All Classes and Interfaces

An accept-all filter.
A filter consisting of several filters in a chain.
A filter consisting of several filters in a chain.
An asynchronous log handler which is used to write to a handler or group of handlers which are "slow" or introduce some degree of latency.
A factory used to create writable sockets.
A pattern formatter that colorizes the pattern in a fixed manner.
A compound format step.
A console handler which writes to System.out by default.
The target stream type.
A handler that queues messages until it's at least one child handler is added or set.
A deny-all filter.
The configurator for the embedded log manager.
A formatter which handles ExtLogRecord instances.
An extended logger handler.
An extended log record, which includes additional information including MDC/NDC and correct caller location (even in the presence of a logging facade).
The format style to use.
A simple file handler.
A resource which is flushable and closeable.
A single format step which handles some part of rendering a log record.
An enumeration of the types of items that can be rendered.
A parser which can translate a log4j-style format string into a series of FormatStep instances.
Formatter utility methods.
Handler utility methods.
An inverting filter.
A formatter that outputs the record into JSON format optionally printing details.
Log4j-like levels.
A filter which modifies the log record with a new level if the nested filter evaluates true for that record.
A filter which excludes messages of a certain level or levels
Log only messages that fall within a level range.
A logging context, for producing isolated logging environments.
An actual logger instance.
An attachment key instance.
Logging uncaught exception handler.
Simplified log manager.
Mapped diagnostic context.
A formatter which formats a record in a series of steps.
Nested diagnostic context.
A handler which performs no action other than to run any attached filter.
An error manager which runs only once and writes a complete formatted error to System.err.
An output stream handler which supports any OutputStream, using the specified encoding.
A formatter which uses a text pattern to format messages.
A file handler which rotates the log at a preset time interval.
Possible period values.
A file handler which rotates the log at a preset time interval or the size of the log.
A utility for converting objects into strings and strings into objects for storage in logging configurations.
A queue handler which retains the last few messages logged.
A regular-expression-based filter.
A marker class for loggers.
A handler used to communicate over a socket.
The type of socket
An output stream that writes data to a socket.
Caches stdout and stderr early.
An abstract class that uses a generator to help generate structured data from a record.
Defines the way a cause will be formatted.
A generator used to create the structured output.
The key used for the structured log record data.
A filter which applies a text substitution on the message if the nested filter matches.
A syslog handler for logging to syslogd.
Facility as defined by RFC-5424 ( and RFC-3164 (
The type of socket the syslog should write to
Severity as defined by RFC-5424 ( and RFC-3164 (
The syslog type used for formatting the message.
An output stream that writes data to a socket.
An output stream that writes data to a DatagramSocket.
An output stream wrapper which drops calls to the close() method.
An output stream wrapper which drops calls to the close() method.
An output stream which is not interruptible.
A handler which writes to any Writer.
A formatter that outputs the record in XML format.