
The following material has been provided for informational purposes only, and should not be relied upon or construed as a legal opinion or legal advice.

Package GroupPackage ArtifactPackage VersionRemote LicensesLocal Licenses
antlrantlr2.7.7The Antlr 2.7.7 License
the antlr 2.7.7 license.txt
asmasm3.3.1The Asm BSD License
the asm bsd license.txt
ch.qos.cal10ncal10n-api0.8.1MIT License
mit license.txt
com.fasterxmlclassmate1.3.3Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
com.fasterxml.jackson.corejackson-annotations2.8.9Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
com.fasterxml.jackson.corejackson-core2.8.9Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
com.fasterxml.jackson.corejackson-databind2.8.9Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
com.fasterxml.jackson.datatypejackson-datatype-jdk82.8.9Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
com.fasterxml.jackson.datatypejackson-datatype-jsr3102.8.9Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrsjackson-jaxrs-base2.8.9Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrsjackson-jaxrs-json-provider2.8.9Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
com.fasterxml.jackson.modulejackson-module-jaxb-annotations2.8.9Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
com.github.relaxngrelaxngDatatype2011.1BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License
bsd 3-clause new or revised license.html
com.github.spullara.mustache.javacompiler0.9.4Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
com.google.guavaguava20.0Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
com.h2databaseh21.4.193Mozilla Public License 2.0
Eclipse Public License 1.0
mozilla public license 2.0.html
eclipse public license 1.0.txt
com.io7m.xomxom1.2.10GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only
gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
com.microsoft.azureazure-storage5.0.0Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
com.sun.facesjsf-impl2.2.13.SP4Common Development and Distribution License 1.1
GNU General Public License v2.0 only, with Classpath exception
common development and distribution license 1.1.txt
gnu general public license v2.0 only, with classpath exception.txt
com.sun.istackistack-commons-runtime2.21Common Development and Distribution License 1.1
GNU General Public License v2.0 only, with Classpath exception
common development and distribution license 1.1.txt
gnu general public license v2.0 only, with classpath exception.txt
com.sun.istackistack-commons-tools2.21Common Development and Distribution License 1.1
GNU General Public License v2.0 only, with Classpath exception
common development and distribution license 1.1.txt
gnu general public license v2.0 only, with classpath exception.txt
com.sun.mailjavax.mail1.5.6Common Development and Distribution License 1.1
GNU General Public License v2.0 only, with Classpath exception
common development and distribution license 1.1.txt
gnu general public license v2.0 only, with classpath exception.txt
com.sun.xml.bind.externalrngom2.2.11.jbossorg-1Common Development and Distribution License 1.1
GNU General Public License v2.0 only, with Classpath exception
common development and distribution license 1.1.txt
gnu general public license v2.0 only, with classpath exception.txt
com.sun.xml.fastinfosetFastInfoset1.2.13Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
com.sun.xml.messaging.saajsaaj-impl1.3.16-jbossorg-1Common Development and Distribution License 1.1
GNU General Public License v2.0 only, with Classpath exception
common development and distribution license 1.1.txt
gnu general public license v2.0 only, with classpath exception.txt
com.sun.xsomxsom20140925Common Development and Distribution License 1.1
GNU General Public License v2.0 only, with Classpath exception
common development and distribution license 1.1.txt
gnu general public license v2.0 only, with classpath exception.txt
commons-beanutilscommons-beanutils1.9.3Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
commons-clicommons-cli1.3.1Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
commons-codeccommons-codec1.10Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
commons-collectionscommons-collections3.2.2Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
commons-iocommons-io2.5Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
commons-langcommons-lang2.6Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
commons-poolcommons-pool1.6Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
dom4jdom4j1.6.1Plexus Classworlds License
plexus classworlds license.html
gnu.getoptjava-getopt1.0.13GNU Library General Public License v2 only
gnu library general public license v2 only.txt
io.nettynetty-all4.1.9.FinalApache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
io.undertow.jsundertow-js1.0.2.FinalApache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
javax.jwsjsr181-api1.0-MR1Common Development and Distribution License 1.1
GNU General Public License v2.0 only, with Classpath exception
common development and distribution license 1.1.txt
gnu general public license v2.0 only, with classpath exception.txt
jaxenjaxen1.1.6BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License
bsd 3-clause new or revised license.html
jboss.jaxbintrosjboss-jaxb-intros1.0.2.GAGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only
gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
joda-timejoda-time2.9.7Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
net.jcipjcip-annotations1.0Creative Commons Attribution 2.5
creative commons attribution 2.5.html
net.shibboleth.utilitiesjava-support7.1.1Apache License 2.0
The BSD License
apache license 2.0.txt
the bsd license.txt
