Adminshell Example Scripts The scripts located in the example directory are here to assist in scripting tasks to support various activities. ************** Life Cycle Management ************** - DeployAndVerifyVDB.groovy : used to deploy a VDB to a server and verifies its status - DeployJar.groovy : used to deploy a jar (i.e., JDBC driver, UDF jar, etc.) as a module to the server. Note: the name of the jar will be the name of the module to reference. - SetConnectionTypeForVDB : used to control access to VDB based depending on its connection available. The states are: NONE - disallow new connections. BY_VERSION - the default setting. Allow connections only if the version is specified or if this is the earliest BY_VERSION vdb and there are no vdbs marked as ANY. ANY - allow connections with or without a version specified. ************** Monitoring ************** - CacheStats.groovy : useful to examine the current cache stats to see if caching is getting used as often as it should. ************** VDB configuration ************** - AssignDatasourceToModel.groovy : provides the ability to swap an assigned data source in a VDB that is currently deployed. ************** Other Useful Scripts ************** - PrintAllVDBAndDatasources.groovy : prints all deployed VDB's and their assigned data sources. This provides another option, other than the adminconsole, for viewing what is currently deployed to the server. - PrintVDBInfo.groovy : prints the details for a given VDB, includes permissions/roles defined - RestartServer.groovy : provides the ability to trigger the restarting of a server