Here are the usage guidelines for using the Coherence translator/connector. -------------- Features ------------- 1. SQL queries support: Comprisons (EQ, LT, GT, etc.), Like, In ------------- Modeling Guidelines ------------- ************* general rules: ************* 1. JavaBean convention is used. The column name (or nameinsource if used) are used in finding the get/set method on the cached object. What does that mean? Example: Object: Trade Attribute: TradeId (getter/setter: getTradeId/setTradeId) in the Designer, if the column name is not the name of the a attribute, then the nameInSource will have to be set to the Attribute name example: columnName: TRADE_ID nameInSource: TradeId The process of getting the trade id value from the Trade object will take the nameInSource (if not provided, then use column name) and prepend "get". Therefore, the method name: getTradeId must exist on the Trade object. 2. the nameInSource for a table will contain the full class name of the object to be created ************* specific rules: ************* - table defined for the root object a. the table must have a primary key defined, this is the key the root object by which its found in the Coherence cache - model a container object (i.e., Collection, Map, Array) in the root as a separate table a. a foreign key must be defined to the root table for which its contained, with the nameInSource must be the name of the method to call on the root object (see JavaBean convention) b. the foreign key column on the root must be added to the child table so that the key value can be included in the sql statements (INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE) in order for the root object can be found. Change the column NOT to updateable or selectable. c. a primary key must be defined ***************** Setup ***************** 1. The Coherence Cache Name will be set on the Coherence Connector, see it for configuration. ------------ Limitations ------------ - There is NO JOIN criteria to specify when querying the root and child object, only conditional criteria. This is because it a coherence limitation out-of-the-box. This can be implemented to enable this capability. - See TBD below --------------------- TBD: The following are things to be added: --------------------- - Enable UPDATE query - Enable the mapping of a column to a property. Using this syntax structure: property. set the nameInSource to this value. - Transaction support is not fully implemented. Example, object locking during the duration of the processing in the translator. - Because all sql criteria has to mapped to Coherence filters, only some have been mapped so far. There are others that need to be added so that the following features will be enabled: - Limit - Between - and others see for information and examples