##################################################################################################### # # This file is for reference only, changes have no effect on the generated interface implementations. # ##################################################################################################### # Id: 17001 # Message: Rollback not allowed by transaction service. get_aborterror=Rollback not allowed by transaction service. # Id: 17002 # Message: Connection is already associated with a different transaction! Obtain a new connection for this transaction. get_alreadyassociated=Connection is already associated with a different transaction! Obtain a new connection for this transaction. # Id: 17003 # Message: Checking transaction and found that this connection is already associated with a different transaction! Obtain a new connection for this transaction. get_alreadyassociatedcheck=Checking transaction and found that this connection is already associated with a different transaction! Obtain a new connection for this transaction. # Id: 17004 # Message: AutoCommit is not allowed by the transaction service. get_autocommit=AutoCommit is not allowed by the transaction service. # Id: 17005 # Message: An error occurred during close: get_closeerror=An error occurred during close: # Id: 17006 # Message: Invalid transaction during close {0} # @param 1: arg0 - get_closeerrorinvalidtx=Invalid transaction during close {0} # Id: 17007 # Level: org.jboss.logging.Logger.Level.DEBUG # Message: Connection will be closed now. Indications are that this db does not allow multiple connections in the same transaction {0} # @param 1: arg0 - debug_closingconnection=Connection will be closed now. Indications are that this db does not allow multiple connections in the same transaction {0} # Id: 17008 # Level: org.jboss.logging.Logger.Level.INFO # Message: No modifier information found for db. Connection will be closed immediately {0} # @param 1: arg0 - info_closingconnectionnull=No modifier information found for db. Connection will be closed immediately {0} # Id: 17009 # Message: Commit not allowed by transaction service. get_commiterror=Commit not allowed by transaction service. # Id: 17010 # Message: JDBC2 connection initialisation problem get_conniniterror=JDBC2 connection initialisation problem # Id: 17011 # Message: Delist of resource failed. get_delisterror=Delist of resource failed. # Id: 17013 # Level: org.jboss.logging.Logger.Level.WARN # Message: Caught exception warn_drcdest=Caught exception # Id: 17016 # Message: Failed to load dynamic class get_dynamicerror=Failed to load dynamic class # Id: 17017 # Message: enlist of resource failed get_enlistfailed=enlist of resource failed # Id: 17018 # Level: org.jboss.logging.Logger.Level.WARN # Message: Failed to get modifier for driver: warn_getmoderror=Failed to get modifier for driver: # Id: 17020 # Message: Transaction is not active on the thread! get_inactivetransaction=Transaction is not active on the thread! # Id: 17021 # Message: Could not get transaction information. get_infoerror=Could not get transaction information. # Id: 17024 # Level: org.jboss.logging.Logger.Level.WARN # Message: {0} - failed to set isolation level # @param 1: arg0 - warn_isolationlevelfailset={0} - failed to set isolation level # Id: 17025 # Message: Could not resolve JNDI XADataSource get_jndierror=Could not resolve JNDI XADataSource # Id: 17027 # Level: org.jboss.logging.Logger.Level.WARN # Message: An exception occurred during initialisation. warn_recovery_basic_initexp=An exception occurred during initialisation. # Id: 17028 # Level: org.jboss.logging.Logger.Level.WARN # Message: {0} could not find information for connection! # @param 1: arg0 - warn_recovery_basic_xarec={0} could not find information for connection! # Id: 17029 # Level: org.jboss.logging.Logger.Level.WARN # Message: An exception occurred during initialisation. warn_recovery_xa_initexp=An exception occurred during initialisation. # Id: 17031 # Message: rollback(Savepoint) not allowed inside distributed tx. get_releasesavepointerror=rollback(Savepoint) not allowed inside distributed tx. # Id: 17032 # Level: org.jboss.logging.Logger.Level.WARN # Message: {0} - could not mark transaction rollback # @param 1: arg0 - warn_rollbackerror={0} - could not mark transaction rollback # Id: 17033 # Message: rollback(Savepoint) not allowed inside distributed tx. get_rollbacksavepointerror=rollback(Savepoint) not allowed inside distributed tx. # Id: 17034 # Message: Cannot set readonly when within a transaction! get_setreadonly=Cannot set readonly when within a transaction! # Id: 17035 # Message: setSavepoint not allowed inside distributed tx. get_setsavepointerror=setSavepoint not allowed inside distributed tx. # Id: 17037 # Message: Could not resolve JNDI XADataSource get_xa_recjndierror=Could not resolve JNDI XADataSource # Id: 17038 # Level: org.jboss.logging.Logger.Level.WARN # Message: ConnectionSynchronization could not close connection warn_not_closed=ConnectionSynchronization could not close connection # Id: 17039 # Message: BasicXARecovery did not have enough connection configuration insufficientConnectionInformation=BasicXARecovery did not have enough connection configuration