SchemaSpec.missing-version=There was no version specified for a schemaSpec SchemaSpec.cannot-add-schema-spec-task=Cannot add the task [{0}] - it is not of type [{1}] SchemaSpec.cannot-compare-non-schema-spec=Cannot compare a non-SchemaSpec object [{0}] SchemaSpec.executing-schema-spec-task=Executing the task [{0}] in schema spec version [{1}] SchemaSpec.error-executing-schema-spec-task=Error executing the task [{0}] in schema spec version [{1}]. Cause: {2} SchemaSpecTask.invalid-jdbc-sql-type=[{0}] is generic type name that has an unknown or unsupported JDBC SQL data type is no database specific mapping of the generic type [{0}] for the database [{1}] SchemaSpecTask.unsupported-attrib=The schema spec task [{0}] has an unsupported attribute [{1}] SchemaSpecTask.missing-attrib=The schema spec task [{0}] is missing the attribute [{1}] SchemaSpecTask.missing-child-element=The schema spec task [{0}] is missing the child element [{1}] SchemaSpecTask.invalid-attrib=The schema spec task [{0}] had an invalid attribute [{1}] with value [{2}] SchemaSpecTask.failure=The schema spec task [{0}] has encountered an error. Cause: {1} SchemaSpecTask.updatecolumn.error-updating-nonexisting-column=Cannot update column [{0}] - it does not exist in the table [{1}] SchemaSpecTask.updatecolumn.error-updating-column=Error updating column [{0}] in the table [{1}]. Cause: {2} SchemaSpecTask.updatecolumn.updating-column=Updating column [{0}] in the table [{1}] with modify command of [{2}] SchemaSpecTask.deletecolumn.error-deleting-column=Error deleting column [{0}] in the table [{1}]. Cause: {2} SchemaSpecTask.deletecolumn.deleting-column=Deleting column [{0}] in the table [{1}] SchemaSpecTask.droptable.table-does-not-exist=Will not attempt to drop table [{0}] because it does not exist SchemaSpecTask.droptable.executing=Dropping table [{0}] SchemaSpecTask.droptable.error=Error occurred while attempting to drop table [{0}]. Cause: {1} SchemaSpecTask.createsequence.executing=Creating sequence with the name [{0}] having an initial value of [{1}] and an increment of [{2}] SchemaSpecTask.dropsequence.executing=Dropping sequence with the name [{0}] SchemaSpecTask.insert.executing=Inserting into the table [{0}] using the insert command of [{1}] SchemaSpecTask.insert.ignore-dup=Could not insert into the table [{0}] - the data already exists. This task was told to ignore such errors. The insert will be rolled back SchemaSpecTask.insert.rollback-error=Could not rollback after the attempt to insert duplicate data. Cause: {0} SchemaSpecTask.vendor-mismatch=The task was to be executed on a [{0}] database, but this is a [{1}] database; task will be skipped SchemaSpecTask.version-mismatch=The task was to be executed on a [{0}] database of version [{1}], but this database is at version [{2}]; task will be skipped SchemaSpecTask.directsql.executing=Executing direct SQL. Description=[{0}] : SQL=[{1}] SchemaSpecTask.invalid-target-db=The task [{0}] defines a target DB version [{1}] without specifying a database vendor SchemaSpecTask.update.column-does-not-exist=Cannot update data in the column [{0}] - it does not exist in the table [{1}] SchemaSpecTask.update.executing=Updating data of type [{0}] (JDBC type=[{1}]) in table.column of [{2}.{3}]. The new value will be [{4}]. Optional where clause=[{5}] SchemaSpecTask.update.error=Could not update data in table.column of [{0}.{1}]. Cause: {2} SchemaSpecTask.multiple-initializers-not-allowed=There are multiple initializers defined. You are allowed to define at most one initializer SchemaSpecTask.multiple-foreign-keys-not-allowed=There are multiple foreign key constraints defined. You are allowed to define at most one foreign key constraint SchemaSpecTask.addcolumn.executing=Adding new column: table=[{0}], column=[{1}], columnType=[{2}], precision=[{3}] SchemaSpecTask.addcolumn.error=Failed to add the new column. Cause: {0} SchemaSpecTask.altercolumn.column-does-not-exist=Cannot alter column - it does not exist: [{0}.{1}] SchemaSpecTask.altercolumn.error=Failed to alter column. Cause: {0} 'jdbcUrl' attribute specified. DBUpgrader.type-map-file-error=Failed to load type mapping from file [{0}]. Cause: {1} 'targetSchemaVersion' attribute was specified. Do not know what version to ugprade to DBUpgrader.invalid-version=Invalid 'targetSchemaVersion' attribute was specified. Cause: {0} DBUpgrader.error-updating-version=Error updating schema version to [{0}]. Cause: {1} DBUpgrader.error-loading-start-version=Error loading the starting schema version string. Cause: {0} DBUpgrader.error-missing-version=Cannot find the starting schema version string in [{0}.{1}.{2}] DBUpgrader.error-duplicate-version=Found multiple starting schema version strings in [{0}.{1}.{2}] DBUpgrader.error-duplicate-schema-specs=Found multiple schema specs defined with the same version [{0}] DBUpgrader.error-schema-specs-out-of-order=Found schema spec defined out of order [{0}] DBUpgrader.inconsistent-state=Database schema is in an inconsistent state: version=[{0}] DBUpgrader.starting=Starting database schema upgrade: [{0}] -> [{1}] DBUpgrader.upgrade-step=Upgrading: [{0}] -> [{1}] DBUpgrader.upgrade-step-done=Finished upgrade: [{0}] -> [{1}] OK DBUpgrader.error-downgrading=Cannot downgrade schema from [{0}] to [{1}] DBUpgrader.upgrade-step-error=Failed to upgrade - error in spec version [{0}]. Cause: {1} DBUpgrader.success=DATABASE SUCCESSFULLY UPGRADED TO [{0}] BaseFileSetTask.need-a-file=At least one file must be provided. BaseFileSetTask.file-does-not-exist=File [{0}] does not exist. Task.missing-attrib=The task [{0}] is missing the required attribute [{1}] DBUpgrader.index-condition-not-supported=Conditions on indexes are not supported for database {0}