======================================================================== RichFaces - Ajax enabled JSF 2.0 component library RichFaces 4.5.6-SNAPSHOT http://richfaces.org March 2011 This software is distributed under the terms of the FSF Lesser Gnu Public License (see lgpl.txt) ======================================================================== RichFaces 4 is a component library for JSF2 and an advanced framework for easily integrating AJAX capabilities into enterprise applications. This file explains how to get started and install the RichFaces component library. If you find any issue with the project, please report the issue on the RichFaces user forum (http://community.jboss.org/en/richfaces) or jira (https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF). FEATURES -------- - Many AJAX enabled components in two libraries. * a4j page centric AJAX controls. * rich self contained, ready to use components. - Complete JSF2 support with advanced extensions - Easily skin your entire application - Component Development Kit (CDK). - Dynamic resource handling. - Testing facilities for components, actions, listeners and pages - Broad cross-browser support. - Large and active community OBTAINING RICHFACES 4.X ----------------------- 1. Obtaining the latest stable distribution package You can download the distribution package directly from the RichFaces project website at http://www.jboss.org/richfaces. Source code is also available to download from the same site. SETTING UP YOUR PROJECT ----------------------- 1. Manually After downloading the distribution package, extract its content in a folder of your choice. In the root of the extracted folder you will find the jars needed to use RichFaces inside your project. Copy the following jars to your application libraries folder: - richfaces-rich-4.5.6-SNAPSHOT - richfaces-a4j-4.5.6-SNAPSHOT - richfaces-core-4.5.6-SNAPSHOT In addition to the RichFaces jars, a number of dependencies are required in order to properly configure the framework. a. sac.jar, cssparser.jar - required for components CSS work. b. guava - core runtime dependency. c. annotations.jar - from org.richfaces.cdk. - It's optional and only needs to be added if RichFaces components will be created/accessed dynamically in your apps actions/listeners. d. validation-api.jar and any implementation like hibernate-validators.jar - It's optional and should be added if you using Client or Graph Validation. Should be added only if it's not provided by a server (Java EE 6 servers). For the latest updates, and information on this please see: http://community.jboss.org/docs/DOC-16484 2. Using Maven To setup your project using Maven, follow the instruction on the wiki at http://community.jboss.org/wiki/HowtoaddRichFaces4xtomavenbasedproject For optimal performance it's recommended to add one of these caching frameworks to application classpath: EhCache, JBoss Cache, OsCache. GETTING STARTED --------------- 1. Aside from the steps above to use RichFaces component library, no special configuration steps are necessary. You don't need to modify web.xml or faces-config.xml as with previous versions of RichFaces, except for a4j:push component that requires additional configuration in web.xml 2. Add RichFaces namespaces/taglibs declarations to your VDL/XHTML pages which will use RichFaces components. - Use xmlns:rich="http://richfaces.org/rich" namespace for core components - Use xmlns:a4j="http://richfaces.org/a4j" namespace for rich components 3. Add on of the available RichFaces components to your page and try it! Take a look at the RichFaces examples for assistance with usage. 4. For more information on getting started with RichFaces, visit the wiki's Getting Started Guide at http://community.jboss.org/wiki/GettingStartedWithRichFaces4x MORE INFORMATION AND RESOURCES ------------------------------ For more information on RichFaces 4 features, how to migrate from previous versions, and answers to the most frequently asked questions (FAQ), please visit RichFaces website at: http://www.jboss.org/richfaces Or the Wiki at: - http://community.jboss.org/wiki/richfaceswikihomepage To report or check the status of issues related to RichFaces use the project's Jira at: - https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF Community support and help can be obtained from the RichFaces forums at: - http://community.jboss.org/en/richfaces Also you can follow us on Twitter at: - http://twitter.com/richfaces FUTURE RELEASES --------------- For information on future releases and new features that are planned for next version please visit project's wiki at: http://community.jboss.org/wiki/RichFaces410ReleaseCenter GET INVOLVED ------------ RichFaces is an Open Source project built by people across the globe. If you want to help create the next version of RichFaces take a look at this sites - RichFaces source code: http://www.jboss.org/richfaces/sourcecode - How to build RichFaces 4.X: http://community.jboss.org/docs/DOC-15747?uniqueTitle=false - RichFaces 4.X Directory structure: http://community.jboss.org/wiki/RichFaces40BuildDirectoryStructure - RichFaces developer forums http://community.jboss.org/en/richfaces/dev?view=discussions - RichFaces Planning (Jira): https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RFPL We hope to see your contributions! AVAILABLE COMPONENTS/BEHAVIORS/TAGS/FUNCTIONS --------------------------------------------- Core: --------------------------------------------- a4j:ajax a4j:commandLink a4j:commandButton a4j:push a4j:mediaOutput a4j:status a4j:jsFunction a4j:log a4j:outputPanel a4j:poll a4j:param a4j:queue a4j:attachQueue a4j:repeat a4j:region a4j:actionListener --------------------------------- Iteration: --------------------------------- rich:dataTable rich:extendedDataTable rich:collapsibleSubTable rich:dataScroller rich:collapsibleSubTableToggler rich:dataGrid rich:list rich:columnGroup rich:column --------------------------------- Miscellaneous: --------------------------------- rich:jQuery rich:clientId rich:element rich:component rich:isUserInRole rich:findComponent rich:componentControl rich:hashParam rich:hotKey --------------------------------- Output: --------------------------------- rich:collapsiblePanel rich:panel rich:popupPanel rich:tabPanel rich:tab rich:togglePanel rich:toggleControl rich:togglePanelItem rich:itemChangeListener rich:accordion rich:accordionItem rich:panelMenu rich:panelMenuGroup rich:panelMenuItem rich:progressBar rich:tooltip rich:message rich:notify rich:chart --------------------------------- Menus: --------------------------------- rich:toolbar rich:toolbarGroup rich:contextMenu rich:dropDownMenu rich:menuGroup rich:menuItem rich:menuSeparator rich:panelMenu rich:panelMenuGroup rich:panelMenuItem --------------------------------- Input: --------------------------------- rich:autocomplete rich:inplaceInput rich:inputNumberSlider rich:inputNumberSpinner rich:calendar rich:fileUpload rich:editor --------------------------------- Select: --------------------------------- rich:select rich:inplaceSelect rich:orderingList rich:pickList --------------------------------- Trees: --------------------------------- rich:tree rich:treeNode rich:treeModelAdaptor rich:treeModelRecursiveAdaptor rich:treeToggleListener rich:treeSelectionChangeListener --------------------------------- Drag'n'Drop: --------------------------------- rich:dragSource rich:dropTarget rich:dragIndicator --------------------------------- Validation: --------------------------------- rich:validator rich:graphValidator