# this the default client test scenario file. # # A scenerio describes what query set to use (queries and expected results) and which vdb to use to execute # the queries against. # The scenario.properties file is required, but any property can also be passed in as a System property or in the # config properties file. Also, the scenario.properties override System properties and config properties. # # NOTE: These properties are used to substitute in the config properties files (see default = ctc-test-properties) # so that each scenario is able to drive its test case. # # To define a scenario file: # #---------------------------- # Properties: # # 1. queryset.dir - points to a directory that represents a query set (queries and expected results) # 2. test.queries.dir - must be a subdirectory under the queryset.dir that contains the test query. # 3 expected.results.dir - must be a subdirectory under the queryset.dir that contains all the related # expected result files to use to validate the test_queries against. # # NOTE: There maybe multiple expected_results directories (by different names of course) sometimes depending on the datasources # that are being used by the vdb. Therefore, the expected_results.dir is specified so that a different set of # expected results can be specified for the same query set. # # 4. vdb.name - is the vdb to use for this scenario # # #---------------------------- queryset.dir=rdbms test.queries.dir=test_queries expected.results.dir=client_test_txnoff_expected_results vdb.name=Transaction transaction-option=off