org.apache.activemqartemis-amqp-protocol1.5.5.jbossorg-007Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.activemqartemis-cli1.5.5.jbossorg-007Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.activemqartemis-commons1.5.5.jbossorg-007Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.activemqartemis-core-client1.5.5.jbossorg-007Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.activemqartemis-dto1.5.5.jbossorg-007Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.activemqartemis-hornetq-protocol1.5.5.jbossorg-007Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.activemqartemis-hqclient-protocol1.5.5.jbossorg-007Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.activemqartemis-jdbc-store1.5.5.jbossorg-007Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.activemqartemis-jms-client1.5.5.jbossorg-007Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.activemqartemis-jms-server1.5.5.jbossorg-007Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.activemqartemis-journal1.5.5.jbossorg-007Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.activemqartemis-native1.5.5.jbossorg-007Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.activemqartemis-ra1.5.5.jbossorg-007Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.activemqartemis-selector1.5.5.jbossorg-007Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.activemqartemis-server1.5.5.jbossorg-007Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.activemqartemis-service-extensions1.5.5.jbossorg-007Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.activemqartemis-stomp-protocol1.5.5.jbossorg-007Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.avroavro1.7.6Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.cxfcxf-core3.1.12Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.cxfcxf-rt-bindings-coloc3.1.12Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.cxfcxf-rt-bindings-object3.1.12Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.cxfcxf-rt-bindings-soap3.1.12Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.cxfcxf-rt-bindings-xml3.1.12Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.cxfcxf-rt-databinding-aegis3.1.12Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.cxfcxf-rt-databinding-jaxb3.1.12Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.cxfcxf-rt-features-clustering3.1.12Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.cxfcxf-rt-frontend-jaxws3.1.12Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.cxfcxf-rt-frontend-simple3.1.12Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.cxfcxf-rt-management3.1.12Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.cxfcxf-rt-security3.1.12Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.cxfcxf-rt-security-saml3.1.12Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.cxfcxf-rt-transports-http3.1.12Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.cxfcxf-rt-transports-http-hc3.1.12Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.cxfcxf-rt-transports-jms3.1.12Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.cxfcxf-rt-transports-local3.1.12Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.cxfcxf-rt-ws-addr3.1.12Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.cxfcxf-rt-wsdl3.1.12Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.cxfcxf-rt-ws-mex3.1.12Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.cxfcxf-rt-ws-policy3.1.12Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.cxfcxf-rt-ws-rm3.1.12Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.cxfcxf-rt-ws-security3.1.12Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.cxfcxf-tools-common3.1.12Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.cxfcxf-tools-java2ws3.1.12Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.cxfcxf-tools-validator3.1.12Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.cxfcxf-tools-wsdlto-core3.1.12Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.cxfcxf-tools-wsdlto-databinding-jaxb3.1.12Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.cxfcxf-tools-wsdlto-frontend-jaxws3.1.12Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.cxf.services.stscxf-services-sts-core3.1.12Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.cxf.services.ws-discoverycxf-services-ws-discovery-api3.1.12Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.cxf.xjcpluginscxf-xjc-boolean3.0.5Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.cxf.xjcpluginscxf-xjc-bug9863.0.5Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.cxf.xjcpluginscxf-xjc-dv3.0.5Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.cxf.xjcpluginscxf-xjc-ts3.0.5Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.cxf.xjc-utilscxf-xjc-runtime3.0.5Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.httpcomponentshttpasyncclient4.1.2Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.httpcomponentshttpclient4.5.2Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.httpcomponentshttpcore4.4.4Apache License 2.0
Creative Commons Attribution 2.5
apache license 2.0.txt
creative commons attribution 2.5.html
org.apache.httpcomponentshttpcore-nio4.4.4Apache License 2.0
Creative Commons Attribution 2.5
apache license 2.0.txt
creative commons attribution 2.5.html
org.apache.httpcomponentshttpmime4.5.2Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.jamesapache-mime4j0.6Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.lucenelucene-analyzers-common5.3.1Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.lucenelucene-backward-codecs5.3.1Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.lucenelucene-core5.3.1Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.lucenelucene-facet5.3.1Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.lucenelucene-misc5.3.1Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.lucenelucene-queries5.3.1Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.lucenelucene-queryparser5.3.1Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.neethineethi3.0.3Apache License 2.0
