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AbstractBlockchain - Class in io.nessus
AbstractBlockchain(BitcoindRpcClient) - Constructor for class io.nessus.AbstractBlockchain
AbstractBlockchainTest - Class in io.nessus.testing
AbstractBlockchainTest() - Constructor for class io.nessus.testing.AbstractBlockchainTest
AbstractNetwork - Class in io.nessus
AbstractNetwork(Blockchain, BitcoindRpcClient) - Constructor for class io.nessus.AbstractNetwork
AbstractWallet - Class in io.nessus
AbstractWallet(Blockchain, BitcoindRpcClient) - Constructor for class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
addAddress(String, List<String>) - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
addAddress(String, List<String>) - Method in interface io.nessus.Wallet
Add a watch only address to this wallet
addFee(BigDecimal) - Method in class io.nessus.testing.AbstractBlockchainTest
addPrivateKey(String, List<String>) - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
addPrivateKey(String, List<String>) - Method in interface io.nessus.Wallet
Add an address deriven from a private key to this wallet
Address() - Constructor for class io.nessus.Config.Address
ALL_FUNDS - Static variable in interface io.nessus.Wallet
AssertArgument - Class in io.nessus.utils
assertEquals(T, T) - Static method in class io.nessus.utils.AssertState
Throws an IllegalStateException when the given values are not equal.
assertEquals(T, T, String) - Static method in class io.nessus.utils.AssertState
Throws an IllegalStateException when the given values are not equal.
assertFalse(Boolean) - Static method in class io.nessus.utils.AssertState
Throws an IllegalStateException when the given value is not false.
assertFalse(Boolean, String) - Static method in class io.nessus.utils.AssertState
Throws an IllegalStateException when the given value is not false.
assertNotNull(T, String) - Static method in class io.nessus.utils.AssertArgument
Throws an IllegalArgumentException when the given value is null.
assertNotNull(T) - Static method in class io.nessus.utils.AssertState
Throws an IllegalStateException when the given value is null.
assertNotNull(T, String) - Static method in class io.nessus.utils.AssertState
Throws an IllegalStateException when the given value is null.
assertNull(T) - Static method in class io.nessus.utils.AssertState
Throws an IllegalStateException when the given value is not null.
assertNull(T, String) - Static method in class io.nessus.utils.AssertState
Throws an IllegalStateException when the given value is not null.
assertSame(T, T) - Static method in class io.nessus.utils.AssertState
Throws an IllegalStateException when the given values are not the same.
assertSame(T, T, String) - Static method in class io.nessus.utils.AssertState
Throws an IllegalStateException when the given values are not the same.
AssertState - Class in io.nessus.utils
assertTrue(Boolean, String) - Static method in class io.nessus.utils.AssertArgument
Throws an IllegalArgumentException when the given value is not true.
assertTrue(Boolean) - Static method in class io.nessus.utils.AssertState
Throws an IllegalStateException when the given value is not true.
assertTrue(Boolean, String) - Static method in class io.nessus.utils.AssertState
Throws an IllegalStateException when the given value is not true.


bits() - Method in interface io.nessus.Block
Block - Interface in io.nessus
Blockchain - Interface in io.nessus
BLOCKCHAIN_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class io.nessus.BlockchainFactory
BlockchainFactory - Class in io.nessus
BlockchainFactory() - Constructor for class io.nessus.BlockchainFactory
blockHash() - Method in class io.nessus.Tx
blockHash(String) - Method in class io.nessus.Tx.TxBuilder
blockTime() - Method in class io.nessus.Tx
blockTime(Date) - Method in class io.nessus.Tx.TxBuilder
build() - Method in class io.nessus.Tx.TxBuilder


