//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (c) 2013 Saxonica Limited. // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. // If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. // This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package net.sf.saxon.option.xom; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import net.sf.saxon.Configuration; import net.sf.saxon.om.DocumentInfo; import net.sf.saxon.om.NamePool; import net.sf.saxon.om.NodeInfo; import net.sf.saxon.om.StandardNames; import net.sf.saxon.type.SchemaType; import net.sf.saxon.type.Type; import net.sf.saxon.type.Untyped; import nu.xom.Attribute; import nu.xom.Document; import nu.xom.Element; import nu.xom.Node; /** * The root node of an XPath tree. (Or equivalently, the tree itself). *

* This class is used not only for a document, but also for the root * of a document-less tree fragment. * * @author Michael H. Kay * @author Wolfgang Hoschek (ported net.sf.saxon.jdom to XOM) */ public class XOMDocumentWrapper extends XOMNodeWrapper implements DocumentInfo { protected Configuration config; protected String baseURI; protected long documentNumber; private HashMap idIndex; private HashMap userData; /** * Create a Saxon wrapper for a XOM root node * * @param root * The XOM root node * @param baseURI * The base URI for all the nodes in the tree * @param config * The configuration which defines the name pool used for all * names in this tree */ public XOMDocumentWrapper(Node root, String baseURI, Configuration config) { super(root, null, 0); if (root.getParent() != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("root node must not have a parent node"); this.baseURI = baseURI; docWrapper = this; setConfiguration(config); } /** * Wrap a node in the XOM document. * * @param node * The node to be wrapped. This must be a node in the same * document (the system does not check for this). * @return the wrapping NodeInfo object */ public NodeInfo wrap(Node node) { if (node == this.node) { return this; } return makeWrapper(node, this); } /** * Set the configuration, which defines the name pool used for all names in * this document. This is always called after a new document has been * created. The implementation must register the name pool with the * document, so that it can be retrieved using getNamePool(). It must also * call NamePool.allocateDocumentNumber(), and return the relevant document * number when getDocumentNumber() is subsequently called. * * @param config The configuration to be used */ public void setConfiguration(Configuration config) { this.config = config; documentNumber = config.getDocumentNumberAllocator().allocateDocumentNumber(); } /** * Get the configuration previously set using setConfiguration */ public Configuration getConfiguration() { return config; } /** * Get the name pool used for the names in this document * * @return the name pool in which all the names used in this document are * registered */ public NamePool getNamePool() { return config.getNamePool(); } /** * Ask whether the document contains any nodes whose type annotation is anything other than * UNTYPED * * @return true if the document contains elements whose type is other than UNTYPED */ public boolean isTyped() { return false; } /** * Get the unique document number for this document (the number is unique * for all documents within a NamePool) * * @return the unique number identifying this document within the name pool */ public long getDocumentNumber() { return documentNumber; } /** * Get the element with a given ID, if any * * @param id * the required ID value * @param getParent * @return the element with the given ID, or null if there is no such ID * present (or if the parser has not notified attributes as being of * type ID). */ /*@Nullable*/ public NodeInfo selectID(String id, boolean getParent) { if (idIndex == null) { Element elem; switch (nodeKind) { case Type.DOCUMENT : elem = ((Document) node).getRootElement(); break; case Type.ELEMENT : elem = (Element) node; break; default: return null; } idIndex = new HashMap(50); buildIDIndex(elem); } return idIndex.get(id); } private void buildIDIndex(Element elem) { // walk the tree in reverse document order, to satisfy the XPath 1.0 rule // that says if an ID appears twice, the first one wins for (int i=elem.getChildCount(); --i >= 0 ; ) { Node child = elem.getChild(i); if (child instanceof Element) { buildIDIndex((Element)child); } } for (int i=elem.getAttributeCount(); --i >= 0 ; ) { Attribute att = elem.getAttribute(i); if (att.getType() == Attribute.Type.ID) { idIndex.put(att.getValue(), wrap(elem)); } } } /** * Get the list of unparsed entities defined in this document * @return an Iterator, whose items are of type String, containing the names of all * unparsed entities defined in this document. If there are no unparsed entities or if the * information is not available then an empty iterator is returned */ public Iterator getUnparsedEntityNames() { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST.iterator(); } /** * Get the unparsed entity with a given name * * @param name the name of the entity * @return null: XOM does not provide access to unparsed entities */ public String[] getUnparsedEntity(String name) { return null; } /** * Get the type annotation of this node, if any. Returns -1 for kinds of * nodes that have no annotation, and for elements annotated as untyped, and * attributes annotated as untypedAtomic. * @return the type annotation of the node. * @see net.sf.saxon.type.Type */ public int getTypeAnnotation() { return StandardNames.XS_UNTYPED; } /** * Get the type annotation of this node, if any. The type annotation is represented as * SchemaType object. *


Types derived from a DTD are not reflected in the result of this method.

* * @return For element and attribute nodes: the type annotation derived from schema * validation (defaulting to xs:untyped and xs:untypedAtomic in the absence of schema * validation). For comments, text nodes, processing instructions, and namespaces: null. * For document nodes, either xs:untyped if the document has not been validated, or * xs:anyType if it has. * @since 9.4 */ public SchemaType getSchemaType() { return Untyped.getInstance(); } /** * Set user data on the document node. The user data can be retrieved subsequently * using {@link #getUserData} * @param key A string giving the name of the property to be set. Clients are responsible * for choosing a key that is likely to be unique. Must not be null. Keys used internally * by Saxon are prefixed "saxon:". * @param value The value to be set for the property. May be null, which effectively * removes the existing value for the property. */ public void setUserData(String key, Object value) { if (userData == null) { userData = new HashMap(4); } if (value == null) { userData.remove(key); } else { userData.put(key, value); } } /** * Get user data held in the document node. This retrieves properties previously set using * {@link #setUserData} * @param key A string giving the name of the property to be retrieved. * @return the value of the property, or null if the property has not been defined. */ public Object getUserData(String key) { if (userData == null) { return null; } else { return userData.get(key); } } }