Graphene Implementation 1.0.0.CR3

Package org.jboss.arquillian.ajocado.waiting.conditions

Class Summary
AlertEquals Implementation of Condition for waiting if alert is shown and its message has has given value.
AlertPresent Implementation of Condition for waiting, if an alert is present on the page.
AttributeEquals Implementation of Condition for waiting if element's attribute given by attributeLocator has value equal to given value.
AttributePresent Implementation of Condition for waiting, if given element's attribute is already present on the page.
CountEquals Implementation of Condition for waiting if count of elements with given locator is equal to given count.
ElementNotPresent Implementation of Condition for waiting, if given element is already present on the page.
ElementNotVisible Implementation of Condition for waiting until given element is not displayed.
ElementPresent Implementation of Condition for waiting, if given element is already present on the page.
ElementVisible Implementation of Condition for waiting until given element is displayed.
StyleEquals Implementation of Condition for waiting if element given by elementLocator has given CSS style property's value equal to given value.
TextEquals Implementation of Condition for waiting if element given by elementLocator has text equal to given text.

Graphene Implementation 1.0.0.CR3

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