The standalone/deployments directory in the JBoss Application Server distribution is the location end users can place their deployment content (e.g. war, ear, jar, sar files) to have it automatically deployed into the server runtime. Users, particularly those running production systems, are encouraged to use the JBoss AS management APIs to upload and deploy deployment content instead of relying on the deployment scanner subsystem that periodically scans this directory. See the JBoss AS documentation for details. DEPLOYMENT MODES The filesystem deployment scanner in AS 7 and later works differently from previous JBoss AS releases. The scanner can operate in one of two different modes, depending on whether it will directly monitor the deployment content in order to decide to deploy (or redeploy) it. 1) Auto-deploy mode: The scanner will directly monitor the deployment content, automatically deploying new content and redeploying content whose timestamp has changed. This is similiar to the behavior of previous AS releases, although there are differences: a) A change in any file in an exploded deployment triggers redeploy. Because EE 6 applications do not require deployment descriptors, there is no attempt to monitor deployment descriptors and only redeploy when a deployment descriptor changes. b) The scanner will place marker files in this directory as an indication of the status of its attempts to deploy or undeploy content. These are detailed below. 2) Manual deploy mode: The scanner will not attempt to directly monitor the deployment content and decide if or when the end user wishes the content to be deployed or undeployed. Instead, the scanner relies on a system of marker files, with the user's addition or removal of a marker file serving as a sort of command telling the scanner to deploy, undeploy or redeploy content. Auto-deploy mode and manual deploy mode can be independently configured for zipped deployment content and exploded deployment content. This is done via the "auto-deploy" attributes on the deployment-scanner element in the standalone.xml configuration file: By default, auto-deploy of zipped content is enabled, and auto-deploy of exploded content is disabled. Manual deploy mode is strongly recommended for exploded content, as exploded content is inherently vulnerable to the scanner trying to auto-deploy partially copied content. Manual deploy mode also allows deployment resources (e.g. html and css files) to be replaced without triggering a redeploy of the application. MARKER FILES The marker files always have the same name as the deployment content to which they relate, but with an additional file suffix appended. For example, the marker file to indicate the example.war file should be deployed is named example.war.dodeploy. Different marker file suffixes have different meanings. The relevant marker file types are: .dodeploy -- Placed by the user to indicate that the given content should be deployed into the runtime (or redeployed if already deployed in the runtime.) .skipdeploy -- Disables auto-deploy of the content for as long as the file is present. Most useful for allowing updates to exploded content without having the scanner initiate redeploy in the middle of the update. Can be used with zipped content as well, although the scanner will detect in-progress changes to zipped content and wait until changes are complete. .isdeploying -- Placed by the deployment scanner service to indicate that it has noticed a .dodeploy file or new or updated auto-deploy mode content and is in the process of deploying the content. This marker file will be deleted when the deployment process completes. .deployed -- Placed by the deployment scanner service to indicate that the given content has been deployed into the runtime. If an end user deletes this file, the content will be undeployed. .failed -- Placed by the deployment scanner service to indicate that the given content failed to deploy into the runtime. The content of the file will include some information about the cause of the failure. Note that with auto-deploy mode, removing this file will make the deployment eligible for deployment again. .isundeploying -- Placed by the deployment scanner service to indicate that it has noticed a .deployed file has been deleted and the content is being undeployed. This marker file will be deleted when the undeployment process completes. .undeployed -- Placed by the deployment scanner service to indicate that the given content has been undeployed from the runtime. If an end user deletes this file, it has no impact. .pending -- Placed by the deployment scanner service to indicate that it has noticed the need to deploy content but has not yet instructed the server to deploy it. This file is created if the scanner detects that some auto-deploy content is still in the process of being copied or if there is some problem that prevents auto-deployment. The scanner will not instruct the server to deploy or undeploy any content (not just the directly affected content) as long as this condition holds. Basic workflows: All examples assume variable $AS points to the root of the JBoss AS distribution. Windows users: the examples below use Unix shell commands; see the "Windows Notes" below. A) Add new zipped content and deploy it: 1. cp target/example.war $AS/standalone/deployments 2. (Manual mode only) touch $AS/standalone/deployments/example.war.dodeploy B) Add new unzipped content and deploy it: 1. cp -r target/example.war/ $AS/standalone/deployments 2. (Manual mode only) touch $AS/standalone/deployments/example.war.dodeploy C) Undeploy currently deployed content: 1. rm $AS/standalone/deployments/example.war.deployed D) Auto-deploy mode only: Undeploy currently deployed content: 1. rm $AS/standalone/deployments/example.war Note that this approach is not recommended with unzipped content as the server maintains no other copy of unzipped content and deleting it without first triggering an undeploy temporarily results in a live application with potentially critical resources no longer available. For unzipped content use the 'rm $AS/standalone/deployments/example.war.deployed' approach. E) Replace currently deployed zipped content with a new version and deploy it: 1. cp target/example.war/ $AS/standalone/deployments 2. (Manual mode only) touch $AS/standalone/deployments/example.war.dodeploy F) Manual mode only: Replace currently deployed unzipped content with a new version and deploy it: 1. rm $AS/standalone/deployments/example.war.deployed 2. wait for $AS/standalone/deployments/example.war.undeployed file to appear 3. cp -r target/example.war/ $AS/standalone/deployments 4. touch $AS/standalone/deployments/example.war.dodeploy G) Auto-deploy mode only: Replace currently deployed unzipped content with a new version and deploy it: 1. touch $AS/standalone/deployments/example.war.skipdeploy 2. cp -r target/example.war/ $AS/standalone/deployments 3. rm $AS/standalone/deployments/example.war.skipdeploy H) Manual mode only: Live replace portions of currently deployed unzipped content without redeploying: 1. cp -r target/example.war/foo.html $AS/standalone/deployments/example.war I) Auto-deploy mode only: Live replace portions of currently deployed unzipped content without redeploying: 1. touch $AS/standalone/deployments/example.war.skipdeploy 2. cp -r target/example.war/foo.html $AS/standalone/deployments/example.war J) Manual or auto-deploy mode: Redeploy currently deployed content (i.e. bounce it with no content change): 1. touch $AS/standalone/deployments/example.war.dodeploy K) Auto-deploy mode only: Redeploy currently deployed content (i.e. bounce it with no content change): 1. touch $AS/standalone/deployments/example.war Windows Notes: The above examples use Unix shell commands. Windows equivalents are: cp src dest --> xcopy /y src dest cp -r src dest --> xcopy /e /s /y src dest rm afile --> del afile touch afile --> echo>> afile Note that the behavior of 'touch' and 'echo' are different but the differences are not relevant to the usages in the examples above.