Welcome to OptaPlanner ====================== Run the quickstarts ------------------- On Linux, macOS or Cygwin: ./runQuickstarts.sh On Windows: runQuickstarts.bat Run the quickstarts in IDE ---------------------------- Please refer to https://github.com/kiegroup/optaplanner-quickstarts/blob/stable/README.adoc. Run the examples ---------------- It's easy to run the examples: On Linux, macOS or Cygwin: ./runExamples.sh On Windows: runExamples.bat Run the examples in IntelliJ ---------------------------- Open menu File, menu item Open project, select "examples/sources/pom.xml". Open menu Run, menu item Edit Configurations, add a new Application with main class "org.optaplanner.examples.app.OptaPlannerExamplesApp" and run that. Run the examples in Eclipse --------------------------- Import "examples/sources/pom.xml" as a new project from Maven sources. Open menu Run, menu item Run configurations, add new Java Application with main class "org.optaplanner.examples.app.OptaPlannerExamplesApp" and click button Run. Read the reference manual ------------------------- To see the reference_manual, just open: https://docs.optaplanner.org/latestFinal/optaplanner-docs/html_single/index.html It contains information how to use it on your project (with Maven, Gradle, ...). Sources ------- But to build from sources, pull the sources with git: https://github.com/kiegroup/optaplanner Backwards compatibility ----------------------- OptaPlanner's api packages are backwards compatible. The impl packages are not, apply the upgrade recipe if you use them: https://www.optaplanner.org/download/upgradeRecipe/ For more specific information, see the first chapter of the reference manual. Questions? ---------- If you have any questions, visit: https://www.optaplanner.org/community/getHelp.html