All Classes and Interfaces

A base implementation of ClassResolver which simply resolves the class against a classloader which is specified by the subclass implementation.
An abstract implementation of the Marshaller interface.
An abstract implementation of the MarshallerFactory interface.
An abstract object input implementation.
An abstract object output implementation.
An abstract implementation of the Unmarshaller interface.
An externalizer factory which looks for the presence of the Externalize annotation.
A field putter for boolean-type fields.
A read field whose value is a boolean type.
An InputStream which implements ByteInput and reads bytes from a ByteBuffer.
An OutputStream implementing ByteOutput which writes to a ByteBuffer.
A field putter for byte-type fields.
An input stream of bytes.
An InputStream which implements ByteInput and reads bytes from another ByteInput.
An output stream of bytes.
An OutputStream which implements ByteOutput and writes bytes to another ByteOutput.
A paired ByteInput and ByteOutput.
A read field whose value is a byte type.
A writer for class or object tables which simply writes a flat sequence of bytes.
A class externalizer factory that tries each delegate externalizer factory in sequence, returning the first match.
A class table that multiplexes up to 256 class tables.
An object resolver which runs a sequence of object resolvers.
An object table that multiplexes up to 256 class tables.
A field putter for char-type fields.
A read field whose value is a character type.
A cloner for class types.
A factory for locating custom externalizers.
A class cloner which uses the given class loader to resolve classes.
A class name transformer.
A class annotator and resolver.
A lookup mechanism for predefined classes.
The class writer for a specific class.
The configuration for a cloner instance.
An interface which allows extending a cloner to types that it would not otherwise support.
A class resolver which uses the context classloader to resolve classes.
This API is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
A field putter for double-type fields.
A read field whose value is a double type.
A listener for exceptions which occur during marshalling or unmarshalling.
Indicate that this class should be externalized by an instance of the given externalizer class.
A replacement serializer for an object class.
Base class for a field "putter" which represents a field's data cell.
A setter for a (possibly final) field, which allows for correct object initialization of Serializable objects with readObject() methods, even in the presence of final fields.
A field putter for float-type fields.
A read field whose value is a float type.
An efficient identity object map whose keys are objects and whose values are ints.
An efficient identity object set.
An InputStream implementing ByteInput which reads input from another InputStream.
A field putter for int-type fields.
An integer-keyed map, optimized for fast copying.
A map entry.
An efficient object map whose keys are objects and whose values are ints.
A read field whose value is an int type.
An efficient object set.
The kind of field.
A limited byte input stream.
A limited byte output stream.
A field putter for long-type fields.
A read field whose value is a long type.
An externalizer factory which uses a fixed mapping from class to externalizer.
An object marshaller for writing objects to byte streams.
The main marshaller factory.
A marshaller's object input.
A marshaller's object input stream.
A marshaller's object output.
A marshaller's object output stream.
Static utility methods for simplifying use of marshallers.
A Marshaller configuration.
An object output stream which wraps a Marshaller, which may be used by legacy ObjectOutputStream-based applications that wish to use the marshalling framework.
A class table which implements an alternate class resolution strategy based on JBoss Modules.
A class table which implements an alternate class resolution strategy based on JBoss Modules.
An object cloner.
An object cloner factory.
A class which may be used to got cloner factory instances.
A source for object cloners.
A field putter for object-type fields.
An Unmarshaller which simply wraps an object stream.
A Marshaller which simply wraps an object stream.
A read field whose value is an object type.
Resolver for substituting objects in a stream.
A lookup mechanism for predefined object references.
The object writer for a specific object.
An OutputStream which implements ByteInput and reads data from another OutputStream.
A serializable pair of values.
An externalizer for Pair instances.
A provider descriptor for automatically-discovered marshalling factory types.
this class simply delegates to ReflectiveCreator.
Base class for a field which was read from the data stream.
This class is no longer used and will be removed in a future version.
A checker to determine whether an object class should be treated as serializable.
Reflection information about a serializable class.
A registry for reflection information usable by serialization implementations.
Reflection information about a field on a serializable class.
A field putter for short-type fields.
A read field whose value is a boolean type.
A simple byte input which extends InputStream.
A simple byte output which extends OutputStream.
A class resolver which uses a predefined classloader.
A simple base implementation of DataInput which wraps a ByteInput.
A simple base implementation of DataOutput which wraps a ByteOutput.
A producer of stream headers.
This creator is no longer used and will be removed in a future version.
A facility available to marshalling implementations which allows for detailed stack traces which trace the position in the object graph where a marshalling or unmarshalling problem has occurred.
Information about a class which was being (un-)marshalled at the time an exception occurred.
Information about a field which was being marshalled at the time an exception occurred.
Information about an incomplete object being unmarshalled.
Information about an index in an array or collection.
The type of index for a multi-valued collection or map.
Information about the circumstances surrounding (un)marshalling.
Information specific to a method execution.
The type of method being executed.
Information about an object which was being (un-)marshalled at the time an exception occurred.
User information.
An unmarshaller which reads objects from a stream.
An object input stream which wraps an Unmarshaller, which may be used by legacy ObjectInputStream-based applications that wish to use the marshalling framework.
Handy utility methods for dealing with strings in the modified UTF-8 format.
The version of the Marshalling API.