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Batch Subsystem

\n The Batch subsystem allows to configure the settings for bulk-oriented, non-interactive, background execution of jobs.\n
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The Datasource subsystem allows you to create and configure datasources and manage JDBC database drivers.
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\"The EE subsystem allows you to configure common functionality in the Java EE platform, such as defining global modules, enabling descriptor-based property replacement, and configuring default bindings.\"
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\"The EJB3 sybsystem allows you to configure Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) including Session, Message-Driven, and Entity beans. \"
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\"The HTTP subsystem allows you to configure the HTTP and AJP connectors.\"
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\n A logical name for a network interface/IP address/host name to which sockets can be bound. The domain.xml, host.xml and standalone.xml configurations all include a section where interfaces can be declared. Other sections of the configuration can then reference those interfaces by their logical name, rather than having to include the full details of the interface (which may vary on different machines).\n

\n An interface configuration includes the logical name of the interface as well as information specifying the criteria to use for resolving the actual physical address to use.\n

\n See Interfaces and ports for further details.\n\n

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The JacORB subsystem allows you to enable configure the CORBA services for JTS transactions and other ORB services.
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The JCA (Java EE Connector Architecture) subsystem allows you to configure the general settings for the JCA container and resource adapter deployments.
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\"The JMX (Java Management Extensions) subsystem allows you to configure remote connectors, the model controller in the MBeanServer, and management audit logging. \"
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\"The JPA (Java Persistence API) subsystem manages the JPA 2.0 container-managed requirements and allows you to deploy persistent unit definitions, annotations, and desriptors.\"
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\"The Logging subsystem, which also supports several third party logging frameworks, allows you to configure log categories and handlers for the server and for application deployments.\"
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The Mail subsystem allows you to configure standard mail server attributes and define custom mail transports.
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Mail Sessions

\n The Mail subsystem allows you to configure standard mail server attributes and define custom mail transports.\n
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\n A logical name for a filesystem path. The domain.xml, host.xml and standalone.xml configurations all include a section where paths can be declared.\n Other sections of the configuration can then reference those paths by their logical name, rather than having to include the full details of the path (which may vary on different machines). For example, the logging subsystem configuration includes a reference to the \\\"jboss.server.log.dir\\\" path that points to the server's \\\"log\\\" directory.\n\n
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\n The overall system configuration. Gives access to the main configuration profiles that can be applied to server groups.\n\n

Common Configuration Tasks

\n Configure subsystems, interfaces and socket bindings.\n\n

Related Links

\n \n
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Konfigurations Profile

\n Lirum Larum Löffelstiel\n
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System Properties

\n These properties are available throughout the configuration. The Boot-Time flag specifies if a property should be passed into the JVM start (-Dproperty=value)\n
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Resource Adapter

The Resource Adapter subsystem allows you to configure and deploy resource adapters.
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Security Subsystem

The Security subsystem allows you to configure settings related to deep copy subjects.
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Security Domains

The Security Domains subsytem allows you to configure settings related to registered security domains. You can configure the attributes and module options.
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Server Groups

A server group is set of server instances that will be managed and configured as one. In a managed domain each application server instance is a member of a server group. (Even if the group only has a single server, the server is still a member of a group.) It is the responsibility of the Domain Controller and the Host Controllers to ensure that all servers in a server group have a consistent configuration. They should all be configured with the same profile and they should have the same deployment content deployed.
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The Servlet subsystem allows you to configure the servlet/jsp configuration of the web subsystem.
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Socket Bindings

\n Socket bindings and socket binding groups allow you to define network\n ports and their relationship to the networking interfaces required for\n a configuration profile.\n\n
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The Threads subsystem allows you to create and configure thread pools.
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\"The Transaction subsystem allows you to configure Transaction Manager (TM) options such as statistics, timeout values, transaction logging, and whether to use Java Transaction Service (JTS).\"
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Web Services

\"The Web Services subsystem allows you to configure the host name, ports, and WSDL address for the Web Services provider.\"