#java-format notBasicType=" is not a basic type" notObjectProvidedByProcess=" is not an object provided by this process." arrayOutOfBounds="Array index out of bounds, paofs={0}, pabuf.length={1}, buf.length={2}." arrayMustNotExceed="Arrays must not exceed " asyncCallNoReply="Async call has not had a reply" busAddressBlank="Bus address is blank" busAddressInvalid="Bus address is invalid: " cannotWrapNullInVariant="Can't wrap Null in a Variant" cannotWrapMultiValuedInVariant="Can't wrap a multi-valued type in a Variant: " cannotWrapNoTypesInVariant="Can't wrap multiple or no types in a Variant: " cannotWrapUnqualifiedVariant="Can't wrap {0} in an unqualified Variant ({1})." cannotResolveSessionBusAddress="Cannot Resolve Session Bus Address" cannotWatchSignalsWellKnownBussName="Cannot watch for signals based on well known bus name as source, only unique names." cannotCreateClassFromSignal="Could not create class from signal " interfaceToCastNotFound="Could not find an interface to cast to" interfaceNotAllowedOutsidePackage="DBusInterfaces cannot be declared outside a package" interfaceMustBeDefinedPackage="DBusInterfaces must be defined in a package." disconnected="Disconnected" errorExecutingMethod="Error Executing Method {0}.{1}: {2}" errorDeserializingMessage="Error deserializing message: number of parameters didn't match receiving signature" nonExportableParameterizedType="Exporting non-exportable parameterized type " nonExportableType "Exporting non-exportable type " errorAddSignalParameters="Failed to add signal parameters: " errorAuth="Failed to auth" connectionFailure="Failed to connect to bus " contructDBusTypeFailure="Failed to construct D-Bus type: " constructOutgoingMethodCallFailure="Failed to construct outgoing method call: " createProxyExportFailure="Failed to create proxy object for {0} exported by {1}. Reason: {2}" createProxyFailure="Failed to create proxy object for {0}; reason: {1}." parseDBusTypeSignatureFailure="Failed to parse DBus type signature: " parseDBusSignatureFailure="Failed to parse DBus type signature: {0} ({1})." dbusRegistrationFailure="Failed to register bus name" deSerializationFailure="Failure in de-serializing message: " introspectInterfaceExceedCharacters="Introspected interface name exceeds 255 characters. Cannot export objects of type " introspectMethodExceedCharacters="Introspected method name exceeds 255 characters. Cannot export objects with method " introspectSignalExceedCharacters="Introspected signal name exceeds 255 characters. Cannot export objects with signals of type " invalidBusType="Invalid Bus Type: " invalidCommand="Invalid Command " invalidBusName="Invalid bus name" nullBusName="Invalid bus name: null" invalidObjectPath="Invalid object path: " nullObjectPath="Invalid object path: null" invalidTypeMatchRule="Invalid type for match rule: " mapParameters="Map must have 2 parameters" messageFailedSend="Message Failed to Send: " messageTypeUnsupported="Message type {0} unsupported" multiValuedArrayNotPermitted="Multi-valued array types not permitted" missingObjectPath="Must Specify an Object Path" missingDestinationPathFunction="Must specify destination, path and function name to MethodCalls." missingErrorName="Must specify error name to Errors." missingPathInterfaceSignal="Must specify object path, interface and signal name to Signals." notReplyWithSpecifiedTime="No reply within specified time" missingTransport="No transport present" notDBusInterface="Not A DBus Interface" notDBusSignal="Not A DBus Signal" convertionTypeNotExpected="Not An Expected Convertion type from {0} to {1}" notConnected="Not Connected" notPrimitiveType="Not a primitive type" invalidDBusCode="Not a valid D-Bus type code: " invalidWrapperType="Not a wrapper type" invalidArray="Not an array" objectNotExportedNoRemoteSpecified="Not an object exported by this connection and no remote specified" notEnoughElementsToCreateCustomObject="Not enough elements to create custom object from serialized data ({0} < {1})." objectAlreadyExported="Object already exported" arraySentAsNonPrimitive="Primative array being sent as non-primative array." protocolVersionUnsupported="Protocol version {0} is unsupported" cannotIntrospectReturnType="Return type of Object[] cannot be introspected properly" mustImplementDeserializeMethod="Serializable classes must implement a deserialize method" mustSerializeNativeDBusTypes="Serializable classes must serialize to native DBus types" signalsMustBeMemberOfClass="Signals must be declared as a member of a class implementing DBusInterface which is the member of a package." spuriousReply="Spurious reply. No message with the given serial id was awaiting a reply." utf8NotSupported="System does not support UTF-8 encoding" methodDoesNotExist="The method `{0}.{1}' does not exist on this object." unconvertableType="Trying to marshall to unconvertable type (from {0} to {1})." transportReturnedEOF="Underlying transport returned EOF" waitingFor="Waiting for: " invalidReturnType="Wrong return type (failed to de-serialize correct types: {0} )" voidReturnType="Wrong return type (got void, expected a value)" tupleReturnType="Wrong return type (not expecting Tuple)" unknownAddress="unknown address type " isNotBetween="{0} is not between {1} and {2}."