All Classes and Interfaces

Externalizers for the java.util.concurrent.atomic package.
Generic Externalizer for an object composed of 2 externalizable components.
Formatter implementation for binary keys.
Base Externalizer for boolean-based externalization.
Externalizer for bounded implementations of Collection.
MarshalledValue implementation suitable for map keys that uses a ByteBufferMarshaller.
Externalizer for a ByteBufferMarshalledKey.
Factory for creating a ByteBufferMarshalledKey.
MarshalledValue implementation that uses a ByteBufferMarshaller.
Externalizer for a ByteBufferMarshalledValue.
Factory for creating a ByteBufferMarshalledValue.
Marshals an object to and from a ByteBuffer.
A specialized ByteArrayOutputStream that exposes the internal buffer.
Generic externalizer for implementations of Collection.
Externalizer for implementations of Collection constructed with some context.
Externalizer for implementations of Map constructed with some context.
Externalizer for copy-on-write implementations of Collection.
Externalizers for Date implementations.
Marshaller for a decorator that does not provide public access to its decorated object.
Formatter for keys with multiple string fields.
Externalizer for a Duration.
Base Externalizer for enumerations.
Externalizer for an EnumMap.
Externalizer for an EnumSet.
Externalizer for Externalizable objects.
Formats a cache key to a string representation and back again.
A serializer that delegates to the serializer of a mapped value.
Externalizer for hash table based sets constructed with a capacity rather than a size.
Creates a hash table based map or collection with an appropriate capacity given an initial size.
Behaves the same as Function.identity(), where the return type is a superclass of the function parameter.
Various strategies for marshalling an array/collection index (i.e.
Externalizer for an Instant.
Base Externalizer for int-based externalization.
Writes/reads an integer to/from a binary stream.
Base Externalizer for long-based externalization.
Externalizer for Map.Entry types
Externalizers for implementations of Map.
Offers semantics similar to a MarshalledObject.get(), but supports an independent marshalling context.s
Marshaller that stores attribute values using marshalled values.
Marshals an object to and from its serialized form.
Externalizer for a MonthDay.
Externalizers for the package.
Base Externalizer for object wrapper externalization.
Externalizer for an OptionalDouble.
Externalizer for an OptionalInt.
Externalizer for an OptionalLong.
Externalizer for a Period.
Writes/reads an object to/from a binary stream.
Formatter for keys with a simple string representation.
Externalizer for singleton collections.
Externalizers for implementations of SortedMap.
Externalizers for implementations of SortedSet.
Base Externalizer for string-based externalization.
Adapts a Supplier to a Function ignoring it's parameter.
A decorator marshaller that writes the decorated object while holding its monitor lock.
Externalizers for the java.time package
Externalizer for a Timestamp.
Externalizer for unbounded implementations of Collection.
Externalizer for unmodifiable collections created via List.of() or Set.of() methods.
Externalizer for unmodifiable maps created via Map.of() or java.util.Map#ofEntries() methods.
Externalizer for a URL.
Externalizers for the java.util package
Externalizer for UUID instances.
Trivial Externalizer for a constant value.
A function that always results a constant value, ignoring its parameter.
Externalizer for a YearMonth.