How to create Public JBoss AS API aggregated JavaDoc ==================================================== 1) Rebuild AS to get the modules into /build/target . 2) run ./ This will print out a list of artifacts in this format: com.h2database:h2 commons-configuration:commons-configuration dom4j:dom4j javax.activation:activation ... 3) Put these includes into build/pom.xml to the "javadocDist" profile. 4) Run This will print out a list of javadoc groups in XML format: Module Module org.jboss.common-beans Put these group definitions into build/pom.xml to the "javadocDist" profile. 5) cd /build; mvn javadoc:aggregate -PjavadocDist -Djavadoc.branding='JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6.0.0.GA'; ("javadoc.branding" will be used for page titles, headers, footers etc. Default is "JBoss Application Server public API - ${version}".) This may fail because of AS7-4557 - Javadoc tool fails on certain AS dependencies' sources. Workaround: Find which artifacts cause this issue and remove them from the set of 's. 6) Another Javadoc bug is AS7-4719: MissingResourceException, key doclet.Same_package_name_used Workaround: Find which groups cause this issue and remove the affected packages from their . This is done by but might happen when edited manually. TattleTale duplicated classes report may help with this. 7) When done, aggregated JavaDoc will be created in: target/apidocs target/jboss-as-build--javadoc.jar 8) Check that the final result contains all packages it should.