W3C Software Notice and License (2002-12-31)
apache license 2.0.txt
w3c software notice and license (2002-12-31).html
org.apache.qpidproton-j0.8The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
the apache software license, version 2.0.txt
org.apache.qpidproton-jms0.8The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
the apache software license, version 2.0.txt
org.apache.santuarioxmlsec2.0.8Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.taglibstaglibs-standard-compat1.2.6-RC1Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.taglibstaglibs-standard-impl1.2.6-RC1Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.taglibstaglibs-standard-spec1.2.6-RC1Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.velocityvelocity1.7Apache License 2.0
BSD 3-clause Clear License
apache license 2.0.txt
bsd 3-clause clear license.html
org.apache.ws.xmlschemaxmlschema-core2.2.1Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.wss4jwss4j-bindings2.1.10Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.wss4jwss4j-policy2.1.10Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.wss4jwss4j-ws-security-common2.1.10Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.wss4jwss4j-ws-security-dom2.1.10Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.wss4jwss4j-ws-security-policy-stax2.1.10Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.apache.wss4jwss4j-ws-security-stax2.1.10Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.bouncycastlebcmail-jdk15on1.56Bouncy Castle Licence
bouncy castle licence.html
org.bouncycastlebcpkix-jdk15on1.56Bouncy Castle Licence
bouncy castle licence.html
org.bouncycastlebcprov-jdk15on1.56Bouncy Castle Licence
bouncy castle licence.html
org.codehaus.jacksonjackson-core-asl1.9.13Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.codehaus.jacksonjackson-jaxrs1.9.13Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.codehaus.jacksonjackson-mapper-asl1.9.13Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.codehaus.jacksonjackson-xc1.9.13Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.codehaus.jettisonjettison1.3.8Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.cryptacularcryptacular1.2.0GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
Apache License 2.0
gnu lesser general public license, version 3.txt
apache license 2.0.txt
org.glassfish.jaxbcodemodel2.2.11.jbossorg-1Common Development and Distribution License 1.1
GNU General Public License v2.0 only, with Classpath exception
common development and distribution license 1.1.txt
gnu general public license v2.0 only, with classpath exception.txt
org.glassfish.jaxbjaxb-core2.2.11.jbossorg-1Common Development and Distribution License 1.1
GNU General Public License v2.0 only, with Classpath exception
common development and distribution license 1.1.txt
gnu general public license v2.0 only, with classpath exception.txt
org.glassfish.jaxbjaxb-jxc2.2.11.jbossorg-1Common Development and Distribution License 1.1
GNU General Public License v2.0 only, with Classpath exception
common development and distribution license 1.1.txt
gnu general public license v2.0 only, with classpath exception.txt
org.glassfish.jaxbjaxb-runtime2.2.11.jbossorg-1Common Development and Distribution License 1.1
GNU General Public License v2.0 only, with Classpath exception
common development and distribution license 1.1.txt
gnu general public license v2.0 only, with classpath exception.txt
org.glassfish.jaxbjaxb-xjc2.2.11.jbossorg-1Common Development and Distribution License 1.1
GNU General Public License v2.0 only, with Classpath exception
common development and distribution license 1.1.txt
gnu general public license v2.0 only, with classpath exception.txt
org.glassfish.jaxbtxw22.2.11.jbossorg-1Common Development and Distribution License 1.1
GNU General Public License v2.0 only, with Classpath exception
common development and distribution license 1.1.txt
gnu general public license v2.0 only, with classpath exception.txt
org.hibernate.commonhibernate-commons-annotations5.0.1.FinalGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only
gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
org.hibernatehibernate-core5.1.10.FinalGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only
gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
org.hibernatehibernate-entitymanager5.1.10.FinalGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only
gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
org.hibernatehibernate-envers5.1.10.FinalGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only
gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
org.hibernatehibernate-infinispan5.1.10.FinalGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only
gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
org.hibernatehibernate-java85.1.10.FinalGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only
gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
org.hibernatehibernate-search-backend-jgroups5.5.8.FinalGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only
gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
org.hibernatehibernate-search-backend-jms5.5.8.FinalGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only
gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
org.hibernatehibernate-search-engine5.5.8.FinalGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only
gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
org.hibernatehibernate-search-orm5.5.8.FinalGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only
gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
org.hibernatehibernate-search-serialization-avro5.5.8.FinalGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only
gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
