SeamFramework.orgCommunity Documentation


How many times have you wanted to start a new project in Java EE, but struggled to put all the pieces together?

Has the Maven archetype syntax left you scratching your head? Everyone else is talking about cool new tools in other languages or frameworks, and you're left thinking, "I wish it were that easy for me." Well, there's good news: You don't have to leave Java EE just to find a developer tool that makes starting out simple. JBoss Forge is heating up Java EE, and is ready to work it into a full-fledged project.

In addition to being a rapid-application generation tool, Forge is also an incremental enhancement tool that lets you to take an existing Java EE projects and safely work-in new functionality. Forge comprehends your entire project, including the abstract structure of the files, and can make intelligent decisions of how and what to change.

Whether you want to get your startup going today, or make your big customers happy tomorrow, Forge is a tool you should be looking at.