The GlassFish home directory and domain are set in the file adjacent to this readme. First, you must prepare GlassFish for a seam-gen project (i.e., deploy Hibernate as a JPA provider) ant gf-prepare Next, you need to start GlassFish: ant gf-start Finally, you can deploy the project: ant gf-explode GlassFish deployment works out of the box for WAR projects. To deploy an EAR project, make the following changes: 1. Uncomment the entries in resources/WEB-INF/web.xml (include additional entries as necessary) 2. Strip the contents up to and including the # in the element in resources/WEB-INF/web.xml 3. Uncomment the element in resources/META-INF/persistence-dev.xml & resources/META-INF/persistence-prod.xml If you plan to use the default Derby datasource in GlassFish, named jdbc/__default, then uncomment the following property in the file at the root of the project to prevent the gf-deploy-datasource target from executing: glassfish.datasource.useDefault=true When switching back and forth between a JBoss AS deployment and a GlassFish deployment, be sure to clean the project: ant clean GlassFish command reference: gf-start - Starts GlassFish gf-debug - Starts GlassFish in debug mode gf-stop - Stops GlassFish gf-reboot - Restarts GlassFish gf-deploy-datasource - Deploys the datasource and connection pool to GlassFish gf-explode - Deploys the exploded archive to GlassFish (restarts application if already deployed) gf-hotdeploy - Hot deploys Java classes, Seam components, and view resources gf-reexplode - Cleans, undeploys, and deploys the exploded archive to GlassFish gf-deploy - Deploys the packaged archive to GlassFish gf-undeploy - Undeploys the exploded or packaged archive from GlassFish gf-redeploy - Cleans, undeploys, and deploys the packaged archive to GlassFish gf-stage - Prepares an exploded archive targeting GlassFish gf-archive - Prepares a packaged archive targeting GlassFish gf-prepare - Prepares GlassFish for a seam-gen project deployment (calls gf-deploy-hibernate) gf-deploy-hibernate - Deploys Hibernate as a JPA provider on GlassFish