ConfigurationError = JGRP000001: configuration error: the following properties in %s are not recognized: %s ProtocolLoadError = JGRP000002: unable to load protocol %1$s (either with relative - %1$s - or absolute - %2$s - class name) FileNotFound = JGRP000003: file \"%s\" not found ParseError = JGRP000004: parsing failure; the XML document is not correct: %s ProtocolCreateError = JGRP000005: failure creating protocol %s: %s AcceptError = JGRP000006: failed accepting connection from peer %s: %s AttrReadFailure = JGRP000007: failed reading value of attribute %s: %s MissingAttribute = JGRP000008: did not find attribute with name %s AttrWriteFailure = JGRP000009: failed writing to attribute %s: %s VersionMismatch = JGRP000010: packet from %s has different version (%s) than ours (%s); packet is discarded MsgDroppedNak = JGRP000011: %s: dropped message %s from non-member %s (view=%s) MsgDroppedDiffCluster = JGRP000012: discarded message from different cluster %s (our cluster is %s). Sender was %s BatchDroppedDiffCluster = JGRP000013: discarded message batch from different cluster %s (our cluster is %s). Sender was %s SuppressMsg = (received %d identical messages from %s in the last %d ms) Deprecated = JGRP000014: %s has been deprecated: %s IncorrectBufferSize = JGRP000015: the %s buffer of socket %s was set to %s, but the OS only allocated %s CallbackException = JGRP000016: exception in %s callback: %s DisconnectFailure = JGRP000017: %s: disconnect failed: %s UpHandlerFailure = JGRP000018: failed passing message to up-handler ReceiverFailure = JGRP000019: failed passing message to receiver StackDestroyFailure = JGRP000020: failed destroying the protocol stack OperationInvocationFailure = JGRP000021: failed invoking operation %s: %s FieldNotFound = JGRP000022: Field %s not found in protocol %s MethodNotFound = JGRP000023: %s: method %s.%s() not found ParseFailure = JGRP000024: warning during parse SyspropFailure = JGRP000025: failed getting system property for %s: %s OnlyLoopbackFound = JGRP000026: unable to find an address other than loopback for IP version %s PassUpFailure = JGRP000027: failed passing message up SendFailure = JGRP000029: %s: failed sending message to %s (%d bytes): %s, headers: %s IncomingMsgFailure = JGRP000030: %s: failed handling incoming message PhysicalAddrMissing = JGRP000032: %s: no physical address for %s, dropping message FailureSendingToPhysAddr = JGRP000034: %s: failure sending message to %s: %s FailureSendingMsgBundle = JGRP000036: %s: exception sending bundled msgs: %s NoMulticastTransport = JGRP000037: %s should not be used because the transport (%s) does not support IP multicasting; setting %s to false HeaderTypeNotKnown = JGRP000038: %s: header type %s not known FailedToDeliverMsg = JGRP000039: %s: failed to deliver %s %s: %s SenderNotFound = JGRP000040: %s: sender %s not found in retransmission table MessageNotFound = JGRP000041: %s: message %s::%d not found in retransmission table TypeNotKnown = JGRP000042: %s: type %s not known FailedHandlingEvent = JGRP000043: %s: failed handling event: %s FailedSendingAck = JGRP000044: %s: failed sending ACK(%d) to %s: %s TrafficClass = JGRP000047: traffic class of %d could not be set, will be ignored: %s InterfaceJoinFailed = JGRP000048: Could not join %s on interface %s BufferSizeFailed = JGRP000049: failed setting %s buffer size of %d in %s: %s CompressionFailure = JGRP000050: exception on uncompression RSVP_Misconfig = JGRP000051: resend_interval (%d) is >= timeout (%d); setting resend_interval to timeout / 3 RSVP_Timeout = JGRP000052: message ran into a timeout, missing acks: %s AnErrorOccurredWhileLoadingPropertiesFrom = JGRP000100: An error occurred while loading properties from AREYOUDEADHdrFromIsNull = JGRP000101: ARE_YOU_DEAD: hdr.from is null AttemptToMoveFailedAt = JGRP000103: attempt to move failed at: AttemptToWriteDataFailedAt = JGRP000104: attempt to write data failed at ClusternameIsNullCannotGetMembership = JGRP000107: cluster_name is null, cannot get membership ConditionAwaitDeleteWasReceivedButLockWasGone = JGRP000108: Condition await delete was received, but lock was gone ConditionAwaitWasReceivedButLockWasNotCreatedWaiterMayBlockForever = JGRP000109: Condition await was received but lock was not created. Waiter may block forever ConditionResponseWasClientLockWasNotPresentIgnoredSignal = JGRP000110: Condition response was client lock was not present. Ignored signal. ConditionSignalWasReceivedButLockWasNotCreatedCouldnTNotifyAnyone = JGRP000111: Condition signal was received but lock was not created. Couldn't notify anyone. ConnectionClosedUnexpectedly = JGRP000112: Connection closed unexpectedly: CouldNotOpenConnectionToDatabase = JGRP000115: Could not open connection to database DefaultMembershipChangePolicyFailed = JGRP000119: default membership change policy failed DidnTFindPhysicalAddressFor = JGRP000121: didn't find physical address for DigestOrSenderIsNull = JGRP000122: digest or sender is null DiscardedLOCKDENIEDResponseWithLockId = JGRP000123: discarded LOCK-DENIED response with lock-id= DiscardedLOCKGRANTEDResponseWithLockId = JGRP000124: discarded LOCK-GRANTED response with lock-id= ErrorBuildingURL = JGRP000126: Error building URL ErrorCallingService = JGRP000127: Error calling service ErrorClearingTable = JGRP000128: Error clearing table ErrorClosingConnection = JGRP000129: Error closing connection ErrorClosingConnectionToJDBCPINGDatabase = JGRP000130: Error closing connection to JDBC_PING database ErrorCreatingConnection = JGRP000132: Error creating connection ErrorCreatingContainer = JGRP000133: Error creating container ErrorCreatingObject = JGRP000134: Error creating object ErrorDeletingObject = JGRP000135: Error deleting object ErrorListingContainer = JGRP000136: Error listing container ErrorMarshallingObject = JGRP000137: Error marshalling object ErrorReadingJDBCPINGTable = JGRP000138: Error reading JDBC_PING table ErrorReadingObject = JGRP000139: Error reading object ErrorReadingObjects = JGRP000140: Error reading objects ErrorReadingTable = JGRP000141: Error reading table ErrorResubmittingTaskForRequestId = JGRP000142: error resubmitting task for request-id: ErrorSerializingPingData = JGRP000143: error serializing PingData ErrorUnmarshallingObject = JGRP000144: Error unmarshalling object ErrorUpdatingJDBCPINGTable = JGRP000145: Error updating JDBC_PING table EventHandlerFailedHandlingDownEvent = JGRP000147: event handler failed handling down event EventHandlerFailedHandlingUpEvent = JGRP000148: event handler failed handling up event ExceptionOccurredTryingToFragmentMessage = JGRP000152: exception occurred trying to fragment message ExceptionSwitchingToClientRole = JGRP000155: exception switching to client role ExceptionSwitchingToCoordinatorRole = JGRP000156: exception switching to coordinator role ExceptionSwitchingToParticipant = JGRP000157: exception switching to participant ExceptionWasGeneratedWhileCreatingAnOidInstance = JGRP000158: Exception was generated while creating an Oid instance FailedCallingListener = JGRP000159: failed calling listener FailedConnectingTo = JGRP000160: failed connecting to FailedCreatingAnInstanceOf = JGRP000161: failed creating an instance of FailedCreatingBridgeChannelProps = JGRP000162: failed creating bridge channel (props= FailedDecodingKey = JGRP000163: failed decoding key FailedDeletingAllObjects = JGRP000165: failed deleting all objects FailedDeliveringMessage = JGRP000166: failed delivering message FailedDestroying = JGRP000167: failed destroying FailedExecutingTask = JGRP000169: failed executing task FailedForwardingMessageOverBridge = JGRP000172: failed forwarding message over bridge FailedForwardingMessageTo = JGRP000173: failed forwarding message to FailedForwardingUnicastMessageToCoord = JGRP000174: failed forwarding unicast message to coord FailedHandlingMessage = JGRP000175: failed handling message FailedInsertingProtocol = JGRP000176: failed inserting protocol FailedInstallingView = JGRP000177: failed installing view FailedMarshallingRsp = JGRP000178: failed marshalling rsp ( FailedNotifyingChangeListener = JGRP000179: failed notifying change listener FailedPassingUpBatch = JGRP000180: failed passing up batch FailedPassingUpMessage = JGRP000181: failed passing up message FailedPinging = JGRP000182: failed pinging %s: %s FailedProcessingMessage = JGRP000183: failed processing message FailedReadingAddresses = JGRP000185: failed reading addresses FailedReadingData = JGRP000186: failed reading data FailedReadingLineOfInputStream = JGRP000187: failed reading line of input stream FailedReadingRequest = JGRP000188: failed reading request FailedReceivingPacket = JGRP000190: failed receiving packet FailedReceivingPacketFrom = JGRP000191: failed receiving packet from %s: %s FailedRemovingObjects = JGRP000192: failed removing objects FailedRemovingProtocol = JGRP000193: failed removing protocol FailedSending = JGRP000196: failed sending FailedSendingDiagRspTo = JGRP000199: failed sending diag rsp to FailedSendingMessage = JGRP000201: failed sending message FailedSendingMessageTo = JGRP000203: failed sending message to FailedSendingOnLocalCluster = JGRP000204: failed sending on local cluster FailedSendingPacketOnSocket = JGRP000205: failed sending packet on socket: %s FailedSendingResponse = JGRP000206: failed sending response FailedSendingViewToLocalCluster = JGRP000208: failed sending view to local cluster FailedSendingViewToRemote = JGRP000209: failed sending view to remote FailedStartingDiagnostics = JGRP000210: failed starting diagnostics FailedStopping = JGRP000211: failed stopping FailedSubmittingTaskToThreadPool = JGRP000212: failed submitting task to thread pool FailedSubscribingTo = JGRP000213: failed subscribing to FailedToDeleteFile = JGRP000214: Failed to delete file: FailedToDeletePingDataInDatabase = JGRP000215: Failed to delete PingData in database FailedToSendConnectMessage = JGRP000219: failed to send connect message: FailedToStorePingDataInDatabase = JGRP000220: Failed to store PingData in database FailedToWriteFileToS3BucketHTTPResponseCode = JGRP000222: Failed to write file to S3 bucket - HTTP Response code: ( FailedToWriteTemporaryFile = JGRP000223: Failed to write temporary file: FailedUnfragmentingAMessage = JGRP000224: failed unfragmenting a message FailedUnmarshallingBufferIntoReturnValue = JGRP000225: failed unmarshalling buffer into return value FailedUnmarshallingResponse = JGRP000227: failed unmarshalling response FailedUnmarshallingViewFromRemoteCluster = JGRP000228: failed unmarshalling view from remote cluster FailedUnsubscribingFrom = JGRP000229: failed unsubscribing from FailedWritingResponse = JGRP000230: failed writing response FailureCreatingContainer = JGRP000234: failure creating container FailureHandlingDiagnosticsRequest = JGRP000235: failure handling diagnostics request FailureReadingFrame = JGRP000236: failure reading frame FailureRelayingMessage = JGRP000237: failure relaying message FailureRemovingData = JGRP000238: failure removing data FailureUnmarshallingBuffer = JGRP000240: failure unmarshalling buffer FlushingBroadcastingFailed = JGRP000243: flushing (broadcasting) failed GmsHeaderWithType = JGRP000244: GmsHeader with type=%s not known GroupaddrOrLocaladdrIsNullCannotRegisterWithGossipRouterS = JGRP000245: group_addr or local_addr is null, cannot register with GossipRouter(s) HeaderSTypeIsNeitherREQNorRSP = JGRP000246: header's type is neither REQ nor RSP ! IAMNOTDEADHdrFromIsNull = JGRP000248: I_AM_NOT_DEAD: hdr.from is null Krb5TokenFailedToSetupCorrectlyCannotAuthenticateAnyPeers = JGRP000250: Krb5Token failed to setup correctly - cannot authenticate any peers Krb5TokenKerberosContextProcessingException = JGRP000251: Krb5Token Kerberos context processing exception Krb5TokenServiceTicketValidationFailed = JGRP000252: Krb5Token service ticket validation failed MBeanDeRegistrationFailed = JGRP000253: MBean de-registration failed MembershipChangePolicy = JGRP000255: membership change policy %s failed, falling back to default policy to compute new membership: %s MessageLength = JGRP000258: message length ( MessageOrMessageBufferIsNull = JGRP000259: message or message buffer is null MessageWithRSVPFlagNeedsToHaveAnRsvpHeader = JGRP000260: message with RSVP flag needs to have an RsvpHeader NeighborProtocol = JGRP000263: Neighbor protocol NoMethodHandlerIsRegisteredDiscardingRequest = JGRP000265: no method handler is registered. Discarding request. ProtocolError = JGRP000266: Protocol error ProtocolStackCannotContainTwoStateTransferProtocolsRemoveEitherOneOfThem = JGRP000267: Protocol stack cannot contain two state transfer protocols. Remove either one of them Received%DSeqnosButFwdqueueIsEmpty = JGRP000269: received %d seqnos but fwd_queue is empty ReceivedNullConnectionFromTheDriverManager = JGRP000270: Received null connection from the DriverManager! ReceivedObjectIsNeitherARequestNorAResponse = JGRP000271: received object is neither a Request nor a Response: RequestOfType = JGRP000273: Request of type RuntimeErrorEncounteredFromClusterExecuteRunnableMethod = JGRP000274: Runtime Error encountered from cluster execute(Runnable) method SizeOfTheReceivedPacket = JGRP000278: size of the received packet (%d) ) is bigger than allocated buffer (%d): will not be able to handle packet. Use the FRAG2 protocol and make its frag_size lower than %d. StabilityDigestIsNull = JGRP000279: stability digest is null StopFlushFailed = JGRP000280: stop flush failed ViewidIsNull = JGRP000285: view_id is null ViewOrDigestIsNullCannotSendConsolidatedMergeView/Digest = JGRP000286: view or digest is null, cannot send consolidated merge view/digest X509TokenNotSetupCorrectlyCheckTokenAttrs = JGRP000288: X509Token not setup correctly - check token attrs X509TokenReceivedTokenNotValid = JGRP000289: X509Token - received token not valid