Chapter 7. New subprojects

With the new Microcontainer 2.0.0 a lot of new features were added to the Microcontainer core to make integration with new JBoss5 easier and cleaner. Some of the core aspects were entirely re-written. You can see these changes in the subprojects / modules on the figure below.

Figure 7.1. Module dependency

Module dependency

Here we can see the modules that make the whole Microcontainer architecture. Most of them are part of Microcontainer project as subprojects, where MBeans resides in JBossAS project and VFS is a separate project.

AOP-MC-int and Spring-int are extension parts of the Core (Container, Dependency, Kernel). Using AOP-MC-int features is a matter of configuration, where Spring-int is a simple addon. All other modules are optional, but you must satisfy the dependencies presented to you by directed arrows.