DatabaseType.generic-error=Error: {0} DatabaseType.generic-message=Message: {0} DatabaseType.executing-sql=Executing the following SQL: {0} TypeMap.invald-type-map-attrib=The generic type [{0}] has an invalid mapping - there is an invalid attrib [{1}] with value [{2}] TypeMap.invald-type-map-child=Invalid typemap child element [{0}] - only [{1}] child elements are allowed TypeMap.missing-type-map-generic-type=Not a valid typemap - the attribute defining the generic type name [{0}] is missing TypeMap.node-not-valid-typemap-node=Node is not a valid TypeMap node: {0} TypeMap.invalid-type-map=An invalid typemap definition was found. Cause: {0} DatabaseType.close-conn-error=Error closing connection. Cause: {0} DatabaseType.close-statement-error=Error closing statement. Cause: {0} DatabaseType.close-resultset-error=Error closing result set. Cause: {0} DatabaseTypeFactory.db-conn-metadata=Database connection is connected to database=[{0}], version=[{1}] DatabaseTypeFactory.unknown-database=Unknown or unsupported database: name=[{0}], version=[{1}] DatabaseTypeFactory.not-a-sequence=Cannot retrieve value from the sequence table using query [{0}] TypeMap.known-typemaps-xml-file-not-found=Could not find the known typemaps file named [{0}] in the classloader. TypeMap.loaded-typemaps=Type mappings have been loaded: {0} DatabaseTypeFactory.cannot-load-jdbc-driver=Cannot load the JDBC driver [{0}] for JDBC URL [{1}] - connecting to your database will probably fail. DBSetup.source-not-valid=The source [{0}] does not appear to contain valid DBSetup XML content DBSetup.path-not-relative-to-stream=Cannot process tag; the path is relative but the source is a stream. The full path cannot be determined from a stream DBSetup.sax-fatal=A fatal XML parsing error occurred on line [{0}], column [{1}]: {2} DBSetup.sax-error=An XML parsing error occurred on line [{0}], column [{1}]: {2} DBSetup.sax-warning=An XML parsing warning occurred on line [{0}], column [{1}]: {2} DBSetup.connected-to-db=Successfully connected to the database via JDBC URL [{0}] as user [{1}] DBSetup.dropped-view=Dropped view [{0}] DBSetup.dropped-view-error=Failed to drop view [{0}]. Cause: {1} DBSetup.dropped-table=Dropped table [{0}] and its associated sequences DBSetup.dropped-table-error=Failed to drop table [{0}] or one of its sequences. Cause: {1} DBSetup.uninstall.views.dropped=[{0}] views dropped successfully. DBSetup.uninstall.views.failed=[{0}] views failed to drop. DBSetup.uninstall.tables.dropped=[{0}] tables dropped successfully. DBSetup.uninstall.tables.failed=[{0}] tables failed to drop. DBSetup.ignoring-obsolete-table=Ignoring obsolete table [{0}] DBSetup.setting-up-table=Setting up table [{0}] DBSetup.setting-up-view=Setting up view [{0}] DBSetup.created-table=Created table [{0}] DBSetup.created-table-error=Failed to create table [{0}] DBSetup.created-index=Created index [{0}] for table [{1}] DBSetup.created-index-error=Failed to create index [{0}] for table [{1}] DBSetup.created-view=Created view [{0}] DBSetup.created-view-error=Failed to create view [{0}] DBSetup.cleared-table=Deleted all rows from table [{0}] DBSetup.cleared-table-error-first-pass=Could not delete all rows from table [{0}]. This will be retried in the second pass. Cause: {1} DBSetup.cleared-table-error-second-pass=Failed to deleted all rows from table [{0}]. Cause: {1} DBSetup.clear-second-pass=The first pass had [{0}] failed attempts to delete rows - a second pass will be performed to try them again DBSetup.clear.tables.cleared=[{0}] attempts to clear table data were successful. DBSetup.clear.tables.failed=[{0}] attempts to clear table data failed. DBSetup.fata-sql-exception={0} DBSetup.created-rows=Created [{0}] rows in table [{1}] DBSetup.created-rows-error=Failed to create rows in table [{0}] DBSetup.setup.tables.created=[{0}] tables created successfully DBSetup.setup.indexes.created=[{0}] indexes created successfully DBSetup.setup.views.created=[{0}] views created successfully ready to execute SQL: {0} DBSetup.cmdline.usage=\n\ {0}\n\ DBSetup -op=export|setup|clear|uninstall|uninstallsetup \n\ -jdbcurl= [-jdbcuser=] [-jdbcpassword=]\n\ -file= DBSetup.cmdline.bad-op=The operation is [{0}] - it must be one of:\n\ ''export'', ''setup'', ''clear'', ''uninstall'' or ''uninstallsetup'' DBSetup.cmdline.bad-dbsetup-file=The path to the DBSetup XML file is invalid [{0}] DBSetup.cmdline.bad-jdbcurl=You must specify a JDBC URL (-jdbcurl) DBSetup.cmdline.bad-arg=Invalid argument specified [{0}] provides a mechanism to create, clear and uninstall\n\ database schema and data as defined in an XML definition file DBSetup.cmdline.error=DBSetup encountered an error! Cause: {0} DBSetup.cmdline.not-ok=DBSetup failed to perform some SQL. Please view the logs for more information. DBSetup.cmdline.ok=DBSetup is done. DBSetup.cmdline.options=Running DBSetup with the following options:\n\ Operation: {0}\n\ JDBC Logging?: {1}\n\ JDBC URL: {2}\n\ JDBC User: {3}\n\ DBSetup XML File: {4} DBSetup.export.found-table=Exporting definition of the found table [{0}] DBSetup.export.found-column=Exporting definition of the found column [{0}.{1}] DBSetup.export.tables-created=[{0}] tables exported successfully DBSetup.export.warning-notice=\n\ NOTE: You cannot use this generated XML file for input into DBSetup.\n\ This exported XML file is only for reference purposes; it is not\n\ generated in a way that can be used to recreate the DB.\n\ Use the backup/restore utilities provided by your database vendor\n\ to export your database for backup and recovery.\n\ \n\ Generated on: {0,date,long} {0,time,long}\n\ DBSetup.duration=Duration: {0} ms