######################################## # Settings file for Teiid clients ######################################## ######################################## # SSL Settings ######################################## # # The key store type. Defaults to JKS # org.teiid.ssl.keyStoreType=JKS # # The key store algorithm, defaults to # the system property "ssl.TrustManagerFactory.algorithm" # #org.teiid.ssl.algorithm= # # The classpath or filesystem location of the # key store. # # This property is required only if performing 2-way # authentication that requires a specific private # key. # #org.teiid.ssl.keyStore= # # The key store password (not required) # #org.teiid.ssl.keyStorePassword= # # The key alias(not required, if given named certificate is used) # #org.teiid.ssl.keyAlias= # # The key password(not required, used if the key password is different than the keystore password) # #org.teiid.ssl.keyPassword= # # The classpath or filesystem location of the # trust store. # # This property is required if performing 1-way # authentication that requires trust not provided # by the system defaults. # #org.teiid.ssl.trustStore= # # The trust store password (not required) # #org.teiid.ssl.trustStorePassword= # # The cipher protocol, defaults to TLSv1 # org.teiid.ssl.protocol=TLSv1 # # Whether to allow anonymous SSL # (the TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA cipher suite) # defaults to true # org.teiid.ssl.allowAnon=true # # Whether to allow trust all server certificates # defaults to false # #org.teiid.ssl.trustAll=false # # Whether to check for expired server certificates (no affect in anonymous mode or with trustAll=true) # defaults to false # #org.teiid.ssl.checkExpired=false ######################################## # Misc Socket Configuration ######################################## # # The time in milliseconds for socket timeouts. # Timeouts during the initialization, handshake, or # a server ping may be treated as an error. # # This is the lower bound for all other timeouts # the JDBC login timeout. # # Typically this should be left at the default of 1000 # (1 second). Setting this value too low may cause read # errors. # org.teiid.sockets.soTimeout=1000 # # The max number of cached server instances # to reuse. A server instance is a connected # socket to a particular cluster member with # client encryption and or SSL already established. # # Caching instances helps in 2 circumstances: # - when Connection pooling is not being used. # - load-balancing performance to a cluster # when using Connection pooling of the DataSource. # # This value should typically be a multiple of the # cluster size. # # Set to 0 to disable instance caching. # org.teiid.sockets.maxCachedInstances=16 # # Set the max time to live (in milliseconds) for non-execution # synchronous calls. # org.teiid.sockets.synchronousttl=240000 # # Set the socket receive buffer size (in bytes) # 0 indicates that the default socket setting will be used. # org.teiid.sockets.receiveBufferSize=0 # # Set the socket send buffer size (in bytes) # 0 indicates that the default socket setting will be used. # org.teiid.sockets.sendBufferSize=0 # # Set to true to enable Nagle's algorithm to conserve bandwidth # by minimizing the number of segments that are sent. # org.teiid.sockets.conserveBandwidth=false # # Maximum number of bytes per server message. # May need to be increased when using custom types and/or large batch sizes. # org.teiid.sockets.maxObjectSize=33554432