chainwork() - Method in interface io.nessus.Block
client - Variable in class io.nessus.RpcClientSupport
CmdLineClient - Class in io.nessus.cmd
CmdLineClient() - Constructor for class io.nessus.cmd.CmdLineClient
CmdLineException - Exception in io.nessus.cmd
CmdLineException(String) - Constructor for exception io.nessus.cmd.CmdLineException
CmdLineException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.nessus.cmd.CmdLineException
CmdLineTimeoutException - Exception in io.nessus.cmd
CmdLineTimeoutException(String) - Constructor for exception io.nessus.cmd.CmdLineTimeoutException
concatLabels(List<String>) - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
Config - Class in io.nessus
Config() - Constructor for class io.nessus.Config
Config.Address - Class in io.nessus
Config.WalletConfig - Class in io.nessus
confirmations() - Method in interface io.nessus.Block
copyStream(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class io.nessus.utils.StreamUtils
createAdddressFromRaw(String, List<String>) - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
createNetwork() - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractBlockchain
createNewAddress(List<String>) - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
createRawTx(Tx) - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
createWallet() - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractBlockchain


difficulty() - Method in interface io.nessus.Block


equals(Object) - Method in class io.nessus.TxInput
estimateFee() - Method in interface io.nessus.Network
Estimate the network fee
estimateFee() - Method in class io.nessus.testing.AbstractBlockchainTest
exec(String) - Method in class io.nessus.cmd.CmdLineClient
exec(String, Long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.nessus.cmd.CmdLineClient


findAddress(String) - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
findAddress(String) - Method in interface io.nessus.Wallet
Find the address for a given raw address


generate(int) - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractNetwork
generate(int, Wallet.Address) - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractNetwork
generate(int) - Method in interface io.nessus.Network
Generate the given number of blocks
generate(int, Wallet.Address) - Method in interface io.nessus.Network
Generate the given number of blocks to the given address
generate(Blockchain) - Static method in class io.nessus.testing.AbstractBlockchainTest
getAddress(String) - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
getAddress() - Method in class io.nessus.TxOutput
getAddress() - Method in class io.nessus.UTXO
getAddress() - Method in interface io.nessus.Wallet.Address
getAddress(String) - Method in interface io.nessus.Wallet
Get the default address for a given label
getAddresses() - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
getAddresses(String) - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
getAddresses() - Method in class io.nessus.Config.WalletConfig
getAddresses() - Method in interface io.nessus.Wallet
Get all addresses.
getAddresses(String) - Method in interface io.nessus.Wallet
Get addresses for a given label.
getAmount() - Method in class io.nessus.TxOutput
getAmount() - Method in class io.nessus.UTXO
getBalance(String) - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
getBalance(Wallet.Address) - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
getBalance(String) - Method in interface io.nessus.Wallet
Get the balance for a given label
getBalance(Wallet.Address) - Method in interface io.nessus.Wallet
Get the balance for a given address
getBlock(String) - Method in interface io.nessus.Network
Get the block for the given hash
getBlockchain() - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
getBlockchain(Properties, Class<T>) - Static method in class io.nessus.BlockchainFactory
getBlockchain(URL, Class<T>) - Static method in class io.nessus.BlockchainFactory
getBlockchain(Class<T>) - Static method in class io.nessus.BlockchainFactory
getBlockchain() - Static method in class io.nessus.BlockchainFactory
getBlockCount() - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractNetwork
getBlockCount() - Method in interface io.nessus.Network
Get the block count
getBlockHash(Integer) - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractNetwork
getBlockHash(Integer) - Method in interface io.nessus.Network
Get the block hash for the given height
getBlockRate() - Method in interface io.nessus.Network
Get the block rate in seconds
getChangeAddress(String) - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
getChangeAddress(String) - Method in interface io.nessus.Wallet
Get a random change address for a given label.
getChangeAddresses(String) - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
getChangeAddresses(String) - Method in interface io.nessus.Wallet
Get change addresses for a given label
getData() - Method in class io.nessus.TxOutput
getDustThreshold() - Method in interface io.nessus.Network
"Dust" is defined in terms of dustRelayFee, which has units satoshis-per-kilobyte.
getLabels() - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
getLabels() - Method in class io.nessus.Config.Address
getLabels() - Method in interface io.nessus.Wallet.Address
getLabels() - Method in interface io.nessus.Wallet
List available label
getLockedTransaction(String) - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
getMinDataAmount() - Method in interface io.nessus.Network
The minimum amout that must be given to an OP_RETURN output.
getNetwork() - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractBlockchain
getNetwork() - Method in interface io.nessus.Blockchain
getNetworkInfo() - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractNetwork
getNetworkInfo() - Method in interface io.nessus.Network
Returns information about the node’s connection to the network.
getPrivKey() - Method in class io.nessus.Config.Address
getPrivKey() - Method in interface io.nessus.Wallet.Address
getPubKey() - Method in class io.nessus.Config.Address
getRpcClient() - Method in class io.nessus.RpcClientSupport
getScriptPubKey() - Method in class io.nessus.TxInput
getTransaction(String) - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
getTransaction(String) - Method in interface io.nessus.Wallet
Get the transaction for the given Id
getTxId() - Method in class io.nessus.TxInput
getType() - Method in class io.nessus.TxOutput
getUTXOAmount(List<UTXO>) - Static method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
getUTXOAmount(List<UTXO>) - Static method in class io.nessus.testing.AbstractBlockchainTest
getVout() - Method in class io.nessus.TxInput
getWallet() - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractBlockchain
getWallet() - Method in interface io.nessus.Blockchain
getWallet() - Method in class io.nessus.Config