org.hibernatehibernate-validator5.3.5.FinalApache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.hibernatehibernate-validator-cdi5.3.5.FinalApache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.hibernate.javax.persistencehibernate-jpa-2.1-api1.0.0.FinalEclipse Distribution License, Version 1.0
Eclipse Public License 1.0
eclipse distribution license, version 1.0.txt
eclipse public license 1.0.txt
org.hornetqhornetq-commons2.4.7.FinalApache License 2.0
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only
JSON License
Public Domain
apache license 2.0.txt
gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
json license.html
public domain.txt
org.hornetqhornetq-core-client2.4.7.FinalApache License 2.0
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only
JSON License
Public Domain
apache license 2.0.txt
gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
json license.html
public domain.txt
org.hornetqhornetq-jms-client2.4.7.FinalApache License 2.0
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only
JSON License
Public Domain
apache license 2.0.txt
gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
json license.html
public domain.txt
org.hornetqhornetq-journal2.4.7.FinalApache License 2.0
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only
JSON License
Public Domain
apache license 2.0.txt
gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
json license.html
public domain.txt
org.hornetqhornetq-native2.4.7.FinalApache License 2.0
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only
JSON License
Public Domain
apache license 2.0.txt
gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
json license.html
public domain.txt
org.infinispaninfinispan-cachestore-jdbc8.2.8.FinalApache License 1.1
Apache License 2.0
Common Public License 1.0
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only
apache license 1.1.txt
apache license 2.0.txt
common public license 1.0.txt
gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
org.infinispaninfinispan-cachestore-remote8.2.8.FinalApache License 1.1
Apache License 2.0
Common Public License 1.0
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only
apache license 1.1.txt
apache license 2.0.txt
common public license 1.0.txt
gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
org.infinispaninfinispan-client-hotrod8.2.8.FinalApache License 1.1
Apache License 2.0
Common Public License 1.0
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only
apache license 1.1.txt
apache license 2.0.txt
common public license 1.0.txt
gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
org.infinispaninfinispan-commons8.2.8.FinalApache License 1.1
Apache License 2.0
Common Public License 1.0
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only
apache license 1.1.txt
apache license 2.0.txt
common public license 1.0.txt
gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
org.infinispaninfinispan-core8.2.8.FinalApache License 1.1
Apache License 2.0
Common Public License 1.0
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only
apache license 1.1.txt
apache license 2.0.txt
common public license 1.0.txt
gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
org.jasyptjasypt1.9.2Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.javassistjavassist3.18.1-GAApache License 2.0
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only
Mozilla Public License 1.1
apache license 2.0.txt
gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
mozilla public license 1.1.txt
org.jberetjberet-core1.2.4.FinalEclipse Public License 1.0
eclipse public license 1.0.txt
org.jboss.activemq.artemis.integrationartemis-wildfly-integration1.0.2Apache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.jboss.ejb3jboss-ejb3-ext-api2.2.0.FinalGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 only
gnu lesser general public license v3.0 only.txt
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gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
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gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
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gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
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gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
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gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
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gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
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gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
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gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
org.jboss.ironjacamarironjacamar-jdbc1.4.6.FinalGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only
gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
org.jboss.ironjacamarironjacamar-spec-api1.4.6.FinalGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only
gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
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gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
org.jbossjboss-ejb-client4.0.0.FinalApache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.jbossjboss-ejb-client-legacy3.0.0.FinalGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later
gnu lesser general public license v2.1 or later.html
org.jbossjboss-iiop-client1.0.1.FinalApache License 2.0
apache license 2.0.txt
org.jbossjboss-transaction-spi7.6.0.FinalGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only
gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
org.jboss.metadatajboss-metadata-appclient10.0.2.FinalGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only
gnu lesser general public license v2.1 only.txt
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