JBoss Tools - Locus - ­ Update Site

Latest Build: 1.0.0.CR1 (CR1)

This is the ­ Update Site for JBoss Tools - Locus.

  1. To install from this site, start up Eclipse 4.3 (Kepler), then do:
      Help > Install New Software... >
  2. Copy this site's URL into Eclipse, and hit Enter.
  3. When the site loads, select the plugins to install, or click the Select All button.
  4. To properly resolve all dependencies, check
      [x] Contact all update sites during install to find required software
  5. Click Next, agree to the license terms, and install.

  6. PLEASE NOTE: Because this site includes only plugins, not features, you will NOT be prompted to accept the licenses under which these plugins are released. License terms can be found in the root of the installed plugin folder (or jar), under your eclipse/plugins/ folder.

    If, after reviewing the terms of the license, you cannot or will not adhere to the license terms, you MUST uninstall these plugin(s).

artifacts.jar :: content.jar :: plugins