########################################## # Common Properties for the test that use the Teiid Datasource in order to obtain a connection ########################################## connection-type=datasource process-batch = 20 connector-batch = 20 # this is how to submit queries to Teiid # default is true execute.in.batch=false ########################################## # properties for Teiid connection ########################################## driver=org.teiid.jdbc.TeiidDataSource URL=jdbc:metamatrix:Transaction@mm:// User=admin Password=teiid DatabaseName=Transaction ServerName=localhost PortNumber=31000 application-name=txn-test # jboss # mm.ds-jndiname=java:mmXA # usertxn-jndiname=UserTransaction # weblogic mm.ds-jndiname=mmXA usertxn-jndiname=java:comp/UserTransaction # These mappings control what datasource is mapped to which model when the -Dusedatasources= option is used # or the system environment is set. # # By providing the numerical order, it indicates which datasource to assign based on the order in the usedatasources property. # # If -Dusedatasources is not set, then the datasource will be assigned in the order they are calling to obtain a datasource. # # pm1=1 pm2=2 #-----------------------------