New in Version 4.1.0.CR2 ------------------------ Bug [RF-11564] - Mobile Showcase and iPhone: defaultly closed rich:collapsiblePanel can't be opened [RF-11633] - rich:inplaceInput - client side validation doesn't work [RF-11645] - Mobile Showcase and rich:orderingList - selecting an item doesn't enable the moving buttons [RF-11673] - Warning messages have color unreadable on white background - (warningColor) [RF-11675] - Showcase and rich:dataTable - delayed sorting (regresion fix) [RF-11677] - Calendar: buttons in month dialog do not work (regresion fix) [RF-11680] - Backing a pickList with an array causes a java.lang.ArrayStoreException [RF-11689] - richfaces-archetype-simpleapp : remove unnecessary webResource mapping to src/main/java [RF-11695] - showcase - deploying on JBoss AS 7.1.0-SNAPSHOT trows error: JMSInitializer was not correctly initialized [RF-11696] - showcase - broken deploying on Tomcat due to wrong SLF4J binding [RF-11712] - showcase - a4j:push via JMS- generates JS error on mobile devices [RF-11713] - Showcase and rich:accordion - the "view source" link is hidden [RF-11744] - Fileupload component doesn't include list of submitted files removed in the onclear event [RF-11752] - Propagate UIDataAdaptor#processEvent(ComponentSystemEvent) to #processEvent(SystemEvent) [RF-11761] - Archetype: community JBoss repository should not be included for enterprise projects [RF-11762] - Archetype: remove simpleapp archetype's parent Enhancement [RF-11714] - showcase - demo rich:select - panels which hold selects should has bigger width [RF-11759] - Remove Cellpadding/Cellspacing from EDT, replace with appropriate CSS Feature Request [RF-11659] - Add the maven jboss as7 deployer to the showcase pom.xml [RF-11690] - richfaces-simpleapp-archetype : add support for the enterprise (aka WFK) dependencies Task [RF-11716] - richfaces-archetype-simpleapp: Add useJBossRepositories flag [RF-11717] - richfaces-archetype-simpleapp: Remove unnecessary testng dependency in pom.xml [RF-11721] - Cleanup mobile RichFaces JavaScript and fix foreseeable problems [RF-11743] - Add mobile optimization option to the simpleapp archetype [RF-11756] - Reintroduce escape sequences in simpleapp archetype templates Full Release Notes: New in Version 4.1.0.CR1 ------------------------ - Hibernate validator upgraded to version 4.2 - Fixes to the VDL-DOC generation (tag library documentation) - Fix whereby DnD scripts weren't getting loaded via ajax updates - Move project compiler compatibility to 1.6 level - Further improvements to the component mobile compatibility and the mobile showcase - Many bugs fixed, improving the overall stability of the platform New in Version 4.1.0.M4 ----------------------- - Mobile showcase improvements: ajax status indicator, and improved component mobile compatibility - Resource mapping context-param rename and sensible defaults - Client-side validation regexp improvements, and compatibility with other JSF component sets - File upload component has some new attributes, allowing for more control over is uploaded to the server - rich:pickList gained switchByClick and switchByDblClick functionality - jQuery upgrade to 1.6.4 - Archetype improvements to both simpleapp and the gae archetype - Many bugs fixed, improving the overall stability of the platform New in Version 4.1.0.M3 ----------------------- - Mobile showcase demonstrating the mobile compatibility of the current component set - Resource mapping feature for javascript and CSS resource packaging and minification - Showcase deployed on OpenShift - Showcase has samples for the new components - Ajax push has a CDI interfaces for firing push events - VDL-DOC (generated tag library documentation) linked to from the showcase - Many more issues resolved: New in Version 4.1.0.M2 ----------------------- - jQuery upgraded to 1.6.2 - IE 9 support (taking advantage of the compatibility mode) - Stabilization of the new components introduced in 4.1.0.M1: rich:editor has been integrated with the standard RichFaces styling scheme rich:notify has been better integrated into the RichFaces ecosystem, allowing them to consume Client-Side Validation messages rich:pickList has picked up ordering capabilities in the target list - Many more issues resolved: New in Version 4.1.0.M1 ----------------------- - Source code migrated to Git ( - Push component improvements, more lightweight, decoupled from JMS, and support has been added for Comet - rich:editor component added - rich:notify component added - rich:pickList component added - rich:orderingList component added - Many more issues resolved: New in Version 4.0.Final ---------------------- - Minor, low risk stabilizations, and clean up tasks for the Final build to minimize risk. - Thorough review of all the component attributes done and corrections were made based on complexity. - Bug fixing for CSV and Object Validation features. - Refactored Listeners classes, methods and Event names according to standard JSF convention. - Review and update predefined rf-* CSS classes for components to satisfy naming convention - TreeNode and TreeDataModel model support for rich:tree added. - jQuery updated to 1.5.1. - Several taglib issues found during QE and made corresponding corrections for better IDE support - RichFaces showcase design corrections - Reviewed current state of RichFaces showcase in different JSF environments support and finalized pom.xml profiles for: richfaces-showcase (Mojara 2.0.3 - GAE build, Mojara 2.0.4 default build) richfaces-archetype-simpleapp (Mojara 2.0.4 default build) rf-gae-sample archetype (MyFaces 2.0.4 both GAE and default builds) - Completed Push component demo - irc-sample, with blog and documents before release New in Version 4.0.CR1 ---------------------- - Completed nearly all taglib's corrections for better IDE support - Stabilized the CSV feature with messages, localization and customization improvements - Stabilized messages components - A lots of stabilization issues resolved for Switchable Panels and Panel Menu - Important push problems solved and more customization options added - A lot of stabilization issues for MyFaces support got resolved - Environment updates: JQuery 1.5, MyFaces 2.0.4, Mojara 2.0.4, Atmosphere 0.6.4 - RichFaces showcase has been updated with new design ( and now runs stable with MyFaces! New in Version 4.0.M6 --------------------- - Client Side Validation feature is ready!! All the standard JSF and most of the JSR-303 validators are available on the client by using just behavior! We will post detailed blog with examples in a few days. - ObjectValidation feature also was finalized and allows you to validate complete objects and dependent fields by just using JSR-303 validators and the component. This will also be covered in an up coming blog. - The Ajax framework is improved and now provides ignoreDupResponce core feature! Together with queue it adds great optimization to your Ajax'ififed pages. - All the richfaces components client side API are reviewed and stabilized. API Tables will be documented soon in the component reference. - Further review and corrections in components for improving IDE's support. - RichFaces showcase demo application is updated with new showcases for validation components and new examples for previously released components. - Further improvements in Component Development Kit. - Stabilization works for migrated code. Automation tests with quint, junit. Review of attributes and facets for consistency and stability are done and most issues get fixed.