help=Prints this usage informations classpathDir=Defines the path to the classpath directory, where are analyzed project classes stored (typically target/classes) resourcesOutputDir=Specifies the directory where optimized resources should be placed staticResourcePrefix=The prefix for resource links relative from the JSF resources roots (webapp/jar) to the directory where optimized resources are placed staticResourceMappingFile=The path to a file with mappings from JSF resource names to their optimized version (the data will be appended on the end) skins=The command separated list of skins to be generated compress=Indicates whether resources should be compressed pack=Indicates whether resources should be aggregated into packages (several JSF resource names will map to one resource) includedContentTypes=The regexp for inclusion of given content types excludedContentTypes=The regexp for exclusion of given content types includedFiles=The regexp for names for files which should be included excludedFiles=The regexp for names for files which should be excluded