# The ctc-test.properties is used by the bulk client testing . # This file provides properties to the process in 2 ways: # 1. It acts as a template when property substitution is involved. Meaning the property value will be derived # at execution time. # 2. The other properties will be static. ##--- The following properties are expected to come from the scenario file # - ${queryset.dir} indicate which queryset of files to use (because each scenario could be different, bqt, sp, etc) # - ${test.queries.dir} indicates which directory in the ${queryset.dir} to find the queries to run. # - ${expected.results.dir} indicates which directory in the ${queryset.dir} to find the expected results. This may be different when # multiple scenarios use the same queries but have different expected results ##--- The following properties are expected to be passed in as system properties # - ${queryset.artifacts.dir} indicates where all query sets can be found # - ${vdb.artifacts.dir} indicates where the vdbs can be found # the location where a specific query set can be found queryfiles.loc=${queryset.artifacts.dir}/${queryset.dir}/${test.queries.dir} # the location where the specific expected result files can be found results.loc=${queryset.artifacts.dir}/${queryset.dir}/${expected.results.dir} # # where to find the vdb's, which is used to define the vdb.definition setting in the deploy.properties #vdb.loc=${vdb.artifacts.dir} # turn off the configuration of the datastores (data refresh) and connector bindings (setting the datastore connection info) #disable_datastore=true # the location where newly generated expected results will be created (resultmode = generate) generatedir=target/bulk-query-tests/${queryset.dir}/generate # the comparison reports for each query set outputdir=target/bulk-query-tests/${queryset.dir}/output # write the summary files out to this location to make it easier to assimilate the files summarydir=target/bulk-query-tests # transaction types # See the TransactionFactory for the list of types #### NOTE- this property is being set in the scenario properties file #transaction-option=off #transaction-option=auto #transaction-option=local # resultmode options: # - compare : compare actual results to expected results # - generate : create new expected results # - none : run the queries, only report when errors occur #resultmode=none resultmode=compare #resultmode=generate # this is the deploy.properties file which will be used to run all the tests # it will have these properties updated: # 1 - vdb.definition (which will be based on vdb.loc) #deployprops.loc=${project.loc}/target/classes/ctc_tests/deploy.properties process-batch = 20 connector-batch = 20 # this is how to submit queries to Teiid # default is true execute.in.batch=false ########################################## # properties for Teiid connection ########################################## connection-type=driver #connection-type=datasource #driver=org.teiid.jdbc.TeiidDataSource ### driver and url for connecting in server mode Driver=org.teiid.jdbc.TeiidDriver URL=jdbc:metamatrix:${vdb.name}@mm://localhost:31000;user=admin;password=teiid ### driver and url for running in embedded mode #driver=com.metamatrix.jdbc.EmbeddedDataSource #URL=jdbc:metamatrix:${vdb.name}@target/classes/ctc_tests/deploy.properties;version=1;user=admin;password=teiid User=admin Password=teiid ### dont define Database, it will be set based on the scenario vdb DatabaseName=${vdb.name} ServerName=target/classes/ctc_tests/deploy.properties #PortNumber=0 #application-name=bqt-test # jboss # mm.ds-jndiname=java:mmXA # usertxn-jndiname=UserTransaction # weblogic mm.ds-jndiname=mmXA usertxn-jndiname=java:comp/UserTransaction # These mappings control what datasource is mapped to which model when the -Dusedatasources= option is used # or the system environment is set. # # By providing the numerical order, it indicates which datasource to assign based on the order in the usedatasources property. # # If -Dusedatasources is not set, then the datasource will be assigned in the order they are calling to obtain a datasource. # # pm1=1 pm2=2