All Classes and Interfaces

AbstractEJBMetaData<T extends jakarta.ejb.EJBObject,H extends jakarta.ejb.EJBHome>
Abstract base class for all Enterprise Beans metadata.
The base class of invocation contexts consumed by interceptors and receivers.
The base class of receiver invocation contexts.
The affinity specification for an EJB proxy.
A server association.
An object which may have attachments.
An attachment key.
Commonly-used attachment keys.
Enterprise Beans client interceptor to capture the AuthenticationContext after any application interceptors.
A basic session ID object.
A handle which may be used to request the cancellation an invocation request.
Indicate that the annotated interface view class or method should run asynchronously regardless of how the target EJB is actually deployed on the server.
The priority of the client interceptor.
Declares a list of client-side interceptors that should be used on a given remote Enterprise Bean proxy method or class.
Indicate the client-side transaction handling policy for the associated EJB interface or method.
The transaction policy for the client side of an Enterprise Bean interface or method.
A cluster affinity specification.
A selector which selects and returns a node from the available nodes in a cluster.
A legacy cluster topology notification client.
A hint to the Enterprise Beans client API that the data being communicated between the Enterprise Beans client and the server via the EJBReceiver(s) should be compressed.
A selector which selects and returns a node, from among the passed eligible nodes, that can handle a specific deployment within an Enterprise Bean client context.
A selector which selects and returns a URI, from among the passed eligible URIs, that can handle a specific deployment within a EJB client context.
The Enterprise Beans client interceptor responsible for discovering the destination of a request.
The interface to merge Enterprise Bean properties into the discovery configuration.
The main Enterprise Beans client API class.
Information about a configured cluster on an Enterprise Bean client context.
A builder for a cluster definition.
Information about a configured connection on an Enterprise Bean client context.
A builder for a client connection definition.
The public API for an Enterprise Bean client context.
A builder for Enterprise Beans client contexts.
An Enterprise Bean client interceptor, possibly protocol-specific.
Please use EJBClientContext.Builder to manipulate the EJBClientInterceptors.
An invocation context for Enterprise Beans invocations from an Enterprise Bean client
The class for various general Enterprise Beans client permissions.
EJBHandle<T extends jakarta.ejb.EJBObject>
A handle for an Enterprise Bean interface.
EJBHomeHandle<T extends jakarta.ejb.EJBHome>
A handle for an Enterprise Bean home interface.
EJBHomeLocator<T extends jakarta.ejb.EJBHome>
A locator for an Enterprise Bean's home interface.
An identifier for an Enterprise Bean located within a container.
An identifier for an Enterprise Bean proxy invocation target instance, suitable for use as a hash key or a serialized token.
The naming marshalling helper for EJB types.
Retained for compatibility with older protocol versions; use the AbstractEJBMetaData hierarchy instead.
A locator for a specific Enterprise Bean method.
An identifier for an Enterprise Bean module located within a container.
The naming context factory for Enterprise Bean JNDI names.
A receiver for Enterprise Beans invocations.
A context which is provided to Enterprise Beans receiver implementations in order to perform operations on the client context.
The context used for an Enterprise Bean receiver to return the result of an invocation.
A result producer for invocation.
A result producer for failure cases.
The session creation context for a selected receiver.
The context object for handling explicit (not implicit) EJB 3.x stateful session bean creation.
The legacy EJB-protocol transaction provider.
An Enterprise Bean transport provider.
Use WildFlyInitialContextFactory instead.
The interface to merge Enterprise Bean properties into the Elytron configuration.
EntityEJBLocator<T extends jakarta.ejb.EJBObject>
A locator for an entity Enterprise Bean.
EntityEJBMetaData<T extends jakarta.ejb.EJBObject,H extends jakarta.ejb.EJBHome>
Enterprise Beans metadata for entity Enterprise Beans.
Indicate that the interface or method annotated with this annotation is idempotent, meaning that invocations to the interface or method with the same input can be repeated any number of additional times without additional effect.
An Enterprise Bean method invocation request.
The resolved content of the request.
An object model of the legacy file format.
Client configuration which is configured through Properties.
A listener registration handle.
Primary logging for the main Enterprise Beans client API.
Warning this class consists of generated code.
A module availability listener for no-affinity Enterprise Beans.
Enterprise Beans client interceptor to discover a target location based on naming context information in the Enterprise Beans proxy.
A single node affinity specification.
Represents permission to invoke an Enterprise Bean remotely
The remote Enterprise Beans service.
The JBoss Remoting-based transport provider.
The interceptor responsible for relaying invocation information back into the Remoting-based discovery system.
The interface to merge Enterprise Bean properties into the Remoting configuration.
The base type of any Enterprise Bean server request.
An exception (typically) thrown by EJBReceivers if the receiver couldn't successfully handle a request.
A serialized Enterprise Bean invocation handler.
A session ID for a stateful Enterprise Beans.
Serialized representation of a session ID..
An Enterprise Bean session-open request.
A locator for a stateful session Enterprise Bean.
StatefulEJBMetaData<T extends jakarta.ejb.EJBObject,H extends jakarta.ejb.EJBHome>
EJB metadata for stateful EJBs.
A locator for a stateless session EJB.
StatelessEJBMetaData<T extends jakarta.ejb.EJBObject,H extends jakarta.ejb.EJBHome>
Enterprise Beans metadata for stateless Enterprise Beans.
Retained only for protocol compatibility.
Serialized representation of a transaction ID.
The client interceptor which associates the current transaction with the invocation.
The client interceptor which associates discovery output with the current transaction of the invocation.
A session ID of an unknown format.
A URI affinity specification.
Retained only for protocol compatibility.
A UUID-based session ID object.
Retained only for protocol compatibility.