hash() - Method in interface io.nessus.Block
hashCode() - Method in class io.nessus.TxInput
height() - Method in interface io.nessus.Block


importAddresses(Config) - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
importAddresses(Wallet, Class<?>) - Static method in class io.nessus.testing.AbstractBlockchainTest
importAddresses(Config) - Method in interface io.nessus.Wallet
Import addressses from configuration.
input(TxInput) - Method in class io.nessus.Tx.TxBuilder
inputs() - Method in class io.nessus.Tx
inputs(List<TxInput>) - Method in class io.nessus.Tx.TxBuilder
io.nessus - package io.nessus
io.nessus.cmd - package io.nessus.cmd
io.nessus.testing - package io.nessus.testing
io.nessus.utils - package io.nessus.utils
isP2PKH(String) - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
isWatchOnly() - Method in interface io.nessus.Wallet.Address


LABEL_BOB - Static variable in class io.nessus.testing.AbstractBlockchainTest
LABEL_CHANGE - Static variable in interface io.nessus.Wallet
LABEL_MARRY - Static variable in class io.nessus.testing.AbstractBlockchainTest
LABEL_SINK - Static variable in class io.nessus.testing.AbstractBlockchainTest
listLockUnspent(List<Wallet.Address>) - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
listLockUnspent(List<Wallet.Address>) - Method in interface io.nessus.Wallet
List locked UTXOs associated with a list of addresses The lock state of an UTXO is delegated to the underlying wallet implementation and may not survive wallet restart.
listUnspent(String) - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
listUnspent(List<Wallet.Address>) - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
listUnspent(String) - Method in interface io.nessus.Wallet
Get all unspent transaction outputs associated with the given label
listUnspent(List<Wallet.Address>) - Method in interface io.nessus.Wallet
List UTXOs associated with a list of addresses
lockUnspent(UTXO, boolean) - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
lockUnspent(UTXO, boolean) - Method in interface io.nessus.Wallet
Lock an unspent transaction output.
LOG - Variable in class io.nessus.AbstractBlockchain
LOG - Variable in class io.nessus.AbstractNetwork
LOG - Variable in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
LOG - Variable in class io.nessus.testing.AbstractBlockchainTest


merkleRoot() - Method in interface io.nessus.Block


Network - Interface in io.nessus
newAddress(String) - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
newAddress(String) - Method in interface io.nessus.Wallet
Generate new address.
newChangeAddress(String) - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
newChangeAddress(String) - Method in interface io.nessus.Wallet
Generate new change address.
next() - Method in interface io.nessus.Block
nextHash() - Method in interface io.nessus.Block
nonce() - Method in interface io.nessus.Block


output(TxOutput) - Method in class io.nessus.Tx.TxBuilder
output(String, BigDecimal) - Method in class io.nessus.Tx.TxBuilder
outputs() - Method in class io.nessus.Tx
outputs(List<TxOutput>) - Method in class io.nessus.Tx.TxBuilder


parseConfig(URL) - Static method in class io.nessus.Config
previous() - Method in interface io.nessus.Block
previousHash() - Method in interface io.nessus.Block


redeemChange(String, Wallet.Address) - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
RPC_CLIENT_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class io.nessus.BlockchainFactory
RpcClientSupport - Class in io.nessus
RpcClientSupport(BitcoindRpcClient) - Constructor for class io.nessus.RpcClientSupport


selectUnspent(String, BigDecimal) - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
selectUnspent(List<Wallet.Address>, BigDecimal) - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
selectUnspent(String, BigDecimal) - Method in interface io.nessus.Wallet
Select a list of unspent transaction outputs that satisfy the requested amount
selectUnspent(List<Wallet.Address>, BigDecimal) - Method in interface io.nessus.Wallet
Select a list of unspent transaction outputs that satisfy the requested amount
sendFromLabel(String, String, BigDecimal) - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
sendFromLabel(String, String, BigDecimal) - Method in interface io.nessus.Wallet
Sends funds that are associated with a given label to an address
sendRawTransaction(String) - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
sendToAddress(String, BigDecimal) - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
sendToAddress(String, BigDecimal) - Method in interface io.nessus.Wallet
Sends funds from the default account to an address
sendTx(Tx) - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
sendTx(Tx) - Method in interface io.nessus.Wallet
Send a raw transaction to the network
setLabels(List<String>) - Method in interface io.nessus.Wallet.Address
setType(String) - Method in class io.nessus.TxOutput
showAccountBalances() - Method in class io.nessus.testing.AbstractBlockchainTest
signRawTx(String, List<TxInput>) - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
size() - Method in interface io.nessus.Block
splitLabels(String) - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
StreamUtils - Class in io.nessus.utils
subtractFee(BigDecimal) - Method in class io.nessus.testing.AbstractBlockchainTest


time() - Method in interface io.nessus.Block
toBytes(InputStream) - Static method in class io.nessus.utils.StreamUtils
toString() - Method in class io.nessus.Config.Address
toString() - Method in class io.nessus.Config
toString() - Method in class io.nessus.Config.WalletConfig
toString() - Method in class io.nessus.Tx
toString() - Method in class io.nessus.TxInput
toString() - Method in class io.nessus.TxOutput
toString() - Method in class io.nessus.UTXO
tx() - Method in interface io.nessus.Block
Tx - Class in io.nessus
Tx.TxBuilder - Class in io.nessus
TxBuilder() - Constructor for class io.nessus.Tx.TxBuilder
txId(String) - Method in class io.nessus.Tx.TxBuilder
txId() - Method in class io.nessus.Tx
TxInput - Class in io.nessus
TxInput(String, Integer, String) - Constructor for class io.nessus.TxInput
TxOutput - Class in io.nessus
TxOutput(String, BigDecimal) - Constructor for class io.nessus.TxOutput
TxOutput(String, BigDecimal, byte[]) - Constructor for class io.nessus.TxOutput


unspentInputs(List<UTXO>) - Method in class io.nessus.Tx.TxBuilder
updateAddress(Wallet.Address, List<String>) - Method in class io.nessus.AbstractWallet
UTXO - Class in io.nessus
UTXO(String, Integer, String, String, BigDecimal) - Constructor for class io.nessus.UTXO


version() - Method in interface io.nessus.Block


Wallet - Interface in io.nessus
Wallet.Address - Interface in io.nessus
WalletConfig() - Constructor for class io.nessus.Config.WalletConfig
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