSession().getDocument().indexToPosition(index); return @edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditorCursorPosition::create(II)( jsPosition.row, jsPosition.column ); }-*/; /** * Set whether or not soft tabs should be used. * * @param useSoftTabs true if soft tabs should be used, false otherwise */ public native void setUseSoftTabs(boolean useSoftTabs) /*-{ var editor = this.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditor::editor; editor.getSession().setUseSoftTabs(useSoftTabs); }-*/; /** * Set tab size. (Default is 4.) * * @param tabSize the tab size to set */ public native void setTabSize(int tabSize) /*-{ var editor = this.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditor::editor; editor.getSession().setTabSize(tabSize); }-*/; /** * Go to given line. * * @param line the line to go to */ public native void gotoLine(int line) /*-{ var editor = this.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditor::editor; editor.gotoLine(line); }-*/; /** * Set whether or not the horizontal scrollbar is always visible. * * @param hScrollBarAlwaysVisible true if the horizontal scrollbar is always * visible, false if it is hidden when not needed */ public native void setHScrollBarAlwaysVisible(boolean hScrollBarAlwaysVisible) /*-{ var editor = this.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditor::editor; editor.renderer.setHScrollBarAlwaysVisible(hScrollBarAlwaysVisible); }-*/; public native void setVScrollBarVisible(boolean visible) /*-{ var vScrollBar = $doc.querySelector(".ace_scrollbar.ace_scrollbar-v"); if (vScrollBar != null) { vScrollBar.style.overflowY = visible ? "scroll" : "hidden"; } }-*/; /** * Set whether or not the gutter is shown. * * @param showGutter true if the gutter should be shown, false if it should be hidden */ public native void setShowGutter(boolean showGutter) /*-{ var editor = this.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditor::editor; editor.renderer.setShowGutter(showGutter); }-*/; /** * Set or unset read-only mode. * * @param readOnly true if editor should be set to readonly, false if the * editor should be set to read-write */ public native void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly) /*-{ var editor = this.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditor::editor; editor.setReadOnly(readOnly); }-*/; /** * Set or unset highlighting of currently selected word. * * @param highlightSelectedWord true to highlight currently selected word, false otherwise */ public native void setHighlightSelectedWord(boolean highlightSelectedWord) /*-{ var editor = this.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditor::editor; editor.setHighlightSelectedWord(highlightSelectedWord); }-*/; /** * Set or unset the visibility of the print margin. * * @param showPrintMargin true if the print margin should be shown, false otherwise */ public native void setShowPrintMargin(boolean showPrintMargin) /*-{ var editor = this.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditor::editor; editor.renderer.setShowPrintMargin(showPrintMargin); }-*/; /** * Add an annotation to a the local annotations JsArray, but does not set it on the editor * * @param row to which the annotation should be added * @param column to which the annotation applies * @param text to display as a tooltip with the annotation * @param type to be displayed (one of the values in the * {@link AceAnnotationType} enumeration) */ public void addAnnotation(final int row, final int column, final String text, final AceAnnotationType type) { annotations.push(AceAnnotation.create(row, column, text, type.getName())); } /** * Set any annotations which have been added via addAnnotation on the editor */ public native void setAnnotations() /*-{ var editor = this.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditor::editor; var annotations = this.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditor::annotations; editor.getSession().setAnnotations(annotations); }-*/; /** * Clear any annotations from the editor and reset the local annotations JsArray */ public native void clearAnnotations() /*-{ var editor = this.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditor::editor; editor.getSession().clearAnnotations(); this.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditor::resetAnnotations()(); }-*/; /** * Reset any annotations in the local annotations JsArray */ private void resetAnnotations() { annotations = JavaScriptObject.createArray().cast(); } /** * Remove a command from the editor. * * @param command the command (one of the values in the * {@link AceCommand} enumeration) */ public void removeCommand(final AceCommand command) { removeCommandByName(command.getName()); } /** * Remove commands, that may not be required, from the editor * * @param command to be removed, one of * "gotoline", "findnext", "findprevious", "find", "replace", "replaceall" */ public native void removeCommandByName(String command) /*-{ var editor = this.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditor::editor; editor.commands.removeCommand(command); }-*/; /** * Set whether to use wrap mode or not * * @param useWrapMode true if word wrap should be used, false otherwise */ public native void setUseWrapMode(boolean useWrapMode) /*-{ var editor = this.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditor::editor; editor.getSession().setUseWrapMode(useWrapMode); }-*/; /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.ResizeComposite#onResize() */ @Override public void onResize() { redisplay(); } @Override public void setValue(String value) { this.setText(value); } @Override public String getValue() { return this.getText(); } /** * Set whether or not autocomplete is enabled. * * @param b true if autocomplete should be enabled, false if not */ public native void setAutocompleteEnabled(boolean b) /*-{ // See: https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace/wiki/How-to-enable-Autocomplete-in-the-Ace-editor var editor = this.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditor::editor; if (b) { $wnd.ace.require("ace/ext/language_tools"); editor.setOptions({ enableBasicAutocompletion: true }); } else { editor.setOptions({ enableBasicAutocompletion: false }); } }-*/; /** * Removes all existing completers from the langtools

* This can be used to disable all completers including local completers, which can be very useful * when completers are used on very large files (as the local completer tokenizes every word to put in the selected list).

* NOTE: This method may be removed, and replaced with another solution. It works at point of check-in, but treat this as unstable for now. */ public native static void removeAllExistingCompleters() /*-{ var langTools = $wnd.ace.require("ace/ext/language_tools"); langTools.removeCompleters(); }-*/; /** * Add an {@link AceCompletionProvider} to provide * custom code completions. * * Warning: this is an experimental feature of AceGWT. * It is possible that the API will change in an incompatible way * in future releases. * * @param provider the {@link AceCompletionProvider} */ public native static void addCompletionProvider(AceCompletionProvider provider) /*-{ var langTools = $wnd.ace.require("ace/ext/language_tools"); var completer = { getCompletions: function(editor, session, pos, prefix, callback) { var callbackWrapper = @edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditor::wrapCompletionCallback(Lcom/google/gwt/core/client/JavaScriptObject;)(callback); var aceEditor = editor._aceGWTAceEditor; provider.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceCompletionProvider::getProposals(Ledu/ycp/cs/dh/acegwt/client/ace/AceEditor;Ledu/ycp/cs/dh/acegwt/client/ace/AceEditorCursorPosition;Ljava/lang/String;Ledu/ycp/cs/dh/acegwt/client/ace/AceCompletionCallback;)( aceEditor, @edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditorCursorPosition::create(II)( pos.row, pos.column ), prefix, callbackWrapper ); } }; langTools.addCompleter(completer); }-*/; private static AceCompletionCallback wrapCompletionCallback(JavaScriptObject jsCallback) { return new AceCompletionCallbackImpl(jsCallback); } public void search(String text) { if (text != null && text.length() != 0) { internalSearch(text); } } public native void internalSearch(String text) /*-{ var editor = this.@edu.ycp.cs.dh.acegwt.client.ace.AceEditor::editor; var sb = $wnd.ace.require("ace/ext/searchbox"); sb.SearchText(editor, text) }-*/; }