translator readme The coherence_translator is very simple implementation of mapping a Coherence cache to relational sql request. PREREQUSITE: - build the connector-coherence project. - Need to implement/extend SourceCacheAdapter, primarily to add the source metadata. See TradesCacheSource in the tests as an example. BUILD: --------- run mvn clean install DEPLOYMENT -------------------- setup 1. see coherence_connector for deployment 2. copy the translator-coherence-.jar to server//deploy/teiid/connectors directory Exmaple: To use the example vdb (Trade.vdb), do the following (with the server shutdown) 1. set above "setup" 2. copy the Trade.vdb, located in src/test/resources/Coherence_Designer_Project, to /deploy directory 3. in coherence-ds.xml, set the CacheName property to "Trades" and CacheTranslatorClassName property to "org.teiid.translator.coherence.TradesCacheSource" TradeCacheSource will load the cache upon initial use 4. start JBoss server 5. Then use a sql tool (i.e., SQuirreL) to access the Trade.vdb and view the Trade information Other notes: - the coherence translator has the translator name of "coherence", which must match the translator defined in the vdb that's mapped to the Coherence physical source.