# #Thu Jun 10 00:17:04 EDT 2021 org.optaplanner.quarkus.config.TerminationRuntimeConfig.spentLimit=How long the solver can run.\nFor example\: "30s" is 30 seconds. "5m" is 5 minutes. "2h" is 2 hours. "1d" is 1 day.\nAlso supports ISO-8601 format, see {@link Duration}. org.optaplanner.quarkus.config.TerminationRuntimeConfig.bestScoreLimit=Terminates the solver when a specific or higher score has been reached.\nFor example\: "0hard/-1000soft" terminates when the best score changes from "0hard/-1200soft" to "0hard/-900soft".\nWildcards are supported to replace numbers.\nFor example\: "0hard/*soft" to terminate when any feasible score is reached. org.optaplanner.quarkus.config.OptaPlannerRuntimeConfig.solver=During run time, this is translated into OptaPlanner's {@link SolverConfig}\nruntime properties. org.optaplanner.quarkus.config.SolverRuntimeConfig.termination=Configuration properties that overwrite OptaPlanner's {@link TerminationConfig}. org.optaplanner.quarkus.config.TerminationRuntimeConfig.unimprovedSpentLimit=How long the solver can run without finding a new best solution after finding a new best solution.\nFor example\: "30s" is 30 seconds. "5m" is 5 minutes. "2h" is 2 hours. "1d" is 1 day.\nAlso supports ISO-8601 format, see {@link Duration}.