Annotation Type ClientInterceptorPriority

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Fields Description
      static int APPLICATION
      The starting range value for application interceptors.
      static int APPLICATION_END
      The ending range value for application interceptors.
      static int JBOSS_AFTER
      The starting range value for provided JBoss "after" interceptors.
      static int JBOSS_AFTER_END
      The ending range value for provided JBoss "before" interceptors.
      static int JBOSS_BEFORE
      The starting range value for provided JBoss "before" interceptors.
      static int JBOSS_BEFORE_END
      The ending range value for provided JBoss "before" interceptors.
      static int LIBRARY_AFTER
      The starting range value for library "after" interceptors.
      static int LIBRARY_AFTER_END
      The ending range value for library "after" interceptors.
      static int LIBRARY_BEFORE
      The starting range value for library "before" interceptors.
      static int LIBRARY_BEFORE_END
      The ending range value for library "before" interceptors.
    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element Description
      int value  
    • Field Detail


        static final int APPLICATION
        The starting range value for application interceptors.

        static final int APPLICATION_END
        The ending range value for application interceptors.

        static final int LIBRARY_BEFORE
        The starting range value for library "before" interceptors.

        static final int LIBRARY_BEFORE_END
        The ending range value for library "before" interceptors.

        static final int JBOSS_BEFORE
        The starting range value for provided JBoss "before" interceptors.

        static final int JBOSS_BEFORE_END
        The ending range value for provided JBoss "before" interceptors.

        static final int LIBRARY_AFTER
        The starting range value for library "after" interceptors.

        static final int LIBRARY_AFTER_END
        The ending range value for library "after" interceptors.

        static final int JBOSS_AFTER
        The starting range value for provided JBoss "after" interceptors.

        static final int JBOSS_AFTER_END
        The ending range value for provided JBoss "before" interceptors.
    • Element Detail

      • value